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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. What's that?? Did someone mention Sean Connery?? Actually, I have no idea what's going on either. I miss everything. :(
  2. Oh Happy Birthday!! I hope your day was special! :) :party: :hurray: :)
  3. Kokomo by the Beach Boys or Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. HATE, HATE, HATE those two songs! :ack2:
  4. Awesome!! Another Satch fan! :) I love him so much. I'm always mesmerized by his playing. He's just amazing. I like the Eagles too! :)
  5. There are monsters in my laundry hamper and dryer.
  6. LOL I'm laughing at myself that with all of those poll options I still had to choose other. ;) I do cook breakfast often during the week, but often it's not a traditional breakfast. Then on the weekends I usually cook a big breakfast from scratch like pancakes, fried potatoes, or yuca with sausage and eggs something like that. Other times I don't cook at all and it is just cereal for breakfast.
  7. :) I'm actually pretty fortunate because I live less than 2 miles from the Atlantic. I go to the beach pretty often. I've been staring at the same water my entire life and I never get tired of it. :) Here are a few Satch songs to get you started if you don't know him. These aren't as shreddy as some of his others. ;) Flying in a Blue Dream
  8. It was really cool. I liked it too and the video seemed to fit the music, but I love the ocean so I'm biased. ;) Now you should go listen to some Satch and see if you soar. ;) :D hehe
  9. Anyone have experience with Words Their Way? Oh yes! My dh always speaks words his way. Sometimes it's cute because English is his second language and he confuses "mouth" and "mouse" and will ask me if he has something on his mouse. Other times though, when he has a few choice words to share with me, I don't particularly like his way. :glare:
  10. That was a cool song! Thanks for sharing it. :) Do you know what the lyrics mean? I wonder if the kid was like inspired by the ocean and then in turn inspired everyone else??
  11. Mary Kay is good. I'd stay away from Clinique though. Their products are really hit or miss and a lot of people react to them. Philosophy is good. I love their Help Me and their Miracle in a Jar moisturizer is nice too. :) I love Pevonia's face wash. It feels and smells so good, but Mary Kay's Timewise is really nice too. :)
  12. It's been in the forefront of my mind since that first quake hit. They have had it on the news every day. DH watches The News Hour with Jim Lehrer and it's being reported on everyday as well as on the Nightly Business Report which comes on after. They've had two more big "aftershocks" (what the difference is between an "aftershock" and another strong earthquake I don't know). And the nuclear situation gets more dire every day. I'm so heart sick over the whole thing. :(
  13. Wow! That takes the cake! Unreal. He must have a really high tolerance to pain. Ay mama. I'm sorry for you. :( :grouphug:
  14. Awwwww!!! She's sooooooo cuuuute!! Her face makes me smile. Enjoy that precious new baby, mama. :)
  15. Awwww. That is so sweet. :) I don't know how in the world he can sing all in a string of words like that and not get tongue tangled. :eek: Amazing. I like how their house is all trashed too in the backround. It looks like mine! lol I really HATE Canon in D on principal as a cellist and a guitarist for the reasons stated , but this guy really did it justice! :) Thanks for sharing that Michelle. :)
  16. Ain't nothing to it! I don't think there is anything to apologize for or feel embarrassed about. Hormones have gotten the best of all of us from time to time. I hope our making light in your thread encouraged you to not take it all so seriously. I say all the time, "if I weren't laughing I'd be crying so I'd rather laugh." I'm glad that you are come back. It would truly be sad to lose you over a word like "kerfuffle" ;) :) :grouphug: I definitely think your thread will go down in WTM history. ;) hehe God bless you. :)
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