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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Easy! A used 80's- early 90's era Ibanez Guitar. Preferrably a Radius, Blazer or a RG. :D
  2. I get my kids up at 6:30am and we go to the beach to do our exercise. It's Track and Field for dd and physical therapy for my son. I walk with him on the sand to help stretch out his shortened tendons while dd runs alongside us on the boardwalk. We usually start actual book work between 8:30-9am.
  3. :grouphug: :grouphug: I will very gladly pray for you honey.
  4. Didn't they do that once already?? IIRC that thread got locked down. ;)
  5. I HAVE to keep my kids on a schedule otherwise things get out of control quickly! Both of my kids are like the Energizer bunny and they seem to need less sleep than I do! Nope, I have to wake them up early or they stay up until 4am and I'm toast the next day!
  6. I use them mostly for treatments. I use oregano oil and echinacea/golden seal tincture for colds. I use cinnamon for any kind of fungusy type things (oregano oil is good for that as well) I use eucalyptus to open up nasal passages when everyone is sick ( a few drops on the pillow at bedtime). I use lavendar in the bathwater to calm the kids down before bedtime. Mint is good for the stomach and digestion. I'm sure there are many others, but those are the ones off the top of my head that I use all the time. :)
  7. That's horrible!! :( Why do people have to be such (insert expletive of your choice)!! :mad:
  8. LOL I can totally relate to this. My name is Jennifer. My whole life people never remember my name. I get called Jessica a lot, Melissa, Samantha, Jeanette and more. I guess I just really don't look like a Jennifer. :p
  9. LOL Awesome! hehe Man, what is it about Sam Elliot that makes him so sexy?? hehehe
  10. :iagree::iagree: What she said. That's how it is for me too. Every stage has brought it's own challenges and I try to roll with it as best as I can. It's tiring to always feel like you're struggling uphill, but I think it ends sooner than we realize it will and in the end you will feel so good about all that you and your dc have accomplished. I'm nearing the end of my journey now with my dd. She's in High School and it hits me now just how close she is to adulthood. I remember all of the struggles and frustrations over the years with school and now when I look back I just can't believe the time has gone so quickly. Hang in there mama. It may feel like a long road ahead, but it goes by quicker than you can imagine! :grouphug::grouphug:
  11. Thanks for that clip. I feel better about myself now. :p I've always marched to the beat of my own drum and I'm used to getting "looks" from people. I love the attitude of these women!! I think I will be like them when I am their age if I still have the courage to keep marching to my own drum. :)
  12. My dd14 is an Aspie and also ADHD & OCD and my ds10 is profoundly Autistic. Believe me I know what a challenge it can be. What has worked for me may not work for you, but I'll tell you what I did that worked best for us. With my dd, I always schedule the most difficult subject first to get it out of the way. I give her a short break after every completed task so that she can work out her wiggles. When she was the age of your dc I gave lots of rewards (stickers for job well done, hand stamps etc) heaps of praise for the positive things or the things that she really worked hard on and then brought up the things that "needed a little more work". My dd is very sensitive and so for me I had to approach her that way or she got discouraged and wouldn't try. Another thing I did was to give her "terrific tickets" which were redeemable for prizes at the end of the week. I would lay all of the prizes out on the bed with the corresponding price (number of tickets). I always had one high desire object that I knew she really wanted as a higher ticket price and had lots of lower priced items (like dollar store toys etc) that were a lower ticket price (less tickets). I would then award her a ticket for accomplishing something that I knew was very difficult for her. And at the end of the week she could buy something with her tickets in the "store". This really helped my dd to work toward a goal. Another thing that we did was to do as much learning in a "hands on" way as possible rather than all through books. If there was a way to make something a game or to do it in another location etc. we went that way as much as possible. We did lots of field trips and unit studies when she was young and she absorbed it all and learned. Then when the time came for the book learning it wasn't quite so overwhelming to her because it wasn't all books, kwim? Daily time to run around outside was also very important for my dd. She would just want to fly to pieces if she was kept in the house too long. She had to have outside time and frequent breaks. We couldn't homeschool with books outside because she was just too distracted to stay focused, but we could do nature studies, digging in the dirt, P.E. etc and then come home later with a book about what we saw outside to study. Like I said, every child is different and what worked with mine might not work for yours, but it might also. I wish you all the very best. I know how hard it is to homeschool special kiddos. Sometimes I feel like I'm just barely hanging on. But when you get that end of the year evaluation and hear how well they did and how much they learned, I think you will feel that it was all worth it. I wish you well. :grouphug: :grouphug: Blessings, Jennifer
  13. I screen print it and paste it in MS Paint for my records but don't physically print it out on paper unless I really need to. :)
  14. :grouphug: :grouphug: I would feel overwhelmed too. You have a lot going on. Are there anythings from your schedule that you can clear out to get some time to recharge yourself?? I hope you can find some peace and rest. :grouphug:
  15. What is SOPA?? The only sopa I know is the one you can eat. :p
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