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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. resources for war of 1812? Well, by today's standards they didn't have many resources at all. Some calvary and infantry, cannons, muskets, bayonets. Not much really. Just think if they had had the benefit of carpet bombing back then!
  2. Illinois!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAH!! Too many exclamation points!! You're scaring me. :willy_nilly:
  3. Oh my gosh that was hilarious! Thanks so much for sharing it. Gotta show that to my dh. :)
  4. LOL You're welcome! I just can't believe that this thread is still here after I've posted in it! :) Maybe the curse has been lifted?? Dare I dream to hope?? Could it be possible??? Meh, Probably not! It will most likely die now.
  5. s/o Emperor's New Clothes -- Photo of the Bathroom How do I know that's really the bathroom and not just a picture of a blank wall?? My mama didn't raise no fool!
  6. My sister's wedding - what am I supposed to do? I think you're supposed to go, but I guess it depends on how much you like your sister.
  7. Need a baby gate for 126lb *baby* I don't want to come across as indelicate but, honestly, if your baby weighs 126lbs, I think the gate is the least of your problems. Besides, at 126lbs wouldn't he just look like Jabba the Hut or something? He probably isn't going to get anywhere fast so I'm sure you'd be able to catch up to him quick enough. :thumbup:
  8. *choke* You gotta give a girl some warning before you post something like that! Thank God I wasn't drinking milk! It would have shot clean out my nose!! :lol: :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: These were great! hehehe
  9. Awwww he's beautiful!! Congratulations mama! :party: :hurray: :grouphug:
  10. No way!! I'm the thread killer! hehehehe And besides you must be popular enough because I have a crap memory but I remember your name and avatar so you must be doing something right! :thumbup: And now that I've posted this thread will officially die. Watch! 3-2-1-oblivion! :tongue_smilie:
  11. Ah you're right! Doh!! I'm going to fix it right now! hehehe You'll have to re-quote my post! ;) :tongue_smilie:
  12. I was good. I typed it, then used White-out! ;) :thumbup: hehe
  13. Type then delete then delete then delete then delete then delete then delete then delete then delete then delete then delete then delete then delete then delete then delete
  14. LOL :lol::lol: Yeah, that's different. If they have magnetic underwear then you have to use a snow shovel to get them off. :thumbup:
  15. Tiger Mom's daughter accepted into Harvard Does Harvard have a zoo?? Huh. I didn't know. Learn something new everyday! :)
  16. I don't know if I really have any advice for you, but I wanted to come and give you some hugs. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I haven't been where you are so I don't feel qualified to answer your questions, but a verse that burned in my mind as I read your post was this one from Jeremiah. Jeremiah 29:11-13 (New King James Version) For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I believe that verse wholeheartedly. I think if you truly seek and search with all your heart you will find Him at the end of it. I wish you well in your searching. I hope that you find what you seeking. God bless you sweetheart! :grouphug: :grouphug:
  17. Why are atheist and agnostic considered the same in recent threads? "One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn't belong, Can you tell which thing is not like the others By the time I finish my song? Did you guess which thing was not like the others? Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong? If you guessed this one is not like the others, Then you're absolutely...right! "
  18. Do you cater to your child's food preferences? Nah, I don't do catering. I throw whatever I cook at them and it's up to them to catch it in their mouths. No fancy shmancy caterers here.
  19. Alleve is what I have at home anyway. :) Thank you. :) I appreciate your empathy. :grouphug: Chocolate and a day in bed is pretty much what she got today. By the way, I wanted to let you all know that she is feeling much much better. She even wanted to go with me when I went out to the grocery store after dinner. She hasn't thrown up anymore and she said that her cramps feel much better now. So thank you for all the prayers and helpful advice. :) :grouphug:
  20. Beautiful Feet ?? Not me. My feet are nasty. I've been told they resemble Sasquatch's. :(
  21. The King's Speech - Would you take your teens? Mija, if I got invited to go see the King speak, you better believe I'd take whoever I could as witnesses that I was really there! :thumbup:
  22. heard trashmen yell "WOW" at all my trash Did it perform tricks??
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