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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Are you nursing? That makes a huge difference in when your cycles start back up.
  2. Your dad loves you. I have to give him props for finding a creative solution to a worrisome problem. My grandfather caught my uncle smoking a cigar once and locked him in a closet with an entire box of cigars and told him he couldn't come out until he had smoked them all. My uncle smoked in there until he got sick and was banging on the door begging to be let out. He never smoked again. Kinda funny since my family were all cigar makers in Cuba and also here in the states when Tampa still had cigar factories, but none of them ever smoked.
  3. I used to let my dd stay in her pj's when she was littler, but even then I had her put her play clothes on by noon. Nowadays we exercise first thing in the morning (P.E.) she she dresses for that and changes into her shorts and t-shirts when we come back home. She changes into her pj's after she takes a shower when she's getting ready for bed. Otherwise she's in shorts and t shirts pretty much the whole day.
  4. :lol::lol::lol: That thief is so brazen! That was a good comeback though. :p
  5. I see those air fish at the mall all the time. My son always tries to jump on to the shark's back! :p I can't understand the reason for them either other than just novelty. :confused: The clownfish one does look like Nemo though. :p
  6. :iagree::iagree: They are so funny. If you haven't yet you should watch the links in my first post. The second one has me laughing so hard I can't breathe. :lol::lol::lol: They're so funny!
  7. I have no idea what is is, but if you figure it out PLEASE let me know. I'm on the roads with lots of people that could benefit from that information. :glare:
  8. hehehehehe I'm glad to know I'm in such good company. :) :cheers2:
  9. Well now that I know we have so many fans here, why don't ya'll post up some clips. I'd love to see some of your favorites. :)
  10. hehehehe I haven't seen that one yet. hehehehe HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That's me and my husband right there!! lol We heckle movies mercilessly when we watch them (at home. don't worry we're not that obnoxious in the theaters. :p ) I always say that he and I are like the two old guys from the Muppet Show! :p
  11. Yay! So many fans! That's so cool. I feel like I'm always explaining the show to other people because my daughter and I watch them on Youtube all the time and so we'll start reciting riffs to each other and people will look at us like :001_huh: so we explain that it's from the show MST3K and they're like :001_huh: so we explain the premise of the show and they're like :001_huh:. I was beginning to wonder if we were the only ones who knew that show! In South Florida anyway. :p Yeah, there are a couple with Mike that I have saved in my favorites on YT, but Joel was always my favorite too. :lol: hehehe Awesome! :D hahahahahaha!! :lol:
  12. That's so cool!! :) That must have been so much fun. Yay I found on Youtube. :hurray: :lol: hahahahahaha! :lol: They have it on DVD now?? That's so cool!! I had no idea. After the show went off Comedy Central I had no idea what happened to it.
  13. You know, when I first read that I confess I didn't see the connection to the show, but my dd just now pointed it out to me that it's a movie theater front row with Joel, Crow and Tom Servo in the seats. LOL I must be going blind. I couldn't see it at all! lol Your avatar is awesome! hehehe
  14. LOL It has a few gaps in it, but yeah, it's cohesive anyway. :p hehehe HAHAHAHA!! There was a designated sidewalk at my High School where kids smoked. We dubbed it "Loser's Lane". lol I was there every morning before class. lol Sheesh maybe that's what's wrong with me! :tongue_smilie: I confess I always stop and watch that one too. I like the camel in the beginning, but I always feel so sad for the man at the end. :(
  15. On-line drivers ed. Is it a good option? Call me old fashioned, but I've always felt it was best to learn how to drive a car by actually being in a car, YMMV.
  16. Dog health Question--What would make a dog do this? :eek: I dunno. Was he watching the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show maybe??
  17. No I haven't. Do you have any links you could post up?? :)
  18. hehehehehe That is so awesome!!! Nobody around here knows that show. They always look at me like this :001_huh: whenever I describe the premise of it and try to tell them how funny it was. I have my dd hooked on it now too. :D
  19. The second one is long (20 mins) but the whole thing is non-stop laughs! But the first one is a lot shorter and very funny too. :) I'm SO happy to see another fan. That was such a great show. It's a shame it's not on anymore. Who did you like better with Crow and Robot, Joel or Michael. I always liked Joel best. He's just so funny. hehe
  20. I used to love watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 back in the late 80's and 90's. I found out a few months ago that Youtube has a lot of video clips from the show. :hurray: So are they any other fans out there? I thought it might be fun to share some clips and have a laugh. :) These are two of my favorites. I die laughing every time I see them. Enjoy. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUWQGx2rzjA
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