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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Jean! :lol::lol::lol: Okay, where's my change of scenery?? I live less than 2 miles from the beach and there are palm trees everywhere I go!:tongue_smilie: *ducks and runs* :leaving: :auto:
  2. Jeans, sneakers and t shirts. Oh and they should all be chewing gum. :p hehehe My friend who is from Germany told me that whenever she went to the movies in her country she could always tell who the American in the film was by their chewing gum. :lol: :lol:
  3. :iagree::iagree: Some do, I know mine does a great deal as it is an issue that my pastor is very passionate about, but I agree, not enough is done for these poor kids. :(
  4. :lol: <---- me rolling on the floor laughing after reading your "story"! hehehe I'm sorry ladies. I'm a bit of a pack rat and so my inbox is perennially at 90-94% full. :blushing: I cleared some out so there is room. :) You ladies are just so informative and sweet, I always hold on to PM's for recipes, book rec's etc, but I found a couple to do with Rosie nakking that I didn't need anymore being that her boy is now 3 and all. :p hehehe :leaving: :auto::tongue_smilie:
  5. :lol::lol::lol::lol: ay Rosie! You ALWAYS say the perfect thing! hehehehe :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  6. How fun! I would love to go to something like that. How did you find out about it? Is it only in Canada?? Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time! :)
  7. Parker? Although I like Henry too. Parker sounds like barker so... :p hehe
  8. Don't even worry about it Amy. I'm just glad you're back and doing better. I'm sure someone will post the link up again. :)
  9. Ugh! I just realized I got your screen name wrong! I'm sorry. I hardly slept and am totally fried today. I don't have a slow cooker. I just use a big pot on the stove top. When I normally make beans I cook them covered in my big pot on the stove at #2 inbetween low and medium Will that work for your recipe do you think? I apologize again about the screen name mixup. I don't know why I confused your avatar with Garga's. :confused:
  10. OOOOH that sounds great! I like that it doesn't have the fry too! :) Is that a typo though that it is supposed to cook on "High"? I always slow cook black beans on low. Thank you so much Garga. :) :grouphug: :lol::lol::lol::lol: Too funny! hehehe
  11. :grouphug: :grouphug: I'll be your friend! :) I have a hard time making friends too. I've been in my church since 1996 and have served there for 5 years and still don't have anyone there I can call a friend. It's not easy I know. I too often times feel alone in the crowd. :grouphug:
  12. I think we're going to need Spycare for that one! :D
  13. My dd is in High School now. My most expensive purchases are now Science and their respective lab kits! :eek: :svengo:
  14. Oh my! :eek: :svengo: :lol::lol::lol: True! :)
  15. DD14 Asperger's, OCD & ADHD. We work on social skills and take frequent breaks but other than that she has been able to do the coursework for her grade level without too much difficulty. She does have trouble with math. We've been working on Algebra 1 for 2 years now. Everything else she's going through at a good pace. DS 10 is profoundly Autistic and non-verbal. I do a lot of therapy with him (PT, OT & ST). For school we work mainly on vocabulary, puzzles, play doh, stories, Leap Frog DVD's, computer games, music etc.
  16. Praying for your sister and all involved. May this be a new start and a new path for her life. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  17. I'm glad to hear it. Please PM me if you can. I've been anxious to hear how things are going with you. :)
  18. :) Thank you Bill. That is very helpful. :) This thread has been so eye opening and educational for me. :) Jennifer (who accepts your warmest regards warmly and promises to try to not be so sensitive today. ;) :p )
  19. :lol::lol::lol: Oh my! That sentence is making me dizzy. I think I need a coffee too! :p
  20. We'll see. It's hard to do stuff when hubby is home. I just wanted to commiserate with you. :p hehe
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