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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. How beautiful!! I often wonder who my kids will become when they are grown. I can only hope they will turn out as noble as your wonderful boy. Sounds like he has a pretty great mother as well to turn out as well as he did. Thank you for sharing. :grouphug::grouphug: How is your grandbaby doing?? I pray that all is well. :iagree::iagree: ETA: I just read the other pages. Praying for baby Sarah.
  2. LOL When I first started reading that sentence my brain rushed ahead and I thought it was going to say "we can see Mexico from our house." :p hehe Me too! The world is a fascinating place. :)
  3. ROFL!! Awww that's so cute! hehehehehe yeah, that's what's so great to me about traveling. You have so many new experiences and come back with great stories. :)
  4. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss. :(
  5. please pray, my son hates me :confused: :confused: Why would you want your son to hate you?? Wouldn't you rather have us pray that he likes you?? :confused:
  6. Can you only buy Singapore from Company? Gosh I hope that's not the only way. We rarely have company over and those who do come don't use Singapore. :(
  7. I am so sad and sorry that you lost your house because of the mold. How awful!! :grouphug::grouphug:
  8. I love traveling to other countries!! It's such an eye opening experience to see how other people live. I've been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to be in several different countries (for a short period) and I had a wonderful time. I would go again any opportunity I had in a heartbeat! And just a little 411, if ya'll ever find yourselves in Europe, the bathroom is called a WC (water closet). The bath room is literally just a room with a bath in it. I had to do the pee pee dance for 10 minutes in Holland waiting for a dude to get out of the "bath room" all the while thinking that the guy must be making it nuclear in there. When he finally got out, I rushed in only to discover it was all steamy from the guy's shower and there wasn't a toilet in sight. I had to run back downstairs to ask the owner of the hotel where the toilet was and he was like, "oh the WC, it's over there." Yeah, live and learn! :p lol
  9. :iagree: :iagree: What she said. I used to live in a neighborhood where the entire last street had a bad vibe. I would start to get scared if I were riding my bike and got too close to it. I don't know if anything violent happened while I was living there or before, but I know years later after I had moved away, there was a violent double murder in the house on the corner of that street. I read it in the newspaper and when I saw the address I almost choked! Horrible. I'm curious to know if they do have to tell renters about things like that also. My next door neighbor committed suicide last October. We have a young family living in there now who are renting the place. I've never said anything about it and I don't know if the other neighbors have either (how do you even broach a subject like that?? ), but I've talked with the couple several times and they've never mentioned it to me so I don't know if they don't know or if they know and don't care. :confused:
  10. Oh Crissy! :crying: I am so so sorry. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  11. I loved that book! hehehe I read that with my dd a couple of years ago. She felt about it the way you did, but I thought it was an amazing story about overcoming adversity. I got choked up reading it several times actually. :)
  12. I only have my mom. I talk to her at least once a week on the phone (she's 800 miles a way). Sometimes we talk several times a week. It depends really on how busy we've been and how much we have to say to each other. :p
  13. has your dh ever complained of testicular pain? Only after I've kicked him in the nuts! :p
  14. ROFL. I'd be a bad candidate though for a kerfluffle. I'm too non competitive. :p hehehe But I'll be happy to post up kilt pics if a kerfluffle does break out! :thumbup: :D
  15. What kind of carpet cleaning? Is this a trick question?? I know how you WTM ladies like your euphemisms. :blushing:
  16. Awww thanks. Dunno where Tina is... maybe she's under the bus with Caylee Anthony's parents??
  17. Gender-free...and homeschooling :eek: ... :001_huh:.... uh... nevermind. :blushing:
  18. Caylee Anthony throws her parents under the bus Wow! She must be really strong. :eek:
  19. Best way to deal with bullies I say just beat the crud out of them. But that's just me. :p
  20. What should I do? Uh, can you be more specific? I want to know what we're dealing with here before I start telling you what to do. :p
  21. Planning out earth science. What not to miss? Well, the Earth part is pretty important. You don't want to miss that. :)
  22. Please help me with my struggling reader Sure! Take them out of the straight jacket first and THEN give them the book. It works out so much better that way! :thumbup:
  23. Fish oil supplement? Help ? I personally find them disgusting, but I'm not sure that's helpful.
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