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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. :iagree: What she said! Perfect!! Blessings, Lucinda
  2. When you start in "the middle", you go back to the beginning of history and move up. Add literature, math, science, etc. to that and perhaps beginning level Latin. Buying the WTM book, or at least checking it out from the library first, would be my best suggestion. You might consider Tapestry of Grace curriculum for the backbone of your studies, or there are many other wonderful suggestions in SWB's book I've mentioned. It depends on how involved you want to be as the teacher. Blessings to you as you begin a very exciting adventure with your child! Lucinda
  3. We have five weeks to go to finish 4th grade, and I am looking forward to taking a break in June. We will do some light studying over the summer, mostly reading, writing and art - but back to the heavier schedule in mid to late August. I think our saving grace is that we have two part-time days during the week, and three really full days. That breaks it up for us enough to go longer and enjoy what we are doing. Blessings, Lucinda
  4. Level 3 is green, and it corresponds to 3rd grade. So I imagine that what you have is, indeed, 2nd grade level. I learned through this board that levels 3 and 4 are nearly identical, so we have been using level 3 for two years - stretching it out a bit longer. We are changing to another grammar program for next year though. Although my dd has enjoyed part of the SG program, it is better suited for a classroom and is very teacher intensive. You may like it, but we are ready to move on to something else. Blessings, Lucinda
  5. A compass makes a great graduation gift for a young man. You could add a note about the symbolism of a compass with regard to life direction and focus, spirituality and values, etc. if you so choose. I gave a compass to my godson for his high school graduation several years ago, and he is now married with children - yet will from time to time still tell me how much that gift means to him. Blessings, Lucinda
  6. I was just going to suggest Marmoleum and noticed that someone beat me to it. From what you describe, I think this would be a nice option for you. It comes in some gorgeous colors and you can go solid or even create a pattern or design with varying colors, textures, etc. When we do our kitchen remodel, I am going to go with Marmoleum too. It is nice looking, durable, eco friendly AND it is easy to care for. Man, I sure do sound like a commercial! No, they did not pay me to say this. :) Blessings, Lucinda
  7. I'd keep my eye on her just in case. Personally, I had a ruptured appendix in 2003 and the only warning I had was a constant pain on my right side for several hours over a span of an afternoon, evening and into the night. I had no nausea or vomiting, but knew that something was wrong and drove myself to the hospital at 4:00 a.m. Blessings, Lucinda
  8. If you don't, I would get a copy as soon as possible and start reading it. That book made all the difference in the world to me - especially when it came to the practical stuff like planning. Blessings, Lucinda
  9. I had a thought that we might take the light rail into the city today just for a change. We can walk around, go to the big library or whatever we want. It seemed like a great idea yesterday, but today it is cold, rainy and soggy outside. Maybe we'll go anyway just for the change. Organizing sounds like a good solution for spring time blahs too. Any other thoughts from others? Lucinda
  10. We had an unusually bleak winter weather-wise, and we also went through a three month job lay-off for my dh. Now it is spring and even though dh is back to work and we have had some sunny weather, I am struggling with depression. We had a vacation planned and over half already paid for, but had to cancel it all in order to catch up with the cash flow issues from the lay-off. Also, a homeschool family that we were close to just moved to the other side of the continent, and we feel sad about that too. Today I ws so blue I could hardly function. We only got through half of the school day. I'm committed as ever to homeschooling, but at the same time I'm weary of it too. My gut says that this is all normal and will pass. I know that we need a break, but we have to finish up the year first. Aside from the personal challenges we've had that are effecting me right now, I would assume that spring can be tough for hs families. This is only our second year though, so I don't have much experience to go by. What do you do in the spring when you feel tired and/or blue? Blessings, Lucinda
  11. This is on the Sonlight Readers list for Core 4 I think....anyway it is set in the Civil War era and young Jethro's ma has a tremendous addiction to coffee, so much so that she suffers horrible migraines that send her to bed. Her husband has great compassion on her and they sacrifice by purchasing the needed coffee for her. We read this book last month and I felt glad that my addiction is not at that level, yet anyway. LOL! Blessings, Lucinda
  12. I work one day a week teaching 5 separate classes at a private school. I don't mind being salaried, as the compensation is adequate. It works out well for us because I make the same amount of money in one day as I made in three working days per week at my previous office job. My salary covers actual teaching time in the classroom, but I also put in some prep time off hours depending on each project. Blessings, Lucinda
  13. or I'm no good. I will often have 2 pots of black tea during the day as well, but I don't require it, I just enjoy it a lot. Take away my morning coffee though, and Mama ain't happy. :D Blessings, Lucinda
  14. This will be brief only because its going on midnight here on the west coast, but I think that the answer is fairly easy so I will give it a shot. I call myself a Christian because I am a follower of Christ. He taught us how to live by pointing us to the the greatest commandment that says we are to love the Lord our God with all of our mind, heart, soul and strength. Every commandment hinges on this, along with loving our neighbors as ourselves. So to me, this means following after Christ, believing that He is the Messiah, the one who paid the atonement for my sins with His own life. Because of this, I want to strive to be more like Him. His life example was one of giving and serving, loving God and others -- never dwelling on His own rights, desires or opinions. I am far from this, believe me...but I strive each day to be more like Him. Blessings, Lucinda
  15. It also makes a great graduation gift for a young man. You could add a note about the symbolism of a compass with regard to life direction, spirituality and values, etc. if you so choose. I gave a compass to my godson for his high school graduation several years ago, and he still tells me how much that gift meant to him. Blessings, Lucinda
  16. Thank you, Heather. I keep hearing about Exodus, but have never visited their store. It might be a fun little trip sometime. Blessings, Lucinda
  17. but there is not abbreviation on the stickies or sticky thread for CWP. What is it exactly? And when you say Exodus, do you mean the curriculum store located in Milwaukie, Oregon? Blessings, Lucinda
  18. My 10 yo dd uses them, but I think you could also give them to your little one. There are a lot of choices in the packet, and they are all very cute. I keep a packet of colored pencils in the pocket of her copywork notebook and she always colors the illustrations after her handwriting is done. Enjoy! Blessings, Lucinda
  19. Makes me wonder how our pioneer ancestor's dealt with the issue. What if you and your family were living in a little cabin on the prairie 150 years ago? What would the Ingall's family have done? :D Blessings, Lucinda
  20. I've wondered this very thing for years and am glad to hear another woman speak out about it. I get tired of the way the commericals insult the amazing men in our lives! If I was a man, I'd get tired of it. Maybe that's why so many guys have a fast finger on the remote!! LOL! And on a related note, how about those crazy gadget infomercials that make people look clumsy and stupid as they try to accomplish something without the specified gadget? They make people of both sexes look like complete idiots. :lol: I am all for pulling the plug on tv anymore! Blessings, Lucinda
  21. Tell dh it's a girl thingy, and that the women at the tea will love it! :001_smile: Blessings, Lucinda
  22. 10 yo dd was in Discovery: In the Beginning study of Genesis (Explorer's series) all last year, and it had a real impact on her. She is currently on the second of the series, Discovery: Early History of Israel, and she really likes it too. This series is thorough, yet simple. It is very easy to teach, could even be independent for older kids. I also like the way it uses very good visual maps. I don't know about the other series you've mentioned, but we have no regrets about the Explorer series whatsoever. Blessings, Lucinda
  23. My one and only hs'er (10 yo dd) just finally finished dawdling over her math. Now it is spelling test time! :tongue_smilie: Blessings, Lucinda
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