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Everything posted by Hilltopmom

  1. Coming back to add- quite a few of the moms from my local little homeschool group are all now back to working in public school.
  2. Maybe use a gate across the closet door but take the door off it’s hinges so it’s always open?
  3. This is true about many looking to get out of teaching. If you were 21 I might not encourage you to go into teaching. But to go back into teaching (you already have the degrees and certificates) with maturity and experience for the stable pay and benefits? Sure. Parts will be fun and parts will not be fun. Students keep it interesting, for sure 🙂 eta- I’m on winter break this week and enjoying the time off.
  4. You put this so much better than I did! I concur. (Sped teacher, other side of Lake Champlain)
  5. I did, 4 years ago. Needed the retirement. I love the kids but yeah, there’s a lot of BS. But- at this point, it’s worth it to me. (Not to say I don’t complain about admin decisions and day dream about working part time.) I have younger kids though too who are now in public school. The older ones I homeschooled (one through grad, one till high school) I don’t love everything about public school, for sure. Just the other day I was saying something and ended it with “and this is one reason I homeschooled!” But it’s really the only career I can see myself in. There are cons, yes. But lots of pros too 🙂 When I first quit teaching to homeschool, I was pretty young and idealistic. Now I feel like I can see multiple sides. I also ignore a lot of the day to day BS and just do the best I can for my students. I went back into it knowing ps has its issues but I’m committed this time to sticking it out and just doing what I can and accepting it’s not going to be perfect. ETA: Oh- it helps to know I only have 14 years. Otoh it kinda sucks that my peers are looking at retiring in the next 5 years or so.
  6. It’s very basic- an intro to parents and educators unfamiliar with anxiety, 504 plans, IEPs.
  7. These work pretty good Bad Air Sponge 14OZ https://a.co/d/hCEdCLU
  8. 😂 I barely cook, only as much as needed. No signature dish here.
  9. My parents started hiking, biking, and kayaking when they hit 65 ish. Now, a decade later, they’re always off on some adventure.
  10. I have an hour left on The Beekeeper of Allepo. Good book but so slow on audio.
  11. I wear the Lands End relaxed fit ones with a cardigan for work. Usually the patterned ones but it’s hit or miss each season on how odd the patterns will be, lol. The solid colored ones are not see through like some are. They come in talls, v neck, and crew neck. https://www.landsend.com/products/womens-relaxed-supima-cotton-short-sleeve-v-neck-t-shirt/id_234879?attributes=44967,12316&source=GS&currency=USD&geo=US&skumv=5741822&promotion-code=BLOSSOM&promotion-pin=0&cm_mmc=139971612&SC=pla_non-brand&CMPGN=11383290717&ADGRP=114185176489&KYW=&MT=&DV=m&PID=5741822&TRGT=pla-903947639423&gclid=CjwKCAiA9NGfBhBvEiwAq5vSyxwTWwep0PVa1Or89rNGY9BE1RJv4A9CWo9MNBZxA0Gvdo9whdGtkhoCqKoQAvD_BwE&gclid=CjwKCAiA9NGfBhBvEiwAq5vSyxwTWwep0PVa1Or89rNGY9BE1RJv4A9CWo9MNBZxA0Gvdo9whdGtkhoCqKoQAvD_BwE&CH=Google AdWords&_cclid=Google_CjwKCAiA9NGfBhBvEiwAq5vSyxwTWwep0PVa1Or89rNGY9BE1RJv4A9CWo9MNBZxA0Gvdo9whdGtkhoCqKoQAvD_BwE
  12. This whole”having a full time job, house, and family, plus part time job on the side” thing is really impinging on my work out opportunities! we won’t mention the internet time 😉
  13. In the same world that apple crisp is healthy 🙂 about to take one out of the oven right now!
  14. For our king bed we each have our own twin size duvet. Solid colors. When made looks like one big duvet.
  15. Offer your support and reach out to get together, etc. But realize everyone grieves in their own way. When my son died, we did not have services (I’m not into that kind of thing). I was homeschooling 2 teens and caring for a toddler and a baby. I was busy. But it was ok. Someone butting in trying to get me to look sad or talk about it or whatever wouldn’t have been well received. Not everyone wants to share their feelings with every single friend.
  16. Not sure if your child is homeschooled or in public school, but this book is helpful for dealing with school issues related to anxiety. I led a book study for teachers using it last year. For my own child, meds were the most helpful thing though. Still a struggle for her as an adult.
  17. Oh my gosh! A rebounder- how fun! We have a good one the kids used to play on that I took to my classroom. I think I’ll bring it home and give it a try. Never thought to look for workout videos using it- just found a bunch on YouTube. Do you have a handle on yours? Mine does not.
  18. Nope. I’m team “Plain white Corelle”.
  19. That’s a job for the police. Unless she has phone numbers for the neighbors to call and ask. Do not return to the home to do this!
  20. Stay safe. Please do not return to the house or send anyone else there to collect things! Things can be replaced, not people. Law enforcement can do escorts to get things from a home but I wouldn’t do that at this point. I’m hoping you were able to get important paperwork with you since you had advance notice. Thinking of your family. I’m so glad you decided to go out to her.
  21. Posting the exact med combo by names may not be the best idea here because WTM posts come up in phrase searches, which would give them less anonymity in this case- not good idea.
  22. Sidelined by stomach bug for a few days. Half my class has had it this week so I’m not surprised. Literally laid on couch watching Netflix two days straight. Haven’t done that since covid! Did 10 min of yoga tonight so that’s something I guess. Ate all carbs for 2 days since crackers and toast was all I could convince myself to eat. Should be back to normal tomorrow.
  23. So I had no idea- 1 to 3 year wait list in our county to be eligible for housing assistance/ low income housing or rent assistance voucher. Found that info on the county website.
  24. The friends offering her their extra room are her co workers!!
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