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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Alarm! What would you have done? Hit the snooze and rolled over. :thumbup:
  2. What strange thing have you received in the mail lately? This was sent to me recently by my brother. I don't know what to make of it. :confused:
  3. Year 'Round Hschooling I think it would be a great thing for your family. :)
  4. Software for memory work testing? I have one! I can't remember what it was called though. I'll have to see if I can find it for you to give you the name. Now if I could only remember where I put the darn thing. :confused:
  5. I am an ungrateful wretch! B-B-BUT YOU CAN'T BE!! That was always my mommy's special name for ME!! :(
  6. Just wanted to say thanks to the mods. Thanks to you all, my hair has never looked better! :thumbup::grouphug: :grouphug:
  7. "Your kids are weird" - WWYD I'd have to agree. My kids are weird.
  8. How do you keep education joyful and "light"? Easy. I tell my kids to be joyful or they have to sit in the chair under the 2,000 watt bulbs again! Works like a charm! :) :thumbup:
  9. Anybody remember Courting vs Dating issues? Faintly. The way I remember it was like this.... Frog went a courtin' and he did ride, uh-huh Frog went a courtin' and he did ride, uh-huh Frog went a courtin' and he did ride With a sword and a pistol by his side, uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh He rode right up to Miss Mousie's door, uh-huh He rode right up to Miss Mousie's door, uh-huh He rode right up to Miss Mousie's door Gave three loud raps, and a very big roar, uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh Said Miss Mouse, are you within, uh-huh Said Miss Mouse, are you within, uh-huh Said Miss Mouse, are you within Miss Mousie said, I sit and spin, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh Took Miss Mousie on his knee, uh-huh Took Miss Mousie on his knee, uh-huh Took Miss Mousie on his knee, Said Miss Mousie, will you marry me, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
  10. Kid getting heavy.... Oh I can sympathize! My dd gets so heavy on me sometimes when we're discussing difficult "gray area" topics. It's hard to know what to say. :grouphug:
  11. How long do I let him sleep? Is your dh's name Rip Van Winkle?? If so, WAKE HIM UP!! NOW!
  12. Found out today that I have an adventurer. What gave it away? The artifacts he had stashed in his room or that he tried his hand at making a campfire in the living room?? ;) :tongue_smilie:
  13. Speaking of the 80's... guess who is going on tour for the first time in 15 years??? I always thought it was so cool that he had two drummers. I mean, who does that?!?! Very original. I'll bet live it sounds like thunder. :thumbup: :)
  14. NO WAY!!! My dh is an artist who is inspired by cubism, surrealism and the impressionists. I don't even want to think what he would do to me! :eek: :svengo:
  15. Awesome! I didn't know of her. Her voice is fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing this song. :)
  16. :grouphug::grouphug: I just wonder, if she says it often, how many people (like me maybe) who would never have imagined they could possibly do this thing called home schooling if they would ever even attempt it?? I thank God for Donna Deklavon who was the first home schooler I ever met when I didn't even know that home schooling existed. She patiently listened to my questions and answered them and because of her encouragement I was willing to try even though I myself had a horrible PS experience and was pretty lacking in my own education. Home school has been such a rich and rewarding experience for my dd (and me since I learn right alongside her) I just can't imagine if someone came along in the beginning and dashed my hopes. It makes me want to cry to think of the ramifications in my child. DD went to public school for one year (to appease dh mainly who was not on board with the HS thing) and she was so mercilessly bullied (she's an Aspie and has OCD and ADHD) and the school did nothing about it. I was always in the principals office telling them about my dd getting beat up (5 kids pinned against a fence and repeatedly punched and kicked her) and the vice principal's reply was, "Everyone gets beat up sometime in school." :eek: My dd was 8 years old! After 2 months in the school my husband said we had to bring her home again. Sorry for the tangent, but bottom line is I can't imagine a home schooler, who knows how hard fought it was to even get it legal in the first place, would ever wish to stop anyone from home schooling their children. We home school because we LOVE our kids and KNOW it is the best thing for them. NOBODY has the right to take that hope away from another parent who loves their children and wants what is best for them. :crying: I don't care if they come from different back rounds, racial/ethnic groups, whatever! We are ALL united by the common bond of MOTHERHOOD and wanting to give our children the very best that we can. That transcends all IMO. *steps of soap box and goes back to the forum game thread* :tongue_smilie:
  17. That makes me so incredibly sad! :( I think it's great that so many people are trying homeschooling. The more the merrier I say. I cannot imagine the impact in my family if PS was the only option that I had for my children. Shudder. My boundary schools are awful.
  18. Slug-resistant vegetables? Veggies take time to grow. A couple of months at the minimum although I agree that some do grow more sluggishly than others. If you want something that will grow really fast I suggest you plant lima beans! They will give you lots of action. :) HTH. :)
  19. egg show questions Oh, I remember that show! It was just like The Gong Show except if they didn't like your act you didn't get gonged you got pelted with eggs!
  20. Talk to me about Apples and Pears, and Dancing Bears It's really simple and straight forward. The bears dance and you give them the apples and pears for their reward. Easy peasy. :)
  21. That's wonderful!!!! Congratulations! :party: :hurray:
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