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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Airplane was a funny movie! Mrs. Cleaver speaking Jive. How awesome is that?? lol I highly recommend Princess Bride and Monty Python's Holy Grail too. I think you'd love it! :)
  2. What would you title a book about raising your kids/parenting? "Welcome to the Mad House!"
  3. Has anyone matched Monty Python sketches with historical periods? I thought that was how everyone taught history. :confused: Do you mean there is another way??
  4. Oooooh I have to try this! :drool: Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. :)
  5. ROFL!! Oh I hope you do post something Bill, I know a dog who believes you have all the answers! ;) :D I'll bet your story would be awesome! In spite of having to type it out with little legs! ;) :D
  6. It certainly does doesn't it? :) Homeschooling certainly feels like a roller coaster ride a lot of the time. I always tell myself when it's all going downhill to just grit my teeth and hang on tight (scream if I need to) and it will get better once we get around this curve. Good luck to you and yours. I'm so glad your day is going better! It's so good to celebrate it when it comes!! :grouphug:
  7. "Excuse me stewardess. I speak Jive." hehehehehe I think it's evident where I spent the bulk of my time in my earlier years. :blushing: I'm fluent in Monty Python and Princess Bride too! Can't say it was all time ill spent! Know what I mean, know what I mean knudge, knudge. ;) :D hehe
  8. How do you choose a hairdresser? I usually blindfold myself and use the "eenie, meanie, miney mo" method. works for me.
  9. I put mine in a separate pot from the beans so I can cook it at a higher temperature and then combine them after they're both done. But that's just me. :D hehe
  10. What he said. I don't own a pressure cooker so I don't know how much faster that method is, but when I'm pinched for time, Bill's method works great! :)
  11. hehehehehe I don't know, some days I wake up and I'm sure I'm dead! hehehehe ;) :D
  12. Ugh, I just turned 40 this last birthday and while turning 30 didn't bother me, I have to admit that turning 40 did. I was depressed for a few days but then I kicked myself in the butt and told myself "snap out of it!! it's a new decade and a new beginning. Grab it by the horns!" I'm trying to make this decade count now. Can't say I'm succeeding yet, but I'm trying! ;) :D Enjoy the rest of your 30's hun. The aches and pains start after that! ;) :D hehehe :grouphug:
  13. Okay. I just created the social group for it here Feel free to join and post your stories! :)
  14. hehehehe oops! My husband has a goatee too. He looks much better with it IMO. Whenever he gets bored and shaves it off I always encourage him to grow it back as quickly as possible! hehehehe How sweet is your post about that Jason McCoy song!! I think he's trying to make it up to you! ;) :D hehe
  15. Happy Birthday to you as well then missy! :) Enjoy your day! :hurray: :party:
  16. :) He is precious! I'm so glad that you have him. Congratulations dear! :grouphug::grouphug:
  17. Happy Birthday Wolf! I'm guessing we'll see him in some kilt pics soon? Or was that for Christmas?? ;) :D
  18. Awwww! You're making me get all misty! I'm so overjoyed for you honey. God knows you deserve some good things to come your way! Enjoy every moment of it! :) God bless you and your family! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  19. hehehehe I think he will grow up one healthy, happy and well loved little boy! What a blessing! :)
  20. Awwww! He is so stinking cute!!!! I love the first ones with his little red cheeks, the one of him in the laundry basket (why don't I find anything that cute in the laundry??? ) and the last ones of him smiling! Ay, he is PRECIOUS!!! What a sweet baby! Congratulations mama! You must be so proud! He's beautiful! :) :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
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