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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I bought a mango. What do I do with it? Hmmmm. Well, you could leave it sit on the counter and watch it decompose or you could let the kids take it in the swimming pool and play water football with it. You could throw it at the cockroaches or spiders that get into the house, but then you run the risk that they might throw it back at you. :blink: or, here's a thought.... you could eat it!! Yeah, do that one! :) :thumbup:
  2. Oh my goodness!! Removing carpets from the TeAroom, vasectomies, you gals are way to "young and hip" for me and are making me feel old and out of it. lol I don't know anyone IRL that has had a vasectomy or at least if they have they've kept that info to themselves (thankfully). I always thought the more common thing was women getting tubes tied :confused: shows what I know. I do know a couple of dh's relatives that have rather large tv sets though. Hmmmmmm :blink: I'll make sure to skip the peas if I'm ever invited to dinner at their homes. :001_huh:
  3. LOL It makes me think of one of those period romance novels that my best friend used to read voraciously. Like Lady Margaret is the girl he really loves but Lady Moore is the one he is being forced to marry. Will he choose love or honor of his family! Decisions, decisions. :lol: :lol:
  4. LOL I love Tim Hawkins. lol I'd never seen that clip before. Very cute. Thanks for sharing. :)
  5. LOL Yours sounds like it could be the title of a romance novel. hehehehe ;) :D Mine sounds like something from Tales from the Crypt. :lol:
  6. :grouphug: :grouphug: Oh Imp, I pray everything goes in your favor!
  7. Hi Jessica! :) Welcome. I'm Jennifer. I have two beautiful children on the Autism spectrum. My son 10 is profoundly Autistic (non-verbal). He goes to the Autism cluster in public school. My daughter 13 (soon to be 14) is Aspergers/ADHD/OCD. She is the one I home school. :) I hope you like it here. We have a wonderful special needs community here so feel free to get comfy and make friends. :) :grouphug:
  8. I've been out all day and haven't seen the news or weather reports. How far north in Georgia?? My mom is in Towns county (Hiawassee) These storms are so awful. I just can't believe it! :sad:
  9. Ah, I didn't see that there was another thread. Here's my answer copied and pasted from the other one. I would be Lady Margarita Eerie-Oakland. Gosh that sounds awful!!! Maybe I should Anglicize my grandma's name and go by Margaret?? Nope, still awful! My dd's would be Lady Jennifer Dorothy-Van Buren :lol: :lol:
  10. Let's see, so I would be Lady Margarita Eerie-Oakland. Gosh that sounds awful!!! :lol::lol: Maybe I should Anglicize my grandma's name and go by Margaret?? Nope, still awful! :D:tongue_smilie:
  11. AAAAAMEN!! My name is Jennifer. Normal, W.A.S.P.y sounding name right?? Do you know how many people call me Jessica instead? I get that all. the. time. And hardly anybody spells my name right. They always spell it with two "f's" and one "n" and these are "been here for generations, came on the Mayflower" Americans!! The weird other side of the coin, is that my name was often mispronounced IN MY OWN FAMILY by family members who struggled with English and didn't speak it well. My great grandfather could never master the "ur" sounds in English and he could NEVER pronounce my name right. He always called me "Jennyfo" which if you speak Spanish you know is pretty horrible. ("Fo" is what you say in Spanish when you smell something stinky :rolleyes: ) Not in my neck of the woods! :) :grouphug: One of my nephews is named Andres actually. :) If they're Spanish speaking probably Maria and Juan. My family does this as well. All of them (with the exception of my mother who was named after an American actress that my grandmother loved) have a Spanish given name. They are often named after someone else in the family to honor and respect that family member. So my great grandmother Luz Maria had one daughter named Luz and another daughter named Maria. When they were speaking with Anglo Americans they called themselves Lucy and Mary. My mother's sister is named Marta, she calls herself Martha when she's speaking with English speakers. I think that is an easy way to get around the name thing. When they were at home with their family, they were called by their given names and nobody struggled with it, when they were out with English speakers they went by their Anglicized forms and nobody struggled with it. That, to me, is better than Jennyfo! :glare: :lol:
  12. Do you like it?? I wanted to get a relatively inexpensive video camera for my dd that could film in HD for the figure reviews that she likes to film and post up on Youtube. Right now she uses my photo camera that also takes some (very) poor video and the quality is terrible. I was looking at sample video of this camera on Youtube and the quality looks fantastic and the price is right, but some reviews I've read said that the quality of the camera itself is fragile?? I was looking also at the Kodak Z18, but it's a lot more money than the Panasonic. If anyone owns or has used this camera do you mind chiming in here and telling me how you like it? Video quality is our main concern, but the USB port thingy needs to be sturdy and able to withstand repeated plugging into the computer. Can you please tell me what you like/don't like? Thank you SO MUCH to all who reply. :)
  13. OOOPS nevermind. Just realized I read that wrong. :) lol Glad that it DIDN'T happen. ;) :)
  14. I chose other. People should be able to choose whatever name they want for their children.
  15. Because there was a large shade tree on the other side and it was cooler! It's soooo hot here today.:sad:
  16. Ohhh we love cinnamon. :) Thank you for the suggestion. :)
  17. LOL I can't see how that's even possible! You're so much smarter than me. :) It's an honor though for me to think that I can stumble onto your wavelength even if only once in awhile. :)
  18. What does being someone's "friend" mean on this board? It means that if they should die that you will agree to raise their children up and home school them. I thought everyone knew this. :confused: ;) :D
  19. My dd13 was talking to me this afternoon about a conversation she had with a friend of hers that was confusing her. She told me the question she had asked her friend and what her friend's answer and then said, "but her answer doesn't make any sense. I think her logic is flawed." LOL
  20. Oh Mariann!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm so sorry honey. :( Praying for you. :grouphug: :grouphug:
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