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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. vodka for body odor? has anyone heard of such a thing? I have. It's an old Russian cure for body odor. The idea is, you drink the vodka until you can't smell the B.O. anymore. Apparently it works because a lot of Russians swear by it! :thumbup:
  2. I second that! :svengo: I accidentally saw Antonio Banderas in a budgie smuggler when I was looking for pics of him in a kilt for Faith and I nearly went blind. :eek:
  3. A bump brings your post to the top of the heap so it gets views. :) Consider this another bump. ;)
  4. Calling Dr. Hive!! I'm sorry, Dr. Hive isn't here right now, would you like to see Dr. Jive?? He's available.
  5. That's ok, I didn't *really* want to get paid anyway That's terrific!! I've always wanted a housekeeper. When can you start?? I promise that I will never, ever pay you. I think you will be very happy here. :)
  6. Is it time for a different *hot* topic? It's Polka Time!! :D :hurray: :party:
  7. Flying with small children? Make sure to use extra large wings and lots and lots of velcro. :thumbup:
  8. Kinetic Algebra. DD is doing really well with it even though she HATES math with the passion of a thousand suns.
  9. What was your image of homeschooling and what is your reality? Well, this was my image... And this was my reality... :001_huh: I think there was a little bit of a disconnect somewhere. :confused:
  10. Can you talk to me about fish oil? Sure! First off, it's disgusting. Anyone you talk to will faint from the rankness of your breath and don't think to take breath mints, that will only make it worse! It will ooze out of your pores and people may suspect you have leprosy. It tastes like regurgitated penguin barf and you get the added benefit of burping it up and enjoying that special flavor again and again all throughout the day. In other words, it's the gift that just keeps on giving. Did you want to know anything else?? Oh, PS, they say it's really good for you. I'm highly suspect of that however. :glare:
  11. Oh my! I think the customer was some kind of fruit. :001_huh:
  12. Okay this one is for you, Nance. :) A rabbi is up on the stage during Shabbat services while the cantor is singing. The cantor is singing so beautifully about the majesty of God that the rabbi becomes very emotional. He is so deeply moved that he falls down flat on his face and and cries out "Oh Lord! Before you I am nothing!" He regains his composure and stands up again a little embarrassed by his emotional outburst. Mr. Wiseman in the congregation sees this all go down and then he himself falls down in the aisle on his face and says, "Oh Lord before you I am nothing!" The rabbi nudges the cantor and says to him, "Look who thinks he's nothing." ;)
  13. Oh my gosh! That man David was HATEFUL!!! LOL I like the "it's a design thing. She's lost in negative space" part. Holy smokes. That was funny! hehehe
  14. That seems like a very worthy way to spend your time to me. :D
  15. melatonin can cause hallucinations??!!! Really? I didn't know that. Sooo ummm, how much did you have to take to get said effect?? Just wondering. ;)
  16. miopic I had to look that one up in the dictionary. It means near sighted. Hmmm. I'd use it when I mean to say near sighted, but everyone I know would be like, "huh?? What does miopic mean?" If I say, "it means 'near sighted'" they would just say, "why didn't you just say near sighted in the first place your show off!" lol
  17. You see Rosie! She'd rather have a cheap guitar than hang out with me. lol I told you! hehehehehehe No cliques here! ;) :tongue_smilie:
  18. Good woman, that's almost enough to make me forgive you for what you said about Joe.... almost.... :glare::tongue_smilie:
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