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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Has anyone used Problemoids? Nah, we just use Preparation H and that takes care of our "problemoids" just fine. ;)
  2. Yikes! It always amazes me that there aren't more traffic accidents than there are already. I think a lot of people have the angels working overtime! :svengo:
  3. Need spelling recommendations. Have you tried looking in a dictionary?
  4. I didn't know you played piano. :)
  5. hehehehe Hey!! Nobody ever calls me! I'm jealous! :p
  6. :lol::lol::smilielol5::smilielol5:: Ya think? hehehehehe BTW, he doesn't have one really, but that's not funny! ;) :p hehe
  7. Praying for Wolf! I think it's still a full moon so he should be at his Wolfish best for the interview, no? :)
  8. I had some organic coconut oil that was clear when I bought it and then it turned milky white is that normal? Is it still good?
  9. DH surprised us with a microscope! You're lucky! My dh surprised me with a vasectomy. :glare:
  10. :lol::lol::lol: Oh I haven't yet experienced the vacuum people or the meat truck men, but I'm happy that I don't have any carpets in my house. :p ETA: and by carpets I mean carpets!! I know how you girls are with your euphemisms. :p :lol:
  11. Actually I was thinking more of the JW we've experienced than the LDS. :) They are really quite agressive (the JW). I've only dealt with one set of LDS missionaries. They were nice young men, but just really really wanted to get into my house. They prayed over me and said they would come back sometime when dh was home, but they never did. We were even expecting them and they never came. Go figure! :confused:
  12. :lol::lol::lol: With a sign like that I think even my neighbors would be scared to come to my house and they always come around, but probably the JW would still knock anyway. They really have it out for my dh it seems. He's a marked man! ;) :p hehe
  13. :lol::lol::lol::lol: We'd probably STILL get knocks on the door even with a sign like that. hehe
  14. The JW that come to my house will get into heated debates with my husband. Dh will tell them that he is not interested and like a previous poster said, it's almost like a challenge to them. I've never seen dh get away from a JW in less than a half an hour, often it's a lot longer than that. Just a couple of weekends ago they came and I was still sleeping. DH opened the door and I could hear his voice from outside and after awhile the man he was talking to started shouting and getting really heated and eventually stalked off. When DH came back inside I asked him what he did to make the man so mad. He said nothing, that he was actually really polite, but put challenging questions to the man and he suspected that the man's wife was newer in the faith because she didn't have answers to his questions and he thinks that's why he got so mad and stormed off. The LDS missionaries I've had are very persistent too. They kept trying to come in the house and I told them that I do not invite people I don't know into my house and they just kept trying and trying to get inside. I don't know why they wanted in my house so badly, but I had to keep telling them that they couldn't come in. It was kinda weird actually. :confused:
  15. LOL No, I'm chatting with her because I like her company. :p I don't care who kills this thread although it probably will be me since I am The Thread Killer. buahahahaha! :D hehehe
  16. Isn't that the way it always is?? Well, at least since you're not working outside you can enjoy the milder weather I guess. :) It's been in the 80's F all week here.
  17. I cannot function with a migraine at all. With a bad headache yes, but with a migraine, no.
  18. :lol::lol: How pathetic am I that whenever I hear "cheese" I think of Wallace and Gromit?? :D hehe Awwww :grouphug: You need to come hang out with us in the forum game thread more often. :) :p :grouphug:
  19. Thank God for that! You gave me my first laugh of the morning! :D hehehe
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