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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Potter's School electives? Quidditch, Dark Arts, Potion Making, Spells and Incantations, How to make your hair poofy.... They offer lots of classes at Hogwarts. :)
  2. A Public School Teacher Confronted Me Ugh! I'm so sorry! They can be so aggressive against home schoolers sometimes. I once had one come after me with nunchucks when she found out I was a home schooler! :eek: And they wonder why we don't want to send our kids to school for socialization! :glare: :svengo:
  3. I don't know the answer to your question, but I wanted to welcome you out of lurking and to the boards. :)
  4. s/o - What do you equate with "disrespectful"? I've always thought the pie to the face was crossing the line.
  5. Calling atheists and agnostics: question from my kids You just dial the area code and phone number just like with anyone else. HTH. :)
  6. Are there any g/f wraps or pizza doughs? Are you sure that's what your girlfriend wants? Your gift seems a little... um.... "unorthodox"? :blushing:
  7. My neighbor strikes again...(long). Who is your neighbor?? Darth Vader?
  8. I think I'm going to be pregnant forever :eek: No advice, just lots of :grouphug: :grouphug: That's awful! I'd get a second opinion though just to be sure.
  9. Cost of VT? Oooh. That one is expensive! Why don't you try buying a cheaper state like New Jersey or something?? JMHO.
  10. ROFL That's hilarious! Yeah, I see that a lot of 80's fashion is coming back again. :confused: Why, I don't know.
  11. Need short haircut suggestions... My suggestion... don't do it yourself! :eek:
  12. Any adults here with permanent damage from lazy eye? Nah, my eyes were TOO lazy to do any permanent harm. They just taunted and teased me mostly. They never really got violent or anything. Although they did go on strike once for two weeks! That sucked believe me! :glare:
  13. I am sick of ham!! Shem! Japheth!! Stop complaining about your brother!
  14. the Arcade Fire - Have you heard of this Canadian band? No, but St. Elmo's Fire is great. They make really cute clothes with nautical themes. :)
  15. I finished Insanity!!!!!! I'm SO happy for you dear! Welcome back to reality! :grouphug: :grouphug:
  16. Science through Living Books Honestly, Science with regular books is much much easier to learn. Living books are always moving around, or talking or God forbid they get gassy after taco night. :eek: It's really hard to learn that way. It's just too distracting. Just my 2 cents.
  17. I'm looking for fun supplements for medieval studies. Oh! Oh! I have a good one for you! When dd and I were doing medieval studies we made our own torches, battle axes and maces and then pillaged the neighborhood. It was so much fun and we got LOTS of new stuff too. We were able to FINALLY get an X-box! :thumbup: :hurray:
  18. Help! There's a bat in my garage!! It's okay really. Lots of people have unused sports equipment in there garage. It's normal I assure you. :grouphug:
  19. End of Year Panic? Boy you're not a procrastinator are ya?? Three months into the new year and you're already panicking?? You've got 9 months until you have to worry. :grouphug:
  20. Having a hard time shelling out the money for $TOG$! You can get imitation ones at Walmart for A LOT less! HTH. :)
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