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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :lol: :lol: Poor kitty! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my gosh! That's too funny. The Scooby-Doo "bwar?" hehehee :lol::lol::lol:
  2. I agree with all of the other suggestions above and would add only maybe when the baby comes you can call her up when you're going out food shopping or Walmart etc and see if she needs anything picked up. Maybe you could also pick her up some extra diapers & wipes. In addition to cooking I remember that getting out to the stores was a real hassle for me when I had a newborn especially if it was just for a few things. I think it's great that you're so willing to help her out. The world needs more neighbors like you. :) Other than that I would just offer her an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on and just be a friend. :) I pray all turns out well for her.
  3. Tea Time for boys? :eek: Oh honey! You really need to learn what tea means around here. :svengo:
  4. I love Disney. Just wish it wasn't so darn expensive! They got stingy with the Florida Resident passes now too! It used to be 4 days for $99.00. :glare:
  5. I'm down by Miami. Orlando's a bit of a trek for me. I hope ya'll will post pics of your meet up though. I'd love to see them. :)
  6. Yep. It's really just Tuesday! I'm just warming up. I'm planning to shoot myself out of a cannon by Thursday! :hurray: :party:
  7. Yes, it would be weird, but I'll do it anyway! (just joking ;) ) hehe What's your dh's name? Or soon to be screen name?
  8. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Oh honey! I'm so sorry. That just stinks. What a roller coaster ride you all have been on. I'm so sorry. :(
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :lol: :lol: I like that! If I were smart enough I think I could just maybe convince myself that that were the case with me, but the forum game thread would keep reminding me otherwise! hehehehe :lol::lol:
  10. Don't worry missy! I got your back! (btw you're no longer thread killer of the GFI thread! :) ) Here ya go! :)
  11. Oh please! That's too EASY!!! The POLICE Don't stand so close to me. IT's in the 80's thread! hehehehe
  12. For Nance :D GFI=Grimreaper Ferries Ill threads to the afterlife...
  13. hahahahha Yeah, I like music. :blushing: And don't worry about the GFI thead. I'ma gonna bail you out girl! Don't you worry! The Thread Killa got your back! ;) :p hehe
  14. Ay, the first song was Tom Tom Club that's why I said "skating anyone?" They used to always play that one in the skating rinks back then. :) I found another one on YT. It's the long version, but the radio versions had the sound disabled. Ay mija! I dedicated a whole post to Bon Jovi!!! Keep looking. That thread is sad. The last like 5 pages of it are me alone posting songs. It's quite sad really!! :001_huh: "dancing with myself uh, uh uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh...." :p
  15. Yeah, this part cracked me up! But tell me true Nance, did you ever really go back and look at the links?? hehehe :p Hear! Hear! :cheers2:
  16. LOL I was thinking the same thing! hehehehe Thanks! I have to say though that I really only started that thread because I noticed how much everyone at that time on the General board was pining for the 80's. I thought that they would really enjoy that thread..... Yeah, once again I totally failed to judge the mood on the boards! I think it was mostly you and me in there Peggy! hehe Oh yes, that was a very impressive kill. I'm not proud of being "Her Royal Thread Killer" but if the shoe fits.....kwim? :p :lol: Ay, it's so sad that Patrick Swayze is gone. :( Sniff. I see you Tina! Here ya go Nance! The crickets in there would LOVE to have some company!! :p Aha, now you know how it feels to be one of us! bwahahahahahaha!
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