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Everything posted by HeatherLynn

  1. I don't know, but if you look at the job sites and search for job that require an MBA, it appears it is still very much in demand. I am going for my MBA right now.
  2. I am sorry if I said anything that came across as judgemental or harsh. I was just trying to say that maybe the issues you have can be worked out and you wan't have to deal with potential custody issues. I think sometomes we need others to point out things we may not see our self. Everyone needs some self examination once in a while. When someone is busy saying "he he he" or "she she she", there is a huge lack of "me me me". In every situation there is a "me" element. She told us SHE is miserable because she misses home and has no friends. She is miserable because her house is not what she wants it to be. Her relationship is in trouble. The only way she sees to fix that is to leave, and others were just trying to point out other options, and maybe help her see another way out.
  3. I can;t find this stuff ANYWHERE!! For two days my co-workers and I have been scouring Ft. Worth to find some...no luck. *hmph*
  4. As a teen I was REALLY attracted to older men. By that, I mean about 10-15 years older. They were usually interested back. Now that I look back, I think "What was WRONG with them?". I think in some isntances there is a true connection and potential for a true relationship. Sometimes, it seems purely for sexual reasons. I would not trust anyman that was a senior of my daughter by more than four years until I really knew his intentions. Even then, I am adressing her as an adult. No way before she is 18.
  5. And that is your right. As long as you are happy with it that way, then good for you. No one needs to make those decisions for anyone else. For us, I am afraid we would not function well without these thigns. The expense is one we refuse to do without. We will make other consessions first. I recently backed our phone plans down as far as I could and still get all the things we need, and our bill dropped from $285/month to $160/month (5 lines, 900 anytime minutes, unlimited texting and data). We do not have a home line (cut that expense) and the kids are not allowed to talk to anyone but other AT&T unless it is night/weekend (free minutes) So, they text instead. Like someone else said, we are a VERY techie family though. High speed internet is a must for us also, as I take my college course online. We have 5 computers in our home. 1 desk top and 4 laptops. Also, I find email and text so much easier for short conversations. It allows you to be short and to the point, and also gives the other person time to respond when it is conveineint for them. I cannot stand someone calling me over and over. Text me or send an email. Obviously I cannot or do not want to talk sometimes, but that does not mean I do not want to conversate...I can text while I read a book or play with my toddler. A phone call stops those thigngs.
  6. My plan has unlimited texting for all lines ($25/month). I do not monitor their texting much. Every now and then I pick up a phone and read what they have recieved and sent. Never anything I was concerned about. They can text anytime they have free time. Not during chores, not during meals, and not when having a conversation with an adult. Also, if they get late night texts, they text their friends and say something like "You're gonna get me in trouble, please don't text me after 9". My DD texts lilke CRAZY in her free time. Silly things like "what song is on the radio?" "What about now" and all her little girlfriends are the same way. As long as it is not interfering with anything else, I don't care.
  7. Why do you fight? Is it because you are projecting your misery of your living situation on him? Does he pick fights? Do you pick fights? What is the background behind the fighting? When a man feels down on himself because he is not providing the way he should, he is often defensive. Also, if you are miserable and you let him know it, I am sure he doesn't feel respected or loved and that can make things harsh. Then you fight and it makes you feel unrespected and unloved, and that is hard on you. It is a cycle, no matter where it starts, someone has to end it. Have you tried responding differently? Have you talked during a calm moment about ways to not fight? Ditto. My first marriage did end, but due to infidelity on his part and him not wanting to be married anymore. My current marriage ALMOST ended. We were separated. However, I am glad we worked it out and found ways to respect each other better. It was worth it. Sounds to me like you need to also look in the mirror. He is tryingt o resolve and you are calling him stupid. Sounds like you are not willing to listen to his feelings, and I am sure that is frustrating (frustration often = anger, especially in men). What tension will be created if you leave? trading one sorce of tension for another does not ease anything. I agree, and there are MANY avenues for free counseling. Even the library has books on conflict resolution. Dr. Phils relationship books. SOMETHING. I think the bolded is the real issue at hand. The rest is just fluff. I agree with everything I quoted from FlockOfSillies
  8. There is a new movement with child custody where one parent may not take the children outside of a touching county radius to live unless there is good reason (not just because you don't like it there). No matter what the laws state, the judge has ultimate say so. If he took you to court, they could very well restrict you to the area, or give him custody. Also, you wou ld have to use TN court system if you moved since that is where residency is established and if you lived in another state they are more likely to side with the resident of their state and not someone that couldn't stand the place. Judges are VERY MUCH more father friendly than they used to be. Ask me how I know.
  9. The "I Love Boobs" shirt is over the top. Save the ta-ta's doesn't bother me so much.
  10. I have to agree. Our society is a higly technological one. Although I still believe it important to be proficient with traditional communication means, electronic media is the main medium for these communications now. As parents, I feel it is our job to teach them to use these advances to their advantage. Email today is like pen pals of yesterday. My children (older 3) each have their own email and at a certain age even social networking site. I monitor their accounts and usage and we utilize other benefits of high security to make sure they have "safe" internet usage time. Each child (again, not the 3 year old) has their own cell phone and we have unlimited texting. I would rather text or email than talk most of the time. I want my kids to be in step with the technology of today. I just want them to remain safe while doing so.
