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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Admit it! Which living books do you hate? Books about monsters!! They always attack me when I'm sleeping. :glare:
  2. Babies in Restaurants... BTDT I realize that babies are considered a delicacy in some cultures, but I just can't get over the ick factor of eating a baby. :svengo: Shudder. Sorry I can't be of more help on this one.
  3. Oh my gosh that song always makes me cry!! I love Jars of Clay. :)
  4. Lots and lots, but I'm happy to say that I actually know all of the words to the Star Spangled Banner. :D :)
  5. I just got a new friend :) OOOOOH how nice!! How much?? Were they on sale?? :D
  6. Being friends with a parasite Well, if you don't mind sharing all of your food with a blood sucker, I guess it could work. :001_huh: My friends are all invisible so who am I to judge? Whatever floats your boat. :)
  7. Do you make your littles wear clothes? Ummmm yeah!! This isn't Blue Lagoon after all.
  8. Curriculum help for accelerated 5 yr old Honestly, I would just take the jet pack off of him and then you can use any curriculum you want. :thumbup:
  9. KISS grammar questions I think I read once that Gene Simmons used to be an English teacher so I'm sure his grammar is actually quite good, Ace and Peter are pretty bad. I don't think Paul actually talks so I'm not sure about his grammar. ;)
  10. Group Speech Ideas? I would have them give their speech one at a time otherwise everyone will be just talking over each other and it will be mayhem.
  11. Oh me too. I've been listening to him for 20 years at least! lol is so beautiful, it would be nice for a slow dance. :)
  12. Yeah I saw it when I went to check my email too. :) I just did a search on the man's name who shot the video and got his facebook page and from there the link to his video upload. :) Glad you enjoyed it. :)
  13. LOL I like the guy that joined in. He was funny! lol Wow, I wonder how long it took them to get that down and coordinate all of that. Pretty cool. :)
  14. Oh my gosh Simka!!! I'm so so sorry for your son!! Praying for all of you!! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  15. I just finished watching your video link. Man, he's got some moves! It's amazing how much of it was inspired by Michael Jackson. And Pitbull too! :) He's Cuban too. :D I like these for more modern dance music too. :) This one has Pitbull too. :) Ay I LOVE Alejandro Sanz! His voice is so sexy. hehehehe Can't stand Shakira though. :ack2:
  16. Have him teach you!! :) If he goes slow you should be able to get it. Dancing is so much fun. :) is one from my husband's country. Juan Luis Guerra is brilliant. He combines great music with thought provoking lyrics and a bit of ironic (perhaps sarcastic) humor. Love him. :)
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