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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Yeah I figured that's who you were talking about too. :) I think she and I talked about it in PM's but she may have posted about it as well. I cant remember. hehe How is Special K by the way? I miss her! :):grouphug::grouphug:
  2. LOL cute! I wish I had some chicks! Maybe one day I'll get out of the city at last and be a country girl! :)
  3. They're probably all prepubescent boys who've never done anything in their lives!
  4. :lol::lol::lol: Oh my! I saw that movie and laughed through almost the whole thing. Does that make me a bad person??? :p
  5. I wish I could get one of those dogs for my son. I know Specialmama says her son's dog helps him immensely. I need to go to Canada. :p
  6. Once when I was in the Dominican Republic with my husband and 8 month old (at that time) dd, we were driving in the capital and these young men on a motorcycle kept honking at us. I kind of ignored them at first thinking they were just being obnoxious or something, but they just kept honking and following us. When we finally got to a red light they pulled up next to us and motioned to us to roll down the window and then told us that the rear door was ajar. DD was in her car seat back there. They kept shouting, "your door is open. The baby! The baby!" DH got out and made sure the door was shut tight and thanked the men who smiled and drove off. I was grateful that they stopped us. You just never know. As they say, "it takes a village" :)
  7. Soaring with Spelling? If you want to soar with spelling I'd try a-i-r-p-l-a-n-e, h-a-n-g g-l-i-d-i-n-g, r-o-c-k-e-t, or maybe s-p-a-c-e-s-h-i-p HTH :)
  8. My old homeschool group once had a talent night and my dd decided on the spur of the moment that she wanted to participate and sang Ace Frehley's New York Grove acapella into the microphone in front of the whole group of parents and kids. I turned beet red when she got to the line "in the back of my cadillac. Wicked lady sittin by my side saying 'Where are we?'" After the performance some parents came up to me and said, "well, I guess we know what kind of music mom listens to." :lol: All the other kids were singing nice Christian songs and my dd chose Ace Frehley. I guess I should be glad she didn't choose Dr. Love or Christine Sixteen. :p :lol: To answer your question, I let dd listen to a lot, but I do draw the line on some songs if the lyrics are particularly rough. But we do lots of classic rock in my house as well as other things.
  9. No. You're not the only one. Just reading your post about it makes me
  10. LOL We posted the same thing at the same time! hehehe Yes, I think you're right that it's the Word Caper one not the Talking Words one. Thanks. :)
  11. I don't know if it would be too young for your dd, but I really like the Leap Frog videos. They have catchy cute songs that really cement the rules in your head. I think it's Talking Words Factory that goes over silent e. HTH. :)
  12. Does anyone call school something else My dd calls it The Gulag. :glare:
  13. For coffee I think plain ol' sugar works best. You might also like those non dairy flavored coffee sweeteners too, but honey in coffee.. no es bueno.
  14. Men and decluttering Sorry, you're not allowed to throw out the men no matter how much you may wish to and if you try to donate them, they just come back.
  15. I don't think so. What's sad is that I've been trying to find a way to make a "Phantom Pooper" image to post up on this thread and can't figure out how to do it without photoshop. :D
  16. LOL I just wrote the same thing and then saw your post! hehehehe
  17. :iagree::iagree: Cat, anytime I think of something to say you always say it better than I could have! :) To OP, I'm weird and haven't yet found anyone else like me, but from what you wrote about yourself and your family I could like you too! :) :grouphug:
  18. I know how you feel. Believe me. I have two children on the Autism spectrum. My son is almost 11 and still doesn't speak. I would be so happy if he just called me "mommy". I envy you your normal kids! :) :grouphug:
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