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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. This is all very confusing...we currently have a cable modem for our Internet (Comcast) and we have a network router in place for our family computers. So how can I hook into my existing network and still go wireless? And where does the Airport fit into all this? Can I use the Airport in conjunction to what is already set up for our network? :lol: Lucinda
  2. Mine is a brand new MacBook. Guess I should get out the user manual and take a look? :lol: I just assumed that I had to buy more stuff...but you say all I need to do is buy a router? Lucinda
  3. I am a bit behind the times, but hey -- I'm sure I'm not the only one. What's the most economical way to go wireless? I have an amazing Mac laptop and would love to access the Internet without all the cords. I'd really love to take it anywhere and have Internet access, but I know that would be pretty expensive. What equipment do you use and roughly what was the cost? Blessings, Lucinda
  4. Sounds wonderful! Enjoy your evening. I'd love to go to a praise night...we belong to a home fellowship on Sunday nights and really love it. Blessings, Lucinda
  5. With our family history I can say from experience that sleep patterns are critical when it comes to mental health. Getting enough sleep and going to bed at regular times is more important than I can stress for people that struggle with depression. This, along with eating properly and getting exercise, will help a great deal. My sons psychiatrist stated emphatically that whenever ds's sleep patterns are off, it is a sign that something is going wrong. We have stuck to this as a hard and fast rule when it comes to his mental health. Blessings, Lucinda
  6. How about a roasted chicken or meat loaf? Sounds like some protein would be nice with the dishes you've mentioned. Or, maybe a tossed green salad with cheese and cubed meat of some sort. I'm getting hungry and its going on midnight. Guess I'd better get off the boards and go to bed. :tongue_smilie: Blessings, Lucinda
  7. I REALLY like your initial plan and agree with most of the other posters. Counseling may or may not help, and chances are that the advice will be to do the very things you are already planning to do. At least if you start out with your ds going through these steps you may be able to head off the problem early and without drugs. On the other hand, if you end up with a kid on anti-depressants, don't be discouraged. There are some people (incuding myself) that really need the chemical balance that meds helps achieve. As one who has suffered from depression since being a teen, and also the mother of a son with Bipolar and depressive bouts, I have to say that it is WONDERFUL that he has talked to you about this and that you are there to help him through it. You know you can't save him, he ultimately has to step up to seek treatment freely of his own will and follow through with the prescribed regimine. But he is so blessed to have you there to address this issue early in his life. I wish my dm would have done for me what you are doing for your ds. God bless you as you seek answers to this situation, and do remember that there is great power in prayer. Blessings, Lucinda
  8. I lived in Vancouver for awhile years ago, and now one of my sons and his family live there. We are currently about 50 miles from Vancouver. Vancouver is more like a bedroom community off Portland, but with the added niceties of being in Washington State -- which is a great state btw. The area is an all around great place to live, and for all the reasons that have already been listed. Yes, there is a sales tax and yes, it does rain up here, but there are some pretty amazing trade offs. There are reasons that so many Californians have relocated up north you know! :001_smile: In this part of the country there is so much to choose from when it comes to recreation and education. You are near the ocean beaches, the mountains, not too far from the deserts of eastern Oregon and Washington, there are wonderful lakes - and on and on. If you think you might love the great outdoors, camping, fishing, hiking, swimming, horseback riding, etc., etc. then you will be in for a real treat. I hope dh gets the job! :auto: Blessings, Lucinda
  9. That is a genius idea about the directions to friend's houses. Thanks for the tips! Lucinda
  10. I started using electronic forms awhile back and then started to realize that in case of power outage or a real disaster of some sort I might be out of luck. I'm not going back to paper for every single thing, but for some items I'm sticking with hard copies. This notebook is one of those things. Like I said, I want to be able to grab it and run if I have to. Also, I want my family to be able to access a lot of this information in one handy, convenient place. The notebook and our fireproof box will serve the bill. Blessings, Lucinda
  11. I realize now that my earlier color calibration input didn't fit this situation, but do keep it in mind for future reference. In the meantime, I want to encourage you to do what you are doing by settling amicably between yourselves first. If you don't get satisfaction, then do make a complaint to eBay. This insures that people don't get away with misrepresenting items in the future. I've done quite a bit of buying and selling on eBay over the years and have had 99% positive experiences with it. Unless we blow the whistle on people that take advantage of others, it won't remain the great marketplace that it has been for everyone. Blessings, Lucinda
  12. Like minds, right? My house is not all that disorganized, but my desk is the problem. I guess when it comes to some things I am a frustrated perfectionist....you know, you want it to be perfectly in line but give up when you realize you can't keep it that way all the time. Sheeee! :lol: But alas there is hope. I think that even an INFJ can change her ways if she wants to badly enough. I forgot about Donnayoung.com, so I will go there and check it out too. Thanks for the suggestions, ladies. Anyone else think of something that should be included in my notebook?
