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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. The husband project? It's tempting to try to fix our husbands I know, but I'm telling you it just doesn't work. They like being broken. :glare:
  2. Spend some time in the forum game thread with us. With your sense of humor you could make a killing in post counts! :D hehehehe
  3. Is it reading for adults or children?? Which age groups would you say? Thanks for the rec. I'm always up for good new books especially if they are uplifting and faith affirming. :)
  4. So you'll need one of these then. :) Awesome. Thanks. :) :iagree: I puffy heart love you too Chucki! :) :grouphug::grouphug:
  5. Gosh! I haven't soaked in a tub since Methuselah was a baby. I'd love to take a bath.:)
  6. Am I?? I had no idea! lol So all I needed to do to achieve greatness is shoot my mouth off?? Who knew!! :p hehehehe :hurray: :party: :cheers2: So what's my prize?? :D and what's your prize for reaching 10,000?? That's amazing. I'm in awe of your linguistic prowess! :p
  7. Have you tried Timez Attack? It's a game that helps them practice their multiplication skills. It's free to download and goes up to 12. It helped my dd so much when she was learning them because she wanted to play the game so much. :) Hope that helps! :)
  8. Oh gosh. At first I think I would have been like, "say what?" and then I probably would have to say something sarcastic in reply like, "Thank you for not wearing a floral dress too." or "Gee, is everyone in your family that rude or is it just you?" or "I think I saw your brain-to-mouth filter in the parking lot. Why don't you go get it and we'll talk then. " :glare: What a utter jerk!!
  9. Oh honey! I'm so so sorry. I have no advice, but just wanted to give you hugs! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :crying:
  10. hehehehehehehe :p And it's also why nobody wants to buy them. They are the last ones in the case because nobody wants to admit that they need them to go to the bathroom. The elderly don't care what anyone thinks though! :p hehe
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You are TERRIBLE! hehehehehehehe Ahem. **With as much dignity and maturity as I can muster** Prunes make you go to the bathroom. That's why they are funny. :D
  12. I use Moroccan oil too and I've also used this one from Sally's. It works well too. I sometimes mix it with the Moroccan oil and use both at the same time since I use less Moroccan oil then. It's pricey stuff but great and smells so good too. :)
  13. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Ayyyy I feel like I have the proverbial devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. Jean, Marianne Someone PLEASE help me to not type what I am thinking!!!! Must. Have. Self. Control! :lol::lol::lol:
  14. :) Still, I don't want to come across as callous. I think a crisis of faith would be extremely painful at anytime especially when one is so young still.
  15. sorrrryyyyyy. :blushing: Mine didn't go there either until after the fact. That's why I edited my post because I thought since I'm such a jokester that somebody would call me on it so I was covering my bases. :p ;) hehe
  16. :grouphug::grouphug: Oh honey. I was just saying that tongue-in-cheek. I apologize if I made you feel bad. I have never given anything to a LDS missionary. I don't try to convert them either. If they come to my door, I explain to them that I have differing beliefs and I'm not interested in changing. I do the same with JW. The only time I have ever given anyone from another belief anything was when I was working in an office and there were a bunch of us ladies who were Christians and so I made a copy of a Bible study lesson that I had at home that impacted me to share with them. One of the ladies it turned out was a JW, which I didn't know at the time, and she told me that she could not take my paper as she was JW and was forbidden to take it. I apologized to her and did not give her a copy and that was the end of it. I was just musing over the irony of it since the JW always have materials that they want you to take that's all. I hope I didn't come across as callous or disrespectful. That was not my intent and not how I treat them when they come to my door. :grouphug::grouphug:
  17. How do you introduce "the real world"? I don't. We don't watch reality tv in our house. :p
  18. I find that really interesting. I can't comment on the LDS missionaries because I've only had one experience with them and didn't try to give them any information about my church, but I have done that with JW and they will not take it, but yet they want me to take their information. :confused::confused: Why don't they take anything in return. Seems courteous to me. "I'll read yours if you read mine" if you will. :tongue_smilie:
  19. I did 4 days a week for years and we had Fun Friday on the 5th. That was our day to go out and do field trips, go to movies, or just out to the bookstore or other fun place. Since we've started HS this year though we've been doing Fun Friday every other Friday. I do home school year round (a lighter schedule in summer, but still working mostly on math), but I would do it whether I was on a 4 day or 5 day schedule. My dd needs a year round schedule because she has a lot of problems retaining what she has learned. We just take several 2-3 week long breaks throughout the year and it works for us. :)
  20. :hurray: Sounds like good news. Don't worry about the rest. It will sort itself out I'm sure! I sure hope he gets it! Praying for you hon. :):grouphug::grouphug:
  21. OOOH for Europe could I add God's Smuggler to the list? Brother Andrew's story is amazing and he has a great sense of humor as well. For China you could add Eric Liddell too. We really enjoyed his story as well. Not sure about Oceania though.
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