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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Woo! You have even more that I did! :hurray: Come on over to my corner, there is cake! :) :party: :party: hehehehe
  2. No, you don't have to talk if you don't want to, although people who are regular attendees may notice you're new and say hi and welcome you. You can just go to the meetings and people talk who want to talk. There's no real beginners meeting, but they do usually have lots of pamphlets on a table near the door that explains more about who they are and what they do. when I went to Al anon it was because I had an alcoholic step father nothing spousal at all. Hope that helps. :) :grouphug::grouphug:
  3. Well, it was over a span of 4 years! hehehe :lol: And I used to teach a group on teenage girls at church and they are all my FB friends. Just a week or two ago I had over 100 notifications from FB that one of my girls had added pictures of herself. :lol:
  4. I don't think anyone is as bad as me. I'm going to put on the cone of shame and sit in the corner. :lol: ETA: DD insists on my telling you "it's over 9,000" She says "it's a meme." :)
  5. hehehee Woot! :party: :hurray: :cheers2: Way to go! :)
  6. Do you sort them into other folders?? I created a folder for the ones that I still wanted to keep and read later (maybe :lol:) of personal ones that I wanted to hold onto and I just moved those there and deleted the rest that were mostly emails from companies or things that were forwarded etc.
  7. hehehehe I know. That's what happens to me. That and I sign up for EVERYTHING hoping to get coupon codes to save me money because I shop online for a lot of things so I get all of those emails, plus FB notices from people posting or replying to a post or putting up a picture they sure add up. :lol:
  8. were finally cleared out of my inbox! :lol: :lol: It took me all week and lots of clicking (I could only delete 25 at a time :001_huh:), but I did it. I just now deleted the last ones! The date of the oldest being from November 14, 2008! And now got the glorious message, "there are no emails in your inbox folder" :party: :hurray: So how many unread emails are sitting in your inbox right now??? Thought it would be fun to hear how many are hibernating and breeding in ya'll's inbox (is ya'll's even a word?:001_huh:) I wonder if anyone had more than me. :D hehehe So let's hear what ya'll have got!:bigear: If you don't want to state it here publicly then you can send it to me in an email. Maybe I'll get around to it in another 4 years! hehehehe
  9. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Please don't beat yourself up Ester Maria. I can feel your frustration through your words about trying to be understood and yet being misunderstood anyway. :grouphug::grouphug: I think part of the problem here is that there is no way (at least in my mind) of boiling it down to "this causes this and as a result it produces that" because the causal agent can be different for each person. Pull 10 different obese people off the street and find out the source of their problem and it will probably be a different cause for each person. I think that is the reason it is so difficult to analyze as it is such a complex issue with many different factors. Many have been listed here already, but for everyone listed, there are probably just as many if not more that have not been listed. I know I cannot answer your question, I can only give you an opinion on some of the causes which at the end of the day I don't think really is what you want to know. :grouphug::grouphug:
  10. hehehehehehe Inigo Montoya: "I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?" Man in Black: "Do you always begin conversations this way?"
  11. How exciting!! My heartiest congratulations to your son! And to you too mom! Great job! :) :party: :hurray:
  12. Wow!!! That's wonderful news! You must be so proud! I wish him the very best. :)
  13. It's really funny. Another Rob Reiner movie. :p They have some really great lines in there. :)
  14. LOL We have huge spiders too and snakes. :p Alligators too. Probably not the place for you. My brother moved up to New York almost 3 years ago and he hasn't seen a bug since he's got there. We're crawling with them down here. :p But the flip side is that you can go to the beach and swim in the winter and in the summer the ocean is like a bath tub the water is so warm and the reefs are really pretty too, well at least they used to be. We used to have some gorgeous ones in The Keys and the Springs used to be really beautiful too although they're pretty much trashed now. :( I saw Alexander Springs a couple of years ago after not having seen it in probably 20 years and I literally cried when I saw how much it had changed. It used to be so beautiful. :( ETA: This is Molasses reef. I actually dove this reef 3 weeks before a tanker crashed into it and ripped off a bunch of it and killed a lot of it. It used to be one of the prettiest reefs in the Keys. ETAAGAIN: I just realized that that -51 degrees was CELCIUS! Holy underwear Batman! That's freaking cold! I think I would die if I was in that. Like literally. I would go outside, feel that cold and drop dead. Holy cow! I think the coldest temps I've ever been in were the low 30's F and that's usually just for one night and I was pretty sure I was going to die. Our winter temps are always really mild. It doesn't even snow here. My little tiny brain cannot even wrap itself around the kinds of temps you get. Wow! :eek: :svengo: How does your Cuban friend deal with that?? He must just be all coats and snow pants!
  15. ROFL They are DISGUSTING! Ugh. Did the google article you read tell you that they fly as well? That's why I call them our state "bird". :p They're prolly bigger than a humming bird. I have a phobia of a palmetto bug flying at me and getting tangled up in my hair. :svengo: My hair goes down to my butt, but if a palmetto bug every got tangled in it I think I would rather chop off all my hair rather than touch that nasty thing to pull it out of my hair. iiiiick! :svengo:
  16. hehehehe yeah, good thing. hehe Barracudas are harmless. They look intimidating, but it's hard to get bit by them. I used to SCUBA dive all the time and every single dive I saw a school of barracuda. Most of them 4-6 ft long, but they just look at you. lol The only time I ever almost got bit by a 'cuda was when there was a mullet run (the fish not the hair style :tongue_smilie: ) and I was swimming through the clouds of mullet and a barracuda grabbed the fish that was directly in front of my mask. I just saw these jaws snap down an inch from my face on a fish. :eek: yeah, I don't swim in mullet clouds anymore. :p The sharks too are mostly harmless although some people do get bit. Believe it or not, the rats aren't too bad. I've only ever seen one or two the whole time I've lived in the city I'm in now (15 years here now). You're more likely to see possums and racoons here at night. Sometimes they get into fights. lol The most horrid thing here really are the palmetto bugs. :svengo: :eek: I call them our state 'bird'. They're everywhere and they're so nasty! shudder. Just talking about them makes me want to pass out. :svengo:
  17. LOL Suit yourself, but you know, we don't have rats in the ocean. Sharks yes and barracudas yes but no rats. :tongue_smilie: :p I would like to go to Canada sometime (in the summer :p). Florida is HOT! It's over crowded and we get pesky hurricanes during our 6 months long hurricane season, but our consolation is our winters. It's hard to beat a Florida winter. BEAUTIFUL!!
  18. Well, ya'll could always move down here to SoFla. God knows we have tons of Canadians here right now. hehehe You'd feel right at home. :p And he could go down to Little Havana and get a real cafe cubano and play some dominoes in domino park. :p
  19. Oh yeah, if he were to go back to Cuba he would be in serious trouble. He'd prolly wind up in jail for a few years or twenty. :glare:
  20. LOL your dd is funny, but we live and breathe sarcasm in my house so I'm biased. :p Her writing is good. When my dd was 13 she wrote an essay about meat.:001_huh:
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