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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. We found our postcards at a local one stop shopping type of store similar to Walmart. The clerk was pretty blown away by how many we bought, but the price was pretty reasonable. Yes, thanks so much to all who have been sending postcards. Please keep them coming! Blessings, Lucinda
  2. Thanks so much for the input and suggestions. I got so much positive information from each of you. After looking further and having conversations with moms over on the TOG forum, I have decided to go with EG. From what I'm hearing and reading about it, I think it will cover everything we will need while allowing plenty of time for composition lessons included in TOG. I'm really looking forward to dd's next year of school! Blessings, Lucinda
  3. I'm pretty certain that I've got it all planned out as listed, but am doing my best to keep blinders on from this point out. I will be buying up curriculum in parts between May and August rather than all at once. This will be the most expensive year since starting our hs, but it is still a lot less expensive than private school!! Tapestry of Grace - Yr. 1 (The Ancients to fall of the Roman Empire) Includes literature, writing, and the arts for upper grammar. I will be supplementing with additional fine arts classes - lots of hands on. Easy Grammar and Daily Grams - Grade 5 Spelling Power Math-U-See - Epsilon Latin for Children - Primer B Getty Dubay Italic Handwriting F General Science a la local Christian university homeschool outreach
  4. I thought I'd bring this up to the top again to remind everyone to continue sending out those postcards. We have sent all of ours, with the except of the ones to our Australia and New Zealand friends - which will be forthcoming. My daughter watches the mail almost daily, waiting for more postcards. It has been a lot of fun to read the cards and see where they've come from. Thank you to all that have participated. Blessings, Lucinda and 10 yo dd, Bettie
  5. I was hoping to also get some input from other TOG users on the grammar you've selected. Please refer to my other thread for more details. Blessings, Lucinda
  6. Does this include composition since it is listed as language arts? I don't know that much about Abeka, except that TWTM recommends it. I'm not sure if it would be a good fit with TOG, but would like input from others before making any conclusions. Lucinda
  7. We went with Shurley Grammar for 3rd and 4th grades, but are feeling the need for a change. Since I only school one child (10yo dd going into grade 5) we'd like to have a curriculum that is not so geared toward a whole classroom. Shurley has been good, but we need to take another approach. We will be using TOG next year and I have looked briefly at Easy Grammar that is recommended there. I've also checked into R&S. It seems that EG doesn't teach on classifying sentences, but R&S does. How important of a difference would that be for a 5th grader? I'd also like to know if EG and R&S are as teacher intensive as Shurley. I have purchased Writing Strands and plan to use it either for a summer study or along with next year's composition. Would adding that to the mix make too much work for dd? What would be your recommendation for us? Thanks for your input and suggestions. It is greatly appreciated! Blessings, Lucinda
  8. I hear your advice and accept it. I've had this happen a few times and realized the frustration it can bring. I am now putting on my blinders and am content with the decision that's been made. Blessings, Lucinda
  9. I've heard so much about TOG on this forum that I decided to check it out. Wow!! I am so impressed. I was just about to go with Sonlight when I happened to do a search here on the forum and read up on TOG more in-depth. After going to their site next and studying for awhile, talking to others there, etc. I am convinced that it will be a good fit for us. 10 yo dd is very excited about having more of a unit study approach with lapbooks. We are going to start with Yr. One for 5th grade and go through (hopefully) the full four year rotation in sequence. By the time she is in high school we will decide on private school or staying at home. Thanks so much for all the great info and tips on this forum. I really don't think I would have made it through the last two years of homeschooling and be where we are at this point without the amazing resources here. Blessings, Lucinda
  10. I've been looking for something like this and now I've finally hit on the right thing. I believe I'll be using myhomeschoolplan.com. It's perfect for my Mac laptop and seems to work fine for one student, as with our case. Blessings, Lucinda
  11. Thanks for the helpful replies with encouragement. All of the posts were very helpful to me. Its so encouraging to hear from other moms with dds the same age as mine. Yesterday was rough, but today is making up for it. For some reason the school day has progressed easily. Dd spent time in her room yesterday and actually decided to clean it, then came out smiling and back to her cheerful, lovely little self. The rest of the day went without a hitch. Its clear to me that she knows that she has to be pushed back at times -- that she really needs it. I also realized yesterday that dd could push me around to the point that I give in out of shear frustration. I'm an older mom and it would be easy to say, "I don't need this!!" I recognized that there have been some times that I have done this -- but I'm now resolved to be more stubborn than she is! Blessings, Lucinda
  12. Now that will teach me to link to a page that I don't read entirely! I didn't know (obviously) that the museum had closed. Thanks for the correction! Blessings, Lucinda
  13. Oh yes!! Finnigan's is the BEST toy store! You and your dc will love, love, love it. And next door to Finnigan's is Art Media if you are interested in a fabulous art supply store. This is all making me want to go downtown and visit these places again myself. Thanks for the great thread! Blessings, Lucinda
