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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I've been seeing the trailers for this movie and it has piqued my interest as well. I'm glad ya'll are discussing it. :) And can I just say Negin that I love your new avatar! :) When I look at that picture I can hear The Dude in my head talking about how the rug pulled the room together. :lol::lol:
  2. I have lots of interests that I'm pretty dedicated to (cars, guitars, cooking, gardening) but my "passion" would have to be music. I've always loved music so much and it's probably the only thing that comes natural to me. I swear, I could probably tell my whole life story with songs. lol :p
  3. LOL So silly. hehe You're lucky your dh listens to you talk about the forums. My dh's eyes always glaze over when I mention the boards. hehe
  4. For me, I'm just happy if someone even remembers my name right at all. I guess my name is forgettable because I always get called something else. lol It's gotten to the point that if the person is making eye contact with me and speaking directly to me I'll pretty much answer to anything. Even if I correct them and tell them my name again, they still always remember it as whatever name they think I should be called. Whaddya gonna do, kwim?? lol
  5. Wow! Really?? What was on the birth certificate?? Sorry I'm being so nosy, I've just never heard of that before so I'm curious. hehe :)
  6. This thread is way too long for me to read through the entire thing so I apologize in advance if this has been asked already, but one thing that I'm curious to know is if the LDS church sees the other branches of Christian churches (non LDS churches) as true Christians and equals with LDS followers?? The reason I'm curious is because although I am not LDS I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and identify myself therefore as a Christian. When the LDS missionaries come to my door I politely tell them that I already am a believer and put my whole faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, but they still insist on giving me their card with the website on it and asking me to go on their website and wanting to make an appointment to come back another day to talk to me about the LDS church. This always confuses me because if I've already explained that I'm a believer wouldn't they just take me at my word and that they are preaching to the choir? The only reason I can think of as to why they keep coming back and asking me to go to Mormon.org and to talk to me about the LDS church is that maybe because I'm not LDS they don't see me as a proper Christian?? I really don't know. That is why I was hoping someone here could explain this to me? You all are being so patient and doing such a fine job explaining things from what I've read so far I felt safe to ask. :) Thanks to all who reply. :)
  7. I know teenagers are supposed change, but I was completely unprepared for this one.
  8. Thanks so much for the tips ladies. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who has trouble growing cilantro. I was starting to get a complex! :p
  9. :) That's great and all but if she really liked you I think she'd let you live in the house instead of the backyard. Just sayin'. :p ;) :D
  10. Can anyone give me some tips on growing this from seed?? I don't know why this one in particular gives me so many problems, but I have never yet been successful in growing this one from seed for some reason. I've tried different seed packs and still it always dies. :( I don't know what I"m doing wrong. I appreciate any help. Thanks to all who reply. :)
  11. Does Keptwoman know you feel this way?? :leaving: **sorry, I couldn't resist** :p :D
  12. :iagree::iagree::iagree: I don't appreciate having to explain what erectile dysfunction is to a little kid and I don't even have cable! :confused:
  13. Wow! And I've never even heard of that one where you buy online and pick it up in the parking lot. where I live you go into the store's customer service area to pick things up that were purchased online. Funny the differences depending on the region you live.
  14. hehehehehe Well, I never said it was an exhaustive list! :p I don't even have one of Denzel up there! Need to remedy that. :D
  15. And just for good measure.... some eye candy. :drool: And some old school teengage girl heartthrobs as well. There did I cover all the bases???
  16. I'm so sorry. I got to this thread late. (I was too busy in the forum game thread! :p ) I will remedy that situation right now however! :)
  17. I have my mother's hope chest. It has some old linens and my mother's silverware from when she first got married. I would like to pass it on to my daughter when she marries along with my mother's mantilla which I was married in as well. :)
  18. Although my local grocery store isn't upscale, the policy is the same as what she says. There is a sign in the store stating not to tip the bag boys and if you do offer it, they decline and say that they cannot accept it.
  19. I haven't even read this thread yet, but the tags on it are freaking nuts!!! I better get to it and see what the brujaja is about. :eek:
  20. Wow!!! That is FANTASTIC!!! Thank you so much for sharing your excitement here and allowing us the opportunity to rejoice with you! That is WONDERFUL news! Well done ds and well done mom!!! :hurray: :party: :thumbup: :cheers2:
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