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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :lol::lol::lol::lol: :iagree::iagree: Bruce was AWESOME!! But honestly when is he ever not? He and the E Street band always put on a heck of a show!
  2. :iagree::iagree: The Black Eyed Peas were horrible! They don't do live well. To me it's always been a sign of a great band when they sound just as good live as they do on their albums.
  3. Americans can't go to Cuba legally unless they are born Cuban and have a special permission to go (which is almost impossible to get). I would have to go through another country if I were to go. Canadians can go directly there. It has to do with the embargo. When my great grandfather died, his brother and sister got permission to come here for the funeral, but they had to leave family behind (as insurance) and could only come for the funeral and had to go right back. Oh dear. Steve Perry. Lead singer for Journey aka The Voice. Ven mami, let me educate you. :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg3vHJ5CPBw&feature=related I love me some Joe Perry, love his guitar licks on Train Kept a Rollin', but he can't sing like Steve. :) But just so I don't seem too partial, some Joe Perry too! :) I always thought he was hot in a scary kinda way. hehehehe :p Man I miss the 70's! I love the rock from that era!! If I ever make an album I'm going to make it 70's rock. Either that or Reggae! :p Awesome! Have a wonderful time. :)
  4. You had the right idea Peg! I wish I had watched this instead. :) Ay Freddie! How you are missed. There is no one else who can take his place. One of a kind. Amen. I'm watching it right now. Freddie is in such top form here. So healthy and energetic, his voice was perfect. Ay, why do the good die so young??? :crying:
  5. I hear ya. I'm a Miami Dolphins fan so I didn't even have a dog in this fight, but I do really like the Giants as well. I'm happy for them that they won. :)
  6. Sweet! Roger looks hot too! :drool: Thanks for the clip hon. :)
  7. Thanks for being a good sport. :) I thought it was poetic that Eli could win in the stadium that his brother played for especially with Peyton gone. I'm happy for him.
  8. True. It's not the same, but I still loved their performance from the Superbowl. I thought it was awesome. It was like a concert. If I had the chance to see them live I'd still go even though they're not like they used to be. The one who really breaks my heart is Steve Perry. He had such a gorgeous voice when he first joined Journey back in... was it '78 or '79... can't remember the exact year, but omg what a voice. His voice is gone now and it's so sad. Stevie Nicks too. Those two make me so sad. Roger Daltrey has always been a rocker not a crooner, kwim, so I guess it doesn't bother me that much that he's not the same. He's still good enough because it wasn't just his voice but the music itself that made The Who great. It was all of them, but of course that's just my opinion. :p
  9. Tom has plenty of rings and Peyton may not play anymore. I'm glad Eli got it and can share the victory with his brother.
  10. Thank you!! I think I just had a heart attack! :lol: Woooot!! Time for a rum and coke! I need to calm down and :chillpill:
  11. WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! GIANTS WIN!!!! :party: :hurray: :cheers2:
  12. LOL DD has to do it. I don't know how to photoshop a pic and she's eating popcorn right now. I'll ask her though. :)
  13. hahahahahaha!! Thank you! My dd is OCD and ADHD, if she doesn't get instant feedback when she does something she goes nuts! :lol: :lol:
  14. ROFL :lol::lol::lol: Roger may not have the voice he had in his Tommy days anymore, but he can still hit that "YEAAAAAAH" from Won't Get Fooled Again. :)
  15. LOL My brother moved up to NY a couple of years ago and he has me mail him Miami Dolphins fan gear all the time just to annoy the Jets fans. :p He likes the Giant though. We both like Eli and love Victor Cruz and I hope they take it all the waaaaay! Go Giants!! :hurray:
  16. Yeah, Prince did good too. I agree with your brother. :p hehehe
  17. Nothing about my dd's pic Chucki?? :D Her head is going to explode if you don't at least acknowledge it! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. :lol::lol::lol: I just typed the same thing! I know weren't they awesome! I WISH they would bring them back. The were even better than The Stones.
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