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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. Dillard Elementary School - Dillard, Oregon Principal Mr. Klein 1-Mrs. Day 2-Miss Toeder 3-Mrs. Spurgeon 4-Mrs. Adams 5-Mr. Towne 6-Mr. Duey 7-Mr. Clark 8-Mrs. Lay Then on to Douglas High School and beyond. Graduated Marylhurst University near Portland, Oregon 20 years after high school graduation.
  2. I'm so thankful that the family came in when they did, and that no one was hurt. I am with the others that stated that this could be a real learning opportunity for everyone involved. The police should have been contacted, not only for your safety, but for the young woman as well. One of my ds' suffers from Bipolar Disorder, so my heart aches when I hear stories like yours. Because of the terrible state of our mental health system there are scores and scores of people, young and old, roaming the streets while suffering from episodes of manic, psychotic or depressive behavior. Many people suffering from mental illness try to medicate themselves with drugs and alcohol. For people that are not experienced with mental illness it is very frightening to come this close and become personally involved. Tomorrow morning I have to testify in a commitment hearing for my son because he refuses long-term hospitalization. The system in our state is horrible and he has been in and out of the hospital 8 times in the last few months. One of the reasons we are trying to protect him is because he did what the young woman in your story did. He walked into a stranger's house the day after being released from the hospital. Fortunately nothing serious happened, but everyone involved was scared -- even my son who was terribly confused. I'm only saying all this to add another perspective to the situation. While we first and foremost need to protect our families from danger, we also need to have compassion for the mentally ill and also those that struggle with addictions. This is why I wish the police had been called. The next house that young woman wanders into may shoot her or she may get run over by a car. Like someone said earlier, she's someone's daughter. Please pray for the mentally ill and disenfranchised today as you read these posts. This is a very serious problem in our nation. Blessings, Lucinda
  3. Luna, I am sooooo with you on that one! Planning and organizing is so fun, then harder to come back to the day to day routine. Maybe we should hire ourselves out for those that don't like to plan. (Like I really have the time...LOL!) ;~p
  4. Got the list made and plan to start buying them bit by bit until we have them all by the end of summer. Saxon Math 54 - thinking of changing to Math-U-See Shurely English 4 Writing Strands Italic Handwriting, Level D (Just got) Spelling Workout 4 Latin for Children Reading books from library SOTW Vol I Continent Maps - from National Geographic Exploring Creation with Botany God's Design - the Animal Kingdom Plus piano lesson books and art supplies (using Teaching Children to Draw, which I have) Explorer's Bible Study Series
  5. Okay, so I'm typing in the dark which explains the typo on the title of this thread. LOL!!
  6. Was it a hard transition? We've been using Saxon 3 this year and dd-8yo is bored to tears. The classical school where I teach elementary art suggests MUS is a better program, especially since my girl is very visual. Any suggestions? Blessings, Lucinda
  7. I wish I was your old friend, but I am older than 36. Lucinda is a somewhat of rare name. I have only met or heard of a few people by my name in my whole life. I am actually in my 50's, and get this...along with grown children and 8 grandchildren, I have a daughter who is 8.5 years old that I am homeschooling.
  8. Thanks so much! I just found exactly what I was looking for -- the right farm and everything I needed. Bless you, friend! Lucinda
  9. I did figure out the obvious, but just didn't know why it's there and also how many levels, how many posts, etc. I'm just too curious for my own good I guess. :-) Lucinda
  10. Dd age 8 just joined this year and really enjoys it. They incorporate scriptures, prayer, servanthood and rigorous activities into their program and its a wonderful connection for girls of all ages to have. Our local troop is made up of at leat 50% homeschooled girls. Blessings, Lucinda
  11. Does anyone know about buying local produce from local farms on a weekly basis? I've heard that you can buy a kind of subscription (for lack of a better word) for weekly produce that you either pick up or have delivered. Where would I look online for information on this? I don't remember the terminology that was used when I heard about it, so I'm kind of stuck. Do I look for certified organic farmers in the area or what? Thanks friends! Lucinda
  12. I've been trying to find out more about this status thing, but can't seem to find it anywhere. I've never been on a forum that includes this type of rating. Thanks friends! Lucinda
  13. This is one thing I have not been able to track down. Where do you find out more about our status? There are some very serious posters here I've noticed, and I'm still in the visiting mode since I've only posted about 6 times. Lucinda
  14. Regena, You are a Godsend! Thank you again for the fabulous list you sent. I'm so, so grateful. Blessings, Lucinda
  15. Hello friends, I've been to the WTM website often, but did not check out the forums until recently. Now I wish I'd done this months ago because its such a wealth of info. Short and sweet bio: Been married to Michael for going on 14 years, and we have a blended family. Six grown ds's between us (with d-in-laws and grandchildren too), and finally one dd age 8 - a late in life surprise. :) We decided to withdraw from ps last year and hs for the first time in our lives. What an adventure! Read WTM last fall and knew it was the right thing, plus I work part-time at a classical Christian school teaching art to k-6 graders. Dd is doing really well with hs, but misses friends a lot. She is very social so I go out of the way to connect with other children and groups. Any other older parents raising young children? Grandparents hs-ing little ones? I'd love to connect. Blessings, Lucinda Oregon
  16. I am amazed at all the conversations going on with this forum and am excited to have the resource at my fingertips. Thank you, everyone, for your replies. You've been a great help and it was only my first post. Blessings, Lucinda
  17. I'm so glad to find this forum, as I'm not in a homeschool networking group yet and would love some input. I work 2 days per week at a private classical christian school and I homeschool my youngest child, who is currently in third grade. This is our first year of homeschooling and we love it. We are following TWTM as closely as possible. At the moment I'm working on our study plan and curriculum for next year so we can be ready and budget ahead. Since we pretty much "started in the middle" this year I chose to use U.S. history that would help with state requirements. After this year though, I'd like to begin at the beginning of the story in history, as the book suggests with the ancient civilizations. I plan to use Susan Bauer's history series for the next 3-4 years. My daughter is a strong reader and I want to keep her motivated and intersted. I'd like to put together a reading list for her for 4th grade that ties in with our history studies. I'm kind of weak in this area of history and look forward to learning with her, but as far as complimentary literature goes I'm nearly stumped. :rolleyes: Would anyone mind helping me put together a reading list for someone starting in the middle at this grade level? Any suggestions would be appreciated greatly. Blessings, Lucinda
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