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Everything posted by HeatherLynn

  1. My hair is long because I look, um, manly with shorter hair. My DD has long hair because we just think it looks better. My DH is also of the belief that all women look better with long hair and were created by God to be that way. It upsets him greatly if my DD or I cut our hair to shoulders or above. GREATLY. So, we keep it long.
  2. My hair is long because I look, um, manly with shorter hair. My DD has long hair because we just think it looks better. My DH is also of the belief that all women look better with long hair and were created by God to be that way. It upsets him greatly if my DD or I cut our hair to shoulders or above. GREATLY. So, we keep it long.
  3. I am starting her out in this as she really wanted to do it. Anyhow, should I invest in the lapbook CD's or just do the notebooking? She is wanting to do 1 chapter a week for the summer, and I am okay with that. When we got the book in the other day she sat down and read 3 chapters right away. I actually had to put the book away to keep her out of it. I know, that is just NOT RIGHT but I want her to really enjoy it the first time around and really sink her teeth in. If she reads it now, it will bore her to go through it again. Maybe she'll get through it even quicker. I don't know.
  4. I had two children and one on the way when I FINALLY went to college (as a single Mom). I certainly reccomend waiting until post college for children. Marriage, maybe, but children, try to wait. JMHO.
  5. ConnieB, I know you are right. I will try some of your suggestions. I forgot to add that I will put them IN things and I am fine (spaghetti I LOVE loaded with veggies) and in omelets. Thank you everyone.
  6. That is the funny thing, I DO grow them or get them from farmers market. I do like homegrown better.
  7. I have a couple of other forums I post on regularly. One is LifeAmongFriends and the other is FertileThoughts. There is one more, but you have to be really thick-skinned and tolerant to go there, so if you want the link, PM me. Websites outside forums are MySpace, FaceBook, My college website, and random other places I like craigslist way too much :tongue_smilie:
  8. Well, that is not completely true. I love them on a burger, I love them deep fried, I love them covered in butter, I love them covered in cheese, I love them dipped in ranch dressing. I also love them wrapped in bacon. I love sweet peas and corn right out of the can, but other than that, only if cooked with a roast or something. It's getting worse. I took a bite of steamed broccoli today and about gagged. I HATE healthy veggies. I used to at least like them a little, but not now. I'd rather starve. So, what to do???
  9. My DH was one of the mindset that it takes TWO incomes to make a family work these days. Well, I worked like that and also did everything at home (read as this: DH did nothing but work, fish, hunt, and live the life). I got very sick from overdoing it and ended up in the hospital. That changed DH view on things. He wanted me to stay home so I could be healthy. I have been home for 7 months now, and he is so happy. He said he can't imagine me ever going back to work full time (I still work 3 or 4 weekend shifts a month) and he wishes I would come home for good. (I work because I make good money and working just a couple of shifts provides me with spending money to buy MY things.) Anyhow, our budget is tight. We do not have 6 months income in the bank. If we were waiting for that, I would NEVER be able to come home. We just had to take the leap of faith. Guess what? It HAS been fine. DH even got a 58% paycut, but we are okay. Learning to live differently, but we are happier than ever. I received a piece of advice a few years ago, and it so rings true: "Sometimes the money you make isn't worth the price you pay".
  10. I use buttermilk ranch, grapes halved (whatever kind I have on hand), celery, red onion, salt, pepper, and cilantro. I have used tarragon before and I like it too, and curry.
  11. So, I finally got my copy of TWTM and I couldn't wait to sink my teeth in it. Now while reading I realize I have missed to boat on DD. Even on little DS, I haven't done a lot of what I should have been doing. He is easier though...no big deal. However, here I am with a DD coming out of PS who does not have: ~The grammar foundation she should have, as a matter of fact, I do not even know WHERE she is. ~Much of a history background except American. That is all she has studied at school. She is going to be starting on a 7th grade level in Math, but everything else 6th (I hope). What test can I use to see where I need to start her in grammar? She reads very well, she writes well (except for spelling, which is horrible), she is a science junkie, and catches things really quickly. Last night when I was quizzing her on what a pronoun and adverb etc. were, she could not tell me. I remember her doing these in school. Obviously, she did just enough to get through it and moved on. I am so mad and feel like I have done her a dis-service by not HS her from day one. :(
  12. What a great gift they are giving out of their devastation. Many prayers for this family.
  13. That is funny, and oh so true. As for the bolded, you are so RIGHT. Look at the average span of a committed gay relationship and then compare it to hetero marriages. People let their fears speak or follow the crowd of others around them. Path of least resistance. Follow in with all the others that are taking things at face value, not digging deep to look into the true beauty of our creation.
  14. I couldn't agree more. I get the impression that other believe you are lost if you don't believe their interpretation of the Bible. I know Jesus as my savior and I train up my children in his ways. It's that same type of holier-than-though attitude that turns those in need of Christ away. I used to BE one of them, until prayer and soul searching opened my eyes. :iagree: And in the Bible, the greatest commandment we have is to LOVE. When you follow any statement by "yes, BUT" you are negating everything prior. So, Love fully and completely to your neighbor as you love yourself.
  15. ASk a doctor what THEY think about learning latin? Or a lawyer? Or a scientist. Yes, Latin is important. She just may not think it is because she doesn't know any better.
  16. They have left mine alone. They ate all my jalapenos, cantaloupe, okra, and cucumbers though.
  17. What? What is this "swine flu" you speak of? Kidding... It never has worried me. I still insist on regular and thorough hand cleaning. Same as before, same as I will when it is gone again. Lets talk about all the people who die from MRSA every year. Now THERE is something scary.
  18. What challenges do you speak of? What concerns were not addressed? Like I said, this thread has come down to "choice vs. biology" and there will be no answers for those who believe differently. I am a traditionalist who happens to believe that the majority of homosexuals are born that way. I believe their brains to be a different gender than their bodies.
  19. Good post And by saying this it makes what this woman did acceptable? Do unto others... Exactly...this is the difference. Some of *us* believe it is not a choice, and others believe it is a choice. However, I don't know how any one could justify hatred even if they themselves do not support a particular group. I do my best to be kind to everyone and let the love of Christ shine through me. If I were on a bus full of traditionally garbed Middle Easterners, I would smile and try to talk with them and learn from them, also letting them learn from me. For me to glare at them because of what some people that resembled them had done and teach my children that they are all bad is inexcusable. They are human's worthy of my love and kindness. Just as Christ views them. I don't think so. I wasn't trying to say this was the only comparison, I was just using an example we could all wrap our minds around. I just am floored that people think certain types of hatred are okay, and then look themselves in the mirror and think it is okay. If it is not okay in one instance, it is not okay in another.
  20. I say that there should NEVER be tolerance of hate. Who in their right mind thinks that we should tolerate hate? Tolerance of one's beliefs is one thing. Outright hatred is another. Think of it this way. The train is loaded with black people, and the Mom and the little girl are making racial slurs and clearly expressing their hatred of the other race. IS that somehow worse? NO! They are both equally as sickening and gut wrenching. No excuse at all for hatred.
  21. For the most part we get along just fine. We have had disagreements on DS asperger's and the treatment we rpefer, but all in all he is a good Dad and wants what is best for them both. So that is the only REAL requirement I have. The rest we have to agree on for the kid's sake.
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