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Everything posted by knitgrl

  1. You all are so genteel with your "chipped beef on toast." My dad always called it "sh!t on a shingle." 😆
  2. If you have Kool Aid, it needs to be served out of a Tupperware pitcher
  3. Exercises for Day 3 completed.
  4. The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings has a wonderful narrator. I don't remember his name, though. When ds24 was about 10, we listened to some of the Mitford series by Jan Karon. The narrator for that is amazing, as well.
  5. Read Aloud Revival has some good book lists.
  6. Carrot cake was invented in the 70s.
  7. Today is better than yesterday in terms of energy, but not exactly ideal. I completed Day 2 of the exercises the center gave me, and was glad that it was pretty short overall. I even did some stretching afterwards that I skipped yesterday.
  8. Ds24 wanted these in the worst way when they first came out, but I was the mean mom who said, "No! That's weird! You should not be able to drink yogurt. Also, it should not be technicolor." Because I said no to Trix yogurt as well.
  9. How wonderful that your DIL has a good relationship with you and feels safe coming to you when she's upset. Obviously, the rest of the story stinks, but this aspect of it is beautiful.
  10. This is what my oncologist recommended for my chemically-induced menopause, with dryness being super exacerbated by chemo. I found it works well.
  11. Not a great day, energy-wise. I went in for my mammogram; everything looks good, so I'm happy about that. The exercises the cancer center gave me are divided into days 1, 2, & 3. I completed Day 1, doing 2 sets of almost everything. It left me pretty tired, so I am having dd13 pull dinner together.
  12. Ds24's favorite school lunch circa 2005 was pancakes, tater tots and applesauce. 😂
  13. Went to the cancer exercise class. I have four more left. Leg press at 130lbs and the arm pull thingy at 67.5. They gave me a new workout routine to do at home, so we'll see how that goes. Also got my orthotic repositioned today. Hopefully, it will do what it is supposed to. I find it difficult to communicate with the woman who does the fitting. I don't think I am a whiny-pants, but she was very defensive and argumentative and it's just hard because this stupid foot thing is just about going to put me over the edge. Cancer + treatment has been fine. It's the minor foot swelling that has trashed my motivation and reduced me to tears. Thinking I might self-medicate with a tiny glass of Kahlua and high quality dark chocolate this evening. Tomorrow is another day to begin again.
  14. My grandmother had one of those boxes; I don't recall it being insulated. In the '40s and '50s when she would have used it, milk was not homogenized - the cream was left on top. I wonder if that might have slowed spoilage a little. I'm guessing people would've been unhappy if the milk went bad right away and they would have come up with a be different solution if it had been a problem.
  15. Dh uses permethrin. He sprays clothes outside or in the barn, and lets clothes hang overnight in the barn. It's never wet anywhere near our living area.
  16. And I thought we were the only weirdos who had a preference for brown noise. 🤣
  17. Not feeling terribly energetic today, but did my dumbbell workout anyway.
  18. Hopefully someone else will chime in with an actual helpful suggestion, but I think it would be easier to find a unicorn than what you describe.
  19. You are absolutely right, and therein lies the joke.
  20. Graphic novels? It's not all superheroes. There are many non-fiction titles out there. My ds loves the Nathan Hale series.
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