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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Welcome! If my imaginary friends get too rowdy and rambunctious just give 'em a hard slap. They don't really feel it. :D :tongue_smilie:
  2. :lol::lol: I've threatened to do that before, but my husband says the only way he will let me go is if I take him and the kids with me. Kinda defeats the purpose. lol :tongue_smilie: She was talking about the pink guitar, not me. lol LOL you're cracking me up!! I've never been in a clique in my life unless you count my imaginary friends and even they got fed up and ignored me sometimes. :tongue_smilie: :D hehe Melody, feel free to PM me, if I don't know the answer I'll refer you to Rosie. :D hehe
  3. GASP! THEM'S FIGHTIN WORDS MS. ROSIE!! :angry: lol you're SO bad! hehehehehe
  4. LOL You have good friends. Yep there is a bounty on my head for all the threads I've killed. :D If you don't mind hangin out with a dangerous outlaw, I'd be honored to have a young pup like you around. ;) :)
  5. LOL IT's a shame they don't make it a better guitar. It really is cute. I love the Hello Kitty Fender Strat too, but that one is such a piece of junk. You'd have to invest so much money in modding it that you may as well just buy a decent strat or strat knock off and get a custom paint job. :) Hey, you could do that with an acoustic! Get a decent one and get it painted pink and glittery. :)
  6. I think Daisy Rock makes a cute pink acoustic, it sucks, but it's cute.:D
  7. LOL you're really sweet, but you should have somebody way smarter than me for a mentor. lol I vote for Mrs. Mungo. :) But if you are desperate you can always PM me anytime and I'll do my best to answer you in a way that doesn't make me sound stoopid. ;) :tongue_smilie:
  8. :lol: sounds good to me! I'm not the jealous/possessive type. I'm just happy that Rosie talks to me at all. :D :lol: pink nail polish is cool too! hehehe I have some cute pink Hello Kitty picks that move so it looks like she's rocking out on her Fender strat. :D I'm going to make earrings out of them. :)
  9. Well, since Rosie mentioned it...... Shameless brag.... My pink guitar :D
  10. That's an excellent question. I'll be here 2 years in just a few days so I'm not exactly a newbie, but I haven't been around anywhere near as long as some of you old timers. She wouldn't want me anyway. I just get a mental image of Pepe Le Pew and the cat trying to run away from him. lol Not that I'd hit on her or anything, but just after talking about my interests for a few days I'd probably illicit the same response. LOL We've been chatting for over a year and a half dear! lol hehe And not everyone has your fortitude to listen to my ramblings about guitars and the greatness of Joe Satriani. :grouphug: ;) :D I'm glad you've only hid under the bed once or twice. You were giving me a complex. :) hehe
  11. Krispy Kremes Oh what a cute puppy you are! I'd adopt you, but I'm positive that you'd be cowering under the bed asking for a new owner after a day or two with me. I have that effect on people for some reason. :confused::confused:
  12. Dracula. I wish SOMEBODY would actually do a movie that was like the book.
  13. Pretty lined paper? Any ideas where to find it? Charmin makes some with lovely designs! Just stay away from the pink ones. ;) And the best part is that you can find it at any Walmart or grocery store! :thumbup: :hurray:
  14. Awwww!! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! :)
  15. Ay Susan! You have to be one of the most gracious women living!! I suspect that there is much that has been left unsaid in what you wrote here. I can only imagine how "angsty" you are feeling! :grouphug: :grouphug: Thank you you for all that you do and for your grace and poise under, undoubtedly, serious aggravation! :grouphug: :grouphug:
  16. giving you a bump because this is too cute to miss! :)
  17. Need a board game suggestion I suggest this one! It's fun in here. :) :thumbup:
  18. Jean, will you be my best friend?? You are just awesome! :) :hurray:
  19. *choke* hehehehehehe Awww poor Ed. hehe Do they even do the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes anymore??
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