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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. In my best church lady voice... "Well isn't that special." ;) :D heehe Sorry, I couldn't resist! I'm totally jealous that you got a mani and I didn't. I'm insecure and vindictive like that! ;) :D hehehehehe But, but, but.... my mommy always told me that it was MY picture in the dictionary under procrastination!! I thought I was the special one! I always meant to look it up to see if it was true, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Are you sure it's your picture in there? ;) :D Yay!!! I'm counting on you to hold down the fort as I have to go out later and won't be back for hours. Don't let Jean and the Younger Mr. Warde get lonely in there. They're good eggs! :)
  2. Phew! Thank you for the reassurance. :) Looks like I have some cooking to do now! :)
  3. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry for all of you who are dealing with Alzheimer's in your loved ones. :( It's such a dreadful disease I know. :(
  4. I'm not going to debate whether she did it purposely to get more publicity or whether she did it to be a role model. Only she knows her true motives, but I will just throw this out there.... She's 19. Every teenager/young adult that I see these days broadcasts every single thing they do and think on FB and Twitter. I taught a group of teen girls. I'm their friends on FB and follow a few on Twitter. They update constantly everything they think, what they are eating, what song they are listening to right then and there, 100 new pictures of themselves. Given her age, it doesn't surprise me at all that she would tweet that. Just adding another perspective. :)
  5. Yes. After you towel dry your hair, while it's still damp, you just put a little bit on you hands, rub them together and then smooth it through your hair. :) I also use Japanese camellia oil. I mix that though with my conditioner while I'm in the shower. It works really good to smooth out the hair and a little goes a long way. The only thing is I have to order it directly from Japan which may deter some, but I've never had a problem ordering overseas and I've been using it for years now and purchase from the same company website. :)
  6. HAHAHAHAHHA!! Oh my gosh! You are KILLING me! And I don't think you're even trying to which is even funnier! :lol::lol::lol::lol: Seriously! I think I love you! hehehe :) :grouphug:
  7. Forum game thread! I'm telling you! If you ever need to up your post count, just hang out with us in there for awhile! Mariann was on a roll. She had me rolling too! :lol::lol::lol::)
  8. Ay Julie! Why oh why did you have to start singing that song? Don't you know that song is the earworm or all earworms? I hear that our military actually uses it when they are interrogating suspected terrorists as a form of TORTURE! That song and It's a Small World gets them to talk everytime! It's one step above waterboarding!!! :svengo: Why would you go and do something like that? With great power comes great responsibility you know? Didn't you ever watch Spiderman?? You can't just whip that song out for any and all occasions? Only in the most dire circumstances should that song be given voice. It's the atom bomb of songs!!!! I though we were friends.......... waaaaaaaaaaaaah! :crying:
  9. Alright! Now ya'll are just being insulting to Aspies! :p hehehe So MelissaL, you know this guy. Which is it? Do you think this guy is Rainman or just a chauvinist pig? ;) :D
  10. Hey! You're back!: I missed you! How was Disney?? Did ya'll have fun? Our Disney is better than yours you know! hehehehehhe :auto: :D Yeah, I think the forum game thread will take that prize for sure! :) We finally got Mariann back in there and none to soon either I say! :)
  11. A while back I had posted that we adopted a dog ... I think your confusing the forums with Twitter.
  12. Clover flower stem - safe or not? :confused: It's a flower. It's not going to attack you. I think you've watched Little Shop of Horrors too many times.
  13. Which Algebra 1 do I want? None! Algebra is horrible stuff! :ack2:
  14. Anyone's kids taking the AMC 10 or 12 today? I usually take my kids to the movie theater not the other way around. How do your kids lift it?? :confused:
  15. Who here has gone through R&S grammar levels 9 and 10? I have! I ran through it right after I ran through BFSU 1 and 2! :thumbup:
  16. Need Real World Logic Examples for TL2 Sorry. Nobody on that show uses logic. :glare:
  17. Is it possible / legal... Oh it's possible alright, but it's definitely NOT legal.
  18. How fast can you move through BFSU 1 and 2? With my car... pretty quick.
  19. VENT! RS4K test downloads went from $10 to $15!!! Oh my gosh! Have you called the police?? This sounds serious!
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