  11. My kids are allowed 1 hour of non-educational TV a day on weekdays, and 2 hours a day if we are home on a weekend day. This is outside of movies, they can watch a full movie or two on weekends. Educational TV is unlimited (that includes animal planet, national geographic, history channel, etc)
  12. When I read your post, I was thinking it sounded a little like extrensic asthma. http://www.buteyko.co.nz/asthma/facts/types.cfm Asthma feels like different things to different people. Sometimes it is wheezing, some asthmatics never wheeze. Sometimes it is coughing, and sometimes there is no cough. Sometimes it is a general tightness in the chest and not moving as much air. If I were you I would have a pulmonary function test (PFT) scheduled. That should give you your answer.
  13. Yes, I can appeal and plan on it. I have the letter written up and it has to be in by Tuesday. They will get me a decision on Wednesday. I don't care what they decide, she has camp and will be attending it instead. :D I guess iti s a Texas thing. So happy to be getting away from PS. I just regret not doing it sooner.
  14. I agree that people are seeing it like that. And to some extent, it is a choice. Sometimes it is not a choice. I am really overweight now, yet I have made NO changes in the way I eat and have eaten for my 33 years on this planet. I have the same activity level. It is just as I get older, apparently my metabolism changed and I am getting fatter. I am MISERABLE changing my eating. I am happier being overweight. So, did I CHOOSE for my metabolism to slow down?
  15. I agree, I don't thinkt he OP was judging. She was just posing a question for discussion. I am obese. 5 years ago I was not. I am treated VERY differently today than I was back then. In general seem to respect people and hold in higher regard those that are not heavy. For a lot of people, seeing one overweight= a slob with too little of mind to exercise self control. If they have too little of mind for that, they must be stupid all around. Of course it is unjustified, and of course it is not true. However, it is the way many people treat those of us who are overweight. In one of my classes I was taking recently, it talked about a study done that concluded in the business world, people who were overweight were 85% more likely to be passed over if a thinner applicant had adequete skills for the job, even if the overweight person was better qualified.
  16. So, what do you think about printing off a couple of articles on homeschooling and including them with their end of the year thank you card? LOL
  17. I have the curriculum guide to that show. I will actually be selling it cheap in a few days if anyone is interested. :D
  18. Ditto At my house they do. If they don't eat, they can go hungry. I am not a fast food cook and I do not cater. However, there are some things one of my children don't like that everyone else does, and when I make those things, I make something with the meal the other child will eat. I am not cruel. Like my oldest hates stew. So, on those nights we have salad and stew, and he eats salad.
  19. Yeah, but I WILL not break DD heart by not allowing her to be in the first musical she has a part in. It is Thursday night, Friday is the last day of official school. I guess I will pull her out friday. I feel like these teachers need an education in HS.
  20. Dublin Dr. Pepper (always available here, and online) uses pure cane sugar. LOVE IT! I am happy to know about MD. I LOVE that stuff! Pepsi TB too.
  21. DD is still in PS, as she wanted to finish her year out. They have this thing where if they missed so many days, they have to come back for 10 days of summer school. Well, DD had Whooping cough and missed 9 days of school, so she has to go. DD is very upset about it, so I decided I would withdraw her the last official day of school. She let her teachers know she would not be there (I wish she had not, it is none of their concern). Her teachers kind of ganged up on her telling her "fine, we'll see you in the 5th grade again next year". DD told them she was going to be homeschooled until college. To that they replied with different remarks about her having to come back and do 5th grade again or she wouldn't get into college, about how homeschooling will make her be behind the other kids, and how she won't grow up to be what she wants to be if she is homeschooled. DD was not shaken so much, just wanted me to reassure her they were wrong. Now, what do I say to them? Their principal is out so he is not an option. (He flaked out and disappeared Monday...to be found Tuesday wandering in a bookstore in Waco. So, there is NO principal or assistant. VERY small school.) She wants to do the spring musical and field day or I'd just pull her out now. I am so angry with these teachers who are obviously uneducated in HS.
  22. I am so new to all of this. I ordered the new WTM and am awaiting it's arrival. Does it correspond with CM or are they very different styles? I had decided on TOG, but now I am rethinking and leaning towards WP. I am so confused as to what is best for my family.
  23. I just ordered my WTM this week, I am waiting for it to come in. I am new to this so I don't know what all it entails, so I don't know how close to the letter we will follow it. I am excited though.
  24. My DD was in horrible pain, she was 5. She found that warm stuff made them hurt a lot less than cold stuff. 7 days out her babysitter gave her cookies & cream ice cream. Her scabs fell off too early and we ended up back in the hospital for cauterization. So, advice from me: even if it is soft, make sure it has no hard pieces in it. That was no fun.
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