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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I know! I posted after just reading the first post and did the poll and then I see the tags and I'm like, "what the?" :confused: So I go through and read some of the other posts on here. Where was I when all this was going on. I thought for sure I was here today! :confused::confused:
  2. You can take a horse to water...... school lunches Reason 1,239 why I homeschool. Public school is getting out of control!
  3. hehehehehe usually. :p If I order an appetizer that is. :p It certainly isn't an appetizer that's been "watered" by a horse I can tell you! :eek:
  4. :iagree::iagree: I find it cruelly ironic too that his name means "fatherly". :(
  5. You can take a horse to water...... school lunches Why would you take a horse to school in the first place and what's with it peeing on the school lunches?? Are you hoping the horse urine will make the food taste better?? :confused: :confused:
  6. What's your take on food? My take is pretty simple really. First, I get hungry. Then I cook or find something to eat. Then I put it on a plate and lastly I eat it until my hunger goes away. HTH :)
  7. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: To you all who are suffering with this. :(
  8. The thing I keep going back to in my mind is that if it had been Joe's grandson whom Sandusky was assaulting that things would have turned out very differently. It just seems to me that since the victim wasn't someone who he had a vested interest in, they were expendable and that is just shameful. He made a game more important than a person's life!! That is so wrong on so many levels. :(
  9. I just tell my dd that she has to do her work first and then she can have a break and do what she wants on her break. The breaks are short (usually 20-30 minutes) and pretty frequent (usually after maybe an hour of continuous schooling on another subject). That works for me. She just has to be able to know it's coming up and that usually can placate her enough to work on her other subjects. HTH. :)
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