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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. hahahahahahahahahaha We speak fluent Princess Bride in our house as well. ;) :) hehehe Actually, my husband lived in New York City when he first came to the States so he learned English up there. He's now lived in Florida a lot longer than he ever lived up north, but his accent is still very New York Hispanic. :)
  2. Yes, I think that is the main thing. Whatever the people want to be called should be what you call them, like another poster was saying too. I know amongst Spanish-speaking Caribbean people, they refer to themselves as "Indio" or "Taino". My grandfather's nickname was actually "Indio" because of his hair, skin color, high cheek bones, etc. I don't know if we have any Native American blood in us though, I'd love to find out for sure. I saw a program once on the Calusa Indians (now extinct) who's territory was Southwest Florida all the way down to the Keys. I saw a photograph of an elderly Calusa woman and she was the spitting image of my great grandmother (my great grandma was from Key West)!! :eek: My grandfather too (her son) looks just like the the guy who played Wind in His Hair from that movie Dances with Wolves. There is a part in that movie where he smiles and I swear it's like looking at my grandfather with long hair! :) I really need to get a genetic test one of these days. I know my kids have Native American in them through my dh, but it would be so cool to know if I did as well. :) :)
  3. :eek: yeah, I heard on the news last night that President Obama was supposed to be there. I'll bet it's going to be crazy. Sigh. I think our plan now is just to set the television to record the launch when it goes live and to go to our local beach and just look north and see if we can see it go up. I remember when I was a kid in school that they would take us outside when there were launches so we could see the trail of smoke going up and although it was far we could still see it. (We saw the Challenger disaster with our own eyes :( ) So maybe we'll see something from the beach and then we can go home and just watch what we recorded. I don't know what else to do honestly. The crowds are just going to be too crazy up north and the with the weather I really don't want to drive up there in that. :( I'm sure the next launch in June is going to be even crazier as it's the last. :( Sigh. I'm so sad to see the shuttles retire. :(
  4. It's interesting to me, sociologically/culturally speaking, how terminologies mean such widely varying things from location to location. This thread has been and interesting and eye opening read for me. :)
  5. Thank you everybody so much. Sigh. What to do, what to do?? They are forecasting storms so I don't even know now if the launch will take place. God knows I really would love to see it in person, but I think for today we will have to watch it on tv. :( I'm just north of Miami so that would be quite a drive for me to if it's just going to be called off because of storms. :(
  6. Wow!! :eek: I had no idea!! :svengo: I will seriously have to try to remember that if I should ever go to Canada. I had no idea that "Indian" was so offensive there. I live very close to a Seminole Indian reservation and have been around them pretty much all my life and they always refer to themselves as Indians, well actually more specifically, the Indians I know always referred to themselves by their specific tribe ie. Creek, Cherokee, Seminole etc. but if describing their ethnicity they would say "Indian". I actually never even heard the term "First Nations" before I heard you say it Imp. I have to ask the Seminoles when I'm around them next if they use the term First Nations. :)
  7. :smilielol5::smilielol5::lol::lol: ya'll are cracking me up! hehehehe I read your comments to him and dh is laughing too. I wonder if he will laugh when I tell him he really does have to table dance for ya'll. ;) :D bwahahahahaha :tongue_smilie:
  8. :lol::lol: I'll do my best ma'am. :) ROFL!! I told my husband that I wanted to get him a kilt after the first thread that started it all. He has a really gorgeous skin tone and I could see him totally rocking a utilikilt! :blushing: :D :D
  9. :lol::lol::lol: He would die of pride because he's a very dignified and "old school" kind of man, but he's actually a wonderful dancer! :) I'd try to convince him though for the sake of the hive. ;) :tongue_smilie::lol:
  10. I wonder why they don't like "brown" either?? Is it because "brown" is considered Indian maybe?? and therefore taking away from their African heritage perhaps?? I can't think of why it would be offensive, but I'm not black either so take whatever I say with a grain of salt. ;) My husband is mixed black, white and brown and has beautiful caramel brown skin. It would be strange to me to refer to him as only "black" because even though his hair and some of his features tell of his African heritage, to call him just black would deny his white and Indian heritage as well. In his country though they don't really make the racial distinctions since everyone is all mixed. They are just "Dominicans". :)
  11. That is WONDERFUL news!! I'm so happy for you!! :party: :hurray: Woot! :grouphug:
  12. Oh yes it's still there and even bigger now. They voted a few years back to allow casinos off of the reservations and it passed (unfortunately) so now in addition to the racetrack there is a big casino there too! It's called Gulfstream Village now. Looky here. I live just north of there actually in downtown Hollywood. :)
  13. Is your couch close to the door? The only way I can see him opening the door for you is if he can reach it while sitting on the couch. :tongue_smilie: LOL
  14. LOL Yeah, don't hold your breath. My husband would have to get off the couch to be your butler and I don't see that happening anytime soon. :tongue_smilie::lol:
  15. *pasted from the other thread* My husband's would be Sir Esporminio Lobo-Calle Trece. :lol: I'm afraid to ask what table we would be sat at. :tongue_smilie:
  16. Ah, I didn't do my husband's! His would be Sir Esporminio Lobo-Calle Trece. :lol::lol::lol:
  17. Wow how exciting!! Ugh, you can't even imagine how many vacations my family has planned around a launch only to have it cancelled once we were up there. :( I've still yet to see a launch from the Cape. I hear it's amazing, but it seems now like it will be impossible. With only two launches left, I'm sure it's no longer possible to even get tickets to see one. :(
  18. Thanks ladies for your responses. :) We were thinking about doing this, but I'm not sure if it's worth that long of a drive (for us) for what we will see. I mean, if it's just going to be a tiny speck in the sky I don't know if I want to drive 2 and a half hours for that, kwim?? How much can you actually see from Ft. Pierce, do you know??
  19. I have a question for you. If I want to come up to see the launch tomorrow, but want to avoid the crowds, how close could I reasonably get? Any city/town recommendations for a Southern county girl?? ;) I am totally fine with driving up and parking on the side of the road somewhere to watch it go up. Thank you to all who reply. :)
  20. Okay, thanks for making me feel even OLDER now! And to think I just wished you a happy birthday!! Hmph! :glare: LOL ;) :tongue_smilie: Good for the men for stepping up then, but I still don't want to know! lol I'm with Garga on that one. :lol::lol:
  21. You can sit next to David Hasselhoff. ;) :D hehe
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