  13. Thank you for sharing your experience on the boards, and especially in this post. Thanks to SWB, JW, this great forum and people like you, I have great examples and guidance to follow as I homeschool my own dd (09). Reading your post is a delight and inspiration, and it reminds me of why I'm making this huge effort to raise and educate my little girl in the way we have chosen. Blessings, Lucinda
  14. Me too! I don't use mind that often, but when I do I really love it. I think one of the real benefits of it is that the pasta is uniform in size and shape. We sometimes have a get together with friends and have dinner all prepared except the pasta. Then we gather around the counter together, roll out the pasta, cook it (it's very fast) and serve it up fresh with the dinner from there. People think it's fun and interesting and it is always a hit. There are never any leftovers when we fix fresh pasta! Blessings, Lucinda
  15. Hi Nakia, I don't know if this is the case or not, but I wanted to point out that you cannot depend on what you see on your monitor to be the true color of an item. Every computer monitor is calibrated and many of us never check to see how accurate the color of our computer display is to real life. Digital cameras are also calibrated to display color -- so by the time it goes from real life, to the digital image, to the computer and to your monitor, the color displays sometimes very different than it really is. Maybe the seller is really busy with other auctions, day job, etc. and just doesn't want to deal with your request. Not very nice of them, but that is probably the case. Since you bid on the item and won, you are ethically obligated to go through with the purchase. I think the previous posts are correct -- if you get it and are disappointed, then PayPal insures your satisfaction or money back. I hope it ends up being a good fit for dd's room after all. Blessings, Lucinda
  16. Being a typical INFJ, my desk is almost always a mess. I am trying to get to the place where I'm a little more together - especially with the important details. I am going to create a household notebook with as much in one place as I can reasonably gather. The idea is that if there was a fire or emergency, I want to be able to grab the notebook and run. I know that a number of you have posted about household notebooks in the past, so I thought I'd ask about this again. I think some of the newbys would appreciate the info as well. So what all do you put in your household notebook? How do you organize and keep the information in your notebook? Thanks everyone! Blessings, Lucinda
  17. BTW, when I suggested retreat centers or campgrounds, I (of course) meant suitable space just for your family. I am a member of the Free Methodist Church for instance and would have access to use of a cabin at our conference's center or even a conference center in another state. The cost for this is very reasonable, so I'm wondering if it isn't one good option for you if you also have connections with a church. Some of these places also advertise to the public as well. Blessings, Lucinda
  18. I work one full day per week as an art teacher at a private Classical school. I love my job and the students at the school. It is a great environment and compliments what I am doing at home with my daughter. On my outside work day, dd is home doing assignments while Grandma oversees that it is done. Once in awhile I take some freelance graphic design projects and I also manage a website for a friend's non-profit ministry. I'm able to space this all around our studies and fortunately stay at home to do it. We all seem to do what we have to do to make homeschooling work. That's the beauty of it! Blessings, Lucinda
  19. Must be state regulated amounts. We live in the PNW where the cost of living is a bit higher than Florida. Dh is receiving $446 a week until he goes back to work - hopefully next week. Blessings, Lucinda
  20. One thing that came to mind was the possiblity of you finding a church retreat center. If you are members of any certain denomination, often there are campgrounds or retreat centers available to you that can be rented for low price -- especially if it is off season. Another resource you may check out is http://nwcheapsleeps.org/. I haven't used them to locate anything myself, but they do a lot of advertising here locally. In the meantime, I will keep my eyes and ears open. Blessings, Lucinda
  21. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: I'd only add Timberdoodle to the list for the sake of variety - especially for electives. Blessings, Lucinda
  22. I ordered the combo set for the 50 states geography notebooks and one notebooking set for copywork. I got a 25% discount for my first order and spent a total of $17 and some change. What I got was well worth it! Each of the state notebooks include 37 printable pages, and the copywork pages are plentiful and very cute. I think you can spend a lot or a little at their site and be satisfied. Blessings, Lucinda
  23. Our family tradition is to do something different every year, and we definitely don't have parties every year. Some years we go the full route and invite guests to our home or have a party at a special location with lots of friends and family, but some of the best ones have been doing things like you are doing this year or taking one friend along with Mom for a day at the beach, etc. On the day of the birthday the person of honor gets to pick out what's for dinner, but other than that they get a gift and whatever activity we planned in advance. Birthdays don't have to be too detailed in order to be fun and special. Blessings, Lucinda
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