  14. Thank you, Annette! You gave me a smile on an otherwise dreary PNW day that has been -well- not the best. :001_smile: I'd like to take the credit for raising all five of our sons. But two of them were raised by my husband since we have a blended family. I did give birth to and raise three of them though, and I guess that does make me a veteran. Blessings, Lucinda
  15. I would go to Powell's for sure. Another nearby stop might be the Multnomah Co. Library downtown. It is beautiful, as it was restored a few years ago and is just beautiful. There is also the Portland Art Museum downtown, which has world class exhibitions, or even the American Advertising Museum. Have you considered taking a river cruise? That might be easier since you are pregnant. You can check out one of the top river boats at: http://www.portlandspirit.com/sternwheeler.php. Are you interested in whole grains and a real mill? Bob's Red Mill is located in nearby Milwaukie - just a few minutes from downtown Portland. They have a guided tour of the mill, a store, a bakery and a restaurant. The whole thing is fascinating if you are into whole grains, baking and/or milling. If I think of anything else I'll post again. Have a wonderful time in the City of Roses! Blessings, Lucinda
  16. I've always known that she is strong willed, expressive and challenged by the fact that she is being raised as an only child (older kids are grown and gone). What this often means is that she is mirroring adult behavior back at us... but it seems that lately dd is pushing dh and I harder. She is starting to demand equal treatment, and I'm having to stand up more and more to explain to her that this is not a democracy. Today we have had two disputes over this issue. I have had to tell her to stop talking, and she doesn't know how to for some reason. She doesn't understand that when mom or dad says to be quiet, you have to comply and submit. So now we are having time out, with dd in her room where she is supposed to be thinking about talking to parents with respect. I've told her that some times its better to discuss some things later after having time to think, pray and maybe cool down. I raised three sons before her, and dealt with teen and pre-teen behavior, rebellion, etc. but she has them beat. They were never as sassy as this girl can be. On the most dd is a wonderful delight and I wouldn't trade being her mother for anything. I just feel especially challenged with dealing with this early resistence to authority. Is anyone else out there experiencing a challenge with a daughter this age? Also, I'm very open to any suggestions. Right now I am standing firm and not going soft on the issue, but I am tired of feeling like a tyrant and having to remind her that I am the parent and that she is the child. Thanks for letting me rant. Blessings, Lucinda
  17. Yes, that was really neat, wasn't it? The designer of these cards is actually British, so it is a good example of the friendship between GB and the US. Blessings, Lucinda
  18. My dm just sent me this link and it is a lovely way to see all of the state flowers. Here is the link - just click on the "view card" line and watch the eCard go through each state flower, then come together as a beautiful bouquet. The BEST part though, is that when it is all finished you can click on a button that says, "To see your state flower click here". You will then come to a complete list of all fifty states that can be clicked to reveal the state flower. I thought this would be great for any students that want to learn all fifty flowers, or even just see them all. The illustrations are gorgeous. They are by Jacquie Lawson, an amazing greeting card artist online. Blessings, Lucinda
  19. I think these are very, very good points. Erica has said it far better than I could and I completely agree with her. Also, sharing the teaching is hard enough when you plan to do so at the beginning of the year -- or even at the beginning of the whole hs experience. Switching gears midstream when the children are used to mom being the main teacher would be hard on the whole family. And if daddy gets frustrated, the children will also be frustrated and discouraged. As others have said, if it just isn't possible for dh to find another job and you need to join the workforce, then working evenings would allow you to continue being the lead teacher. Have you considered working from home? I know that has it's challenges too -- especially with small children, but maybe if you shut yourself away in another room while dh is home....(?) Some companies allow bookkeepers/accountants to telecommute and the work could be done in the evening. I read about this awhile back and the article stated that you may have to work days for awhile and build a relationship with your employer first. Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best. You and your dh are miles ahead of many other couples in the way you are making a joint commitment. I really admire that! Blessings, Lucinda
  20. I have a 5 yo grandson who loves to get gift cards. Last birthday I gave him a birthday card with a ToysRus gift card and he just about went crazy with happiness. Blessings, Lucinda
  21. :iagree: We recently watched this movie and loved it too. It's a decent, family movie for all ages. Blessings, Lucinda
  22. :iagree: We recently watched this movie and loved it too. It's a decent, family movie for all ages. Blessings, Lucinda
  23. Thanks for the recommendation for this movie. After reading your post I put the movie our Netflix list and we just watched it last night. It was a great family movie that we all really enjoyed. Although it was similar to other movies like "Born Free" in some respects, it had some very meaningful additions to the story line and a powerful message about life and forgiveness. Blessings, Lucinda :lurk5:
  24. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: What she said. EXACTLY. Word.for.word. Blessings, Lucinda
  25. The book that helped me understand hs'ing the best and motivate me to make a firm, unwavering commitment was TWTM. I don't think anyone says it better than SWB and JW!! Blessings, Lucinda
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