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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. hehehehehe I always have Boston's first album in my car! hehehe that and a cd that I made of of "driving tunes" that starts with Radar Love! :p
  2. hehehe I can't fault you for not wanting the 80's music, but there's plenty of great music from the 60's and 70's that I don't think you have to choose Boston or Iron Butterfly. Shoot. Let's make it a party and bring Iron Butterly, the Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Journey and Boston and if you want to add some 80's there's always Van Halen and Joe Satriani! :p :D Where's the girl who was the D.J?? I'm sure she could get the party started! :party: :hurray: Woot! :cheers2:
  3. OOOOH them's fightin' words. Boston and Journey are awesome! Feeling that Way/Anytime and Foreplay/Long Time are some of the best "combo songs" ever!! Boston and Journey only got sucky once they got into the 80's, but in the 70's they rocked!!!
  4. Alright seriously now! You ladies who clean when you get mad need to come visit me. I'll make you a nice dinner and then annoy the heck out of you progressively during the meal and when you're nice and hot, I'll direct you upstairs to the mess! :p hehehehe Hey! At least you'd get a meal out of it! :p :lol::lol:
  5. :lol::lol::lol: That's too funny! hehehe Ay, when I saw my post quoted in yours I realized I made a typo. It should be New York Groove not New York Grove! :p That's awesome! I'm glad to see that "the classics" are played in your house as well! :p hehe Slow Ride is my favorite Foghat song too! hehehehe Your son's comments reminded me of the first cassette tape I ever owned. My step dad gave it to me when I was like 6 years old. It was Iron Butterfly In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida :lol::lol:
  6. I got hacked recently too! I want to delete my FB account too. I can't see how to delete it though. :confused::confused: Where do you go to delete your account?
  7. You can get mad at my house anytime! :p
  8. I don't intentionally listen to Lady Gaga, but I hear her nonetheless. I have a neighbor 2 houses down and in the back who is a Gaga fan. :p I love Queen though. :)
  9. :iagree::iagree: I'd like to hear what the Hive fellas have to say on this as well. :) :bigear: :lurk5:
  10. Maybe Crazy Little Thing Called Love or We Will Rock You. :p My kids love both of those. It's funny too that you mentioned Lady Gaga and Queen together. It was Queen's song Radio Gaga that Lady Gaga got her stage name from. :p
  11. Awwww. The bolded made me misty. Our kiddos sound like they are a lot alike. When my ds runs, he doesn't stop either not matter how you shout after him. He's very much in his own world too. There is a puppy store in my city and I take the kids there sometimes to play with the dogs, and my son just watches the dogs run around him. He doesn't really interact with them and doesn't really know what he's supposed to do when they're around him, but they get his attention. He'll be sitting on the floor rocking and the dog will come near and I see him give it a sideways glance. I wonder if he had a dog of his own if it would bring him out more.
  12. My SIL, who is a professor at Connecticut College, is on sabbatical right now. I think her sabbatical is for 8 months IIRC. She is in the Dominican Republic teaching in a University there. Her field is Hispanic Studies at Connecticut College.
  13. :lol::lol: What is it about Singapore! hehehehe When we were using it I was always missing one of the books too. If it wasn't the workbook it was the textbook or vice versa! I think the books are secretly trying to get back home. :p
  14. Satch is mostly instrumental rock just so you know. :) Thank hon. You have a great day too. :grouphug:
  15. That is awesome!!! UGH! I so want to get a dog for my son, but DH isn't ready for an animal yet. My son is a runner too and non verbal. I think a dog would do wonders for him. I need to show dh your post! :)
  16. Oh wow! That's awful! I didn't know she was sick either. :(
  17. I bring out my cello from time to time. My 'music room' is practically my whole house! :p I have a keyboard, an electric guitar and 4 amplifiers in my living room as well as all of my pedals. I have my cello, a violin, and 8 other guitars and my bass upstairs in my bedroom. I wish I did have a music studio where I could play and record and edit all in one place, but I would have to move for that so it's all just kind of scattered everywhere now. My kids will have lots of memories of my playing guitar I guess. I take my dd to nursing homes sometimes to sing for the residents and they love it. I bring the acoustics for that btw, not the electrics. :p hehe My son got his mama's love of Joe Satriani :001_wub: and sings the guitar riffs all the time. It's so cute! This morning my son woke up singing one of Satch's songs. :lol:
  18. Oh wow! That would have been a major :ack2: factor for me too! I did Beth Moore's Daniel study and really liked that one. It was meaty and I got a lot out of it and no icky Jesus references.
  19. My passion is music. When I was little I would play records all day long. I always had music on all the time. One Christmas my parents bought me an acoustic guitar and I started to teach myself with the little book that came with it. I used to write tons of songs. It came to me really easy. When I was in 5th grade, there was an assembly where some of the representatives from the Middle School we would all be going to the next year came and told us about the programs the school offered. I went home that day and asked my mom if I could go into band and play drums. She said no, that drums were too loud. So then I asked her if I could go into orchestra and learn cello and she said yes. So I did. I played cello in the orchestra for years. I was the only cellist to be picked to represent my school at Solos and Ensembles. We won medals. It was great! :) I also learned to play the bass while I was in orchestra since I was the only one tall enough to play it! :p These days I don't take my cello out as often because my kids are banshees and I'm always worried they'll knock it over, but I have a guitar or two on a stand at all times. I play electric bass, acoustic & electric guitar & cello. I'm teaching myself piano and would still like to learn drums some day.:)
  20. How exciting!!! Your dd must have been over the moon! :) That's so awesome! :)
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