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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Am I pushing my kindergartner too hard? Did she fall down?? If so then, yes, I think you're pushing her too hard.
  2. Sparkpeople.com People! Where are you? Ummm. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that they're all at Sparkpeople.com
  3. Thank you so much. I'll try that. Thank you all for your helpful replies. You gals rock! :grouphug: I'm so sorry though that so many you have suffered or suffer still. Ugh. Why did Eve have to eat that stupid fruit!!! :glare:
  4. Will do. :) Ugh that's so awful! You poor poor thing! :grouphug::grouphug:
  5. :grouphug::grouphug: Oh that's awful! Thanks. :) Haven't tried that yet. Thank you for the suggestion. :)
  6. :grouphug::grouphug: Oh that's awful!! You poor thing! My thing is migraines. I get those when It's my time of the month. I mean I get cramps in my stomach and back too and they hurt, but nothing as debilitating as that. The migraines though, they stop me dead in my tracks. I get double vision, throwing up and feel like there is a spike through my head. It's horrible.
  7. Thank you!! :) I have to run out to the store today as it is, I'll pick some up. :) What is the ratio of vinegar to water??
  8. Thank you all so much for your kind and wise replies. She is curled up in my bed right now upstairs. I went up to bring her an Alleve and some chocolate ;) and she was dozing. I asked if she was awake and she said yes and sat up and took the pill and ate the chocolate. hehe She said she is feeling a little bit better and that she thinks the nap helped. I told her to just stay in bed and rest. I'm going to call the gynecologist and set up an appointment for her. She hasn't yet gone so I guess she's due to go anyway. Thank you all again so much. I was hesitant to post this up because it is so private and I know my dd would feel embarrassed about it "being out there". I asked her if she wanted me to post it up and she said yes so I did. I just knew you ladies would have answers. Thank you so much for the prayers for my dd. You gals are so wonderful. :grouphug:
  9. So who would she go to first? The gynecologist? Would they be able to diagnose endometriosis?
  10. :eek: That sounds so scary!! Well, her period just started this morning so I guess time will tell if the pain lasts the entire cycle. What is the treatment for ovarian cysts?
  11. Thank you. :) Yes her cycles are like clockwork. I gave her a small notebook to keep track as soon as she started menstruating and she does it every month. She has always had cramps, just never this bad before. Poor thing. What do you take for your cramps??
  12. Hey ladies, I'm hoping to get some advice from you gals who have BTDT already and to ask if you would all pray for my dd. She is having really bad menstrual cramps. She's been menstruating for over about a year and a half, but has never had cramps like this before. She says that they are making her throw up they hurt so bad. I gave her a pill for the pain and a heating pad for her stomach and told her to lie down and rest, but I don't know what else I can do for her beyond that. I'd really appreciate your wisdom on this ladies. Is it normal for the cramps to get so painful like that even though her cycles have been coming for a year and a half already?? Thank you so much to all of you who reply and pray for my poor girl. :grouphug::grouphug:
  13. Hot flashes, cold chills, and dark mood That's right folks! Dancing with the Stars is starting back up on Monday! Woot!
  14. Yes, I've done it too. ETA Laura's quote ~~ Actually THIS is what happens to me a lot of the time ETA Well most of the time ETA or I will type a really silly or smart alecky kind of response and then delete it because I don't want to offend anyone if they don't get my sense of humor and misunderstand me or think I was being mean or something like that. ETA Nevermind. :blushing:
  15. Open mouth; insert foot Do my toes taste funny to you?? :confused:
  16. Awwww how wonderful!! Congratulations! :hurray: What happy news!
  17. Awwww! How SWEET!! Happy Anniversary honey. :) :grouphug:
  18. Questions a parent should never ask a child.. "Why did you light a smoke bomb in the house?" "How did your sister get stuck to the ceiling?" "Why doesn't the cat have any hair?" Those are some right off the top of my head.
  19. My favorite song not only right at this moment, but probably of all time is by Joe Satriani. This song just takes me to another place. I love Satch. And just as an aside, I couldn't find a decent video on Youtube for the album version of this song so I made it myself! lol I've never put up a video before. :D hehe
  20. Homeschooling as a Home Decorating Choice Okay, I'm with you, but how did you manage it?? I confess I've tried it myself, but I couldn't get the kids to stay still up on the wall. How did you overcome that problem??
  21. I am so angry that I'm shaking! Awww honey. Being cold is nothing to get angry about. Just put on a snuggie and some socks and you'll be fine!!! :grouphug:
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