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Everything posted by knitgrl

  1. I had a meeting to go to early this evening, about 5 miles away from my house, so I rode my bike there. It took almost 30 minutes, so I asked dh to pick me up. He's left the bike trailer on our main vehicle all summer, so transporting the bike wasn't a big deal.
  2. Bleah. That familiar fatigue is starting to set in with the new pills. I have a few weeks to think about if this is an acceptable level of tiredness for the next two years. So while I really did not feel like going out for a walk after dinner, I managed to walk a mile, and am slightly less tired than when I started out.
  3. Dh has long had concerns about privacy and security on the Internet. We use fastmail. We pay because we have a domain attached to it. I don't set any of this stuff up, so I can't give any details. I just use whatever he tells me to use, and get annoyed when he decides to change it, lol. This is their help page: https://www.fastmail.help/hc/en-us/categories/1500000036522-Setup
  4. I found this. Who could not love the super-cute pineapple? https://homeandgardendigest.com/15-crochet-amigurumi-fruits-free-patterns/
  5. Not Guam, but it's taken well over a month for a letter to get to NY from Brazil.
  6. I was going to suggest amigurumi, as well. So cute!
  7. I had never heard of him before last night, but I appreciate his take on the Barbie movie as well, though I like his small town bit better.
  8. This came up in my YouTube feed, which of course made me think of this thread. (ETA, there is cussing in this bit.) Speaking of stop lights, before GPS, we once stopped by a certain town hall in rural WNY to ask for directions. "Drive down the road that way and take a left once it gets all city-like." You want to know what made it all city-like? A flashing red light, with a farm house on the corner.
  9. Dd and I had talked about puberty before, but when it came, I took the morning off from school the next day, and she and I went to a coffee shop for fancy drinks and then hung out and we talked about whatever was on her mind. She had my full attention, so she could ask whatever questions she wanted to without any interruptions from her younger siblings.
  10. Found! Four were in a basket I neglected to look at in the living room, one in ds's room and one was in the dining room. I get uptight about losing one book, which is more or less a normal state of affairs for us; losing six of them at once is just more than I can handle with any kind of grace.
  11. Yep. Mostly for one particular child. And usually after we've paid for the book. 🫤 That child now pays for those books.
  12. Excellent suggestion, but would require that I can remember anything that far back, lol. After 4 kids, I find there are just so many things I can't remember that I used to. I think too much brain energy was devoted to knowing where pacifiers and the like had ended up.
  13. I think I am going to lose my ever-living mind. Several weeks ago, I got a few books from the library to go along with history for ds9 and dd8. Do you think I can find them ANYWHERE? No, no I cannot. Not under the couch. Not in the book bin where library books should go. Not in the pile on the coffee table or any other pile in the living room. They have completely disappeared. They have probably been read. I don't know. Atm, I am on the verge of banning said children from prematurely reading any book that goes with a particular school subject. Maybe chaining them to the couch?
  14. Stretching with dh at noon. I took a brisk 10 minute walk, followed by some strength training, which I bumped up to 3 sets. I had to reduce the weight from 8lbs to 5 in July because it just took too much out of me, which was discouraging. If I feel ok tomorrow, I plan on trying 8lbs next week.
  15. Different stretches with dh. 20 minutes walking.
  16. I would not make a good nurse or doctor. I see injuries, and just imagine what it would feel like and I just couldn't deal with that on a regular basis.
  17. While I did do some exercise in July, I did not post much. The chemo pills hit me pretty hard. I got what one care worker called a "vacation" from them for almost three weeks. I am now on day 6 of a lower dose. So far, so good, but I will better know how they effect me by the end of the month. My goal this month is to walk most days and get in some strength training 2-3 times per week. Dh has found a woman on youtube who has a short series of stretches that hit most all of your body, and we have managed to do those together 2-3 times a week. Today I can report some stretching and strength training.
  18. We stopped spelling as a subject in 6th or 7th grade. If she's a decent speller, maybe you don't need to do it?
  19. The only time ds has attempted to read a novel was a Redwall book, but despite trying a number of times, he never got far because it was just too dense. Today was our first day of school, and for a "Welcome Back to School" gift, I gave him The Capture. He is so excited about it and wanted to read more than just the 30min. I had assigned him. I'm so glad there are more in the series. Thanks for the recommendation, Lori!
  20. Teaching the Classics has had a number of fans here on the forum over the years. Try googling some old threads. This thread is not so old:
  21. When I lost my hair from chemo, I would reference her. The young nurses taking care of me had no idea who she was. 😕
  22. I've either designed it myself, or used 4-H materials.
  23. Maybe it's the different alphabet that she finds appealing/interesting? Given who we are, me with a very WASPy background and my cradle Catholic dh, and where we live, which is rural and not particularly diverse, her interest has come out of left field. The few Yiddish words that have filtered through popular culture I think are wonderful. I have found, "Oi vey," to be a very useful expression. Schlep is a great verb I use with some frequency for all the things I don't want to do.
  24. Ed McMahon, Johnny Carson's sidekick, of course.
  25. Yep. I might have to pull the mean mom card. I am not at all fluent in Spanish, but took 6 years of it between high school and college. I'm pretty sure I can get her through a preliminary course and send her to a tutor for the second year. And maybe we'll visit the Yiddish museum in the future since we have family out that way.
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