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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Funny you should say that! I just saw this article when I went to check my email! :eek: That is so scary. I think I'm just fine with my hurricanes thank you! At least we aren't anywhere near the edge of a Tectonic Plate. :eek:
  2. It's so nice to see good stories in the news. :) http://tv.yahoo.com/blog/miss-maine-usa-to-skip-big-pageant-for-wedding--2779
  3. Sage advice! :) With her having children already I'm willing to bet that she's already pretty well acquainted with reality. And I think it was the fella that really wanted to get the proposal right. It sounds like she must be a special lady if he is enlisting the help of others to give her the proposal that he thinks she deserves. :) I think this couple sounds like they've got their feet on the ground. I'm rooting for them (oh darn, I forgot I can't say that anymore. Thanks Rosie for spoiling a perfectly good word! :lol: ) I wish them all the best. :)
  4. Thank you so much ladies! I'm feverishly taking notes here. :)
  5. Awwwwww!! :001_wub: Imp, I think your dh and mine need to come read this thread and take notes. ;) :D hehehe
  6. :lol: at the bolded part. Oh, I hope so too. It would just be so damaging if what 60 minutes says is true. I hope that it comes out that they were wrong.
  7. :lol::lol::lol: My dh's love language is acts of service too. I wish it was gifts or something else. Acts of service is an exhausting one. :glare: lol
  8. :( That is so sad. :( It is interesting what a PP said about our country legalizing and legitimizing pro-choice. It doesn't seem to apply in this case. :(
  9. Awwwwww!!! That is so sweet! lol My dh hates it when I make him repeat sweet things that he's said. lol He says it's no longer spontaneous so it doesn't mean the same. I tell him I don't care. I just like the way it sounds! :lol: Some of you guys are so funny! I'm glad I'm not the only one with a romantically challenged dh. ;) :D
  10. Thank you so much for the suggestions, ladies. :) Unfortunately dh is allergic to cayenne, but I'll check out the Hawthorne drops and the CoQ10. Is the CoQ10 a pill, drops?? What form does one take it in?? Thank you. :)
  11. LOL :lol: :lol: Sounds like something my dh would do if he had gotten me a ring. lol Actually he didn't get me a ring at all. He just asked, "Do you want a ring or a down payment on a house?" lol Me being the practical gal that I am chose the house. ;) I like that idea. That sounds very romantic. :)
  12. Wow!! I would have loved to have witnessed that, but not to have been the girl. I would have died of embarrassment! lol
  13. Thank you so much!! I KNEW you would steer me in the right direction! :grouphug: :) Okay, a couple of questions.... Nitrates.... I thought those were bad?? Isn't that the stuff they put in hot dogs and luncheon meats that they say is so bad for you??? I saw with the tea that it says to drink decaf. My dh LOVES his Cuban coffee and drinks it several times a day. Does he have to give up caffeine? What effect does caffeine have on blood pressure? Ay, I'm going to quote your part about doing housework to him! LOL hehehehe :lol: :lol: Thank you for the book recommendation. I will check it out. Thank you for taking the time to put all of that information down for me. I really appreciate it! :grouphug: I kind of intuitively knew that he should cut back on salt, meat and eat more fruits and veggies, but I didn't know any of that about the potassium, magnesium and all of those other minerals and elements. Thank you so much honey. I really appreciate it. :)
  14. Do you know of any remedies/treatments for hypertension that are non-pharmaceutical? My dh has been diagnosed with high blood pressure/hypertension and wants to treat it without drugs if possible. The thing is though is that he eats pretty healthy, is not overweight, he walks everyday and has generally good habits. His father also has hypertension so he is wondering if it is a genetic thing and if it can be treated without drugs. I'm adding more veggies to his diet and cutting meat (we generally eat chicken breast) to just 2-3 times a week. Any ideas for supplements or anything else he can try that will lower his blood pressure?? Thank you all for your time. :)
  15. I would eat just about anything if meant I could see (and hopefully meet) Joe Satriani in person. I would love to just sit and ask him questions. lol
  16. Hi Negin. :) I like Mary Kay's timewise products as well, but for your dark circles, all you would really need is a concealer (if they are not too dark) or a color corrector and a concealer if they are. Bobbi Brown's color corrector is good as is Eve Pearl's, I love Laura Mercier's concealer. It's full coverage, but blends in like you've got nothing on. As far as acne/oil control, I think a BB cream would be right up your alley. It's kind of like a tinted moisturizer, but it has a little more coverage, but still blends in flawlessly to your skin and feels like you have nothing on, the only draw back with BB creams is they don't have a wide shade range, but if you can find one in your shade they are awesome! :) Mac also has a product called "matte" that you can put on your skin to keep it shine free and then you can either go with a light tinted moisturizer or nothing at all if you choose, or a mineral foundation or whatever other type of foundation you prefer. Or you could go with a face primer that mattifies the skin also. Just some different options you can look into. :)
  17. I'll take hurricanes over tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, blizzards, ice storms, etc any day. At least with a hurricane you know it's coming and can prepare and evacuate if you need to. Can't do that with tornadoes or earthquakes. Even though we do get the occasional tornado or water spout, they usually aren't strong enough to really do much damage.
  18. I didn't see it in the article that was linked, but does anyone know who it was that pressed charges against the mid-wife?
  19. :lol: :lol: Or my dh's..... "So what do you think about taking pre-marital classes?" Romance isn't his strong suit, but I married him anyway. And we did take pre-marital classes. lol ;) :tongue_smilie:
  20. I don't know, but I have a sudden desire for Tory Burch flats that are cheap. :confused: ;) :tongue_smilie:
  21. I cried non-stop for 6 weeks when my ds was diagnosed with profound Autism. It was really a mourning period for me when I realized that he wouldn't have the childhood I had imagined he would have, but instead that he was going to have to struggle all of his life. It was HARD. I wished that I had the power to take it from him, but I was so powerless. After that period of crying, I one day just stopped and pulled myself together and was like, "okay, what do I have to do to help him?" and have been doing that ever since. :grouphug: Lots of hugs to you OP and all of you that have special kiddos. It is a hard and lonely road to travel, but there are definite blessings that you would never have had otherwise. My son has taught me more than I will probably ever be able to teach him and I just cannot imagine my life without him in it. He's the most amazing person I have ever met. The bravest... and the most joyful. :)
  22. LOL :lol: :lol: I never watched Kate's show before (don't have cable), but I did see her when she was on Dancing With The Stars and I was appalled by her behavior and temper tantrums. Is she always like that?? I don't know the whole of her story, but I heard that she and her husband are divorced. Does she have the main custody of the children? I would feel so badly for those children if she is their only role model based on the behavior that I saw. :eek:
  23. That's awful!! I don't even know what to say. Shame on him! How can he abuse and take advantage of people this way and get away with it for so long??
  24. My son learned to read through sight reading. He too learned the word by association with a picture and then just memorized the words by sight. He's 10 though, not quite as young as your little guy.
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