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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. They have so many of those commercials. They show this one all the time too. It is nice that he did that. That must have been difficult to do after such a long time.
  2. I have a funny to add.... I don't know if these commercials are only in Florida or what, but just in case you haven't see it it's this one. My dd HATES this commercial. Today she started ranting about it and was saying, "Man, I wish they would stop showing that commercial!! It's disgusting!! Every time I see it I want to throw up! What are they thinking showing that disgusting commercial when kids are around?" I said, "Well, that's the point. They're trying to be shocking so that people pay attention to the dangers of smoking." She answered, "Well they need to stop! Otherwise kids are going to watch it, throw up on the carpet, then your carpet is going to smell and then you're going to have to move and if you see the commercial in your new house you throw up all over again and the cycle starts all over!" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. I grew up in the 70's in Ft. Lauderdale just blocks from the famous (or infamous if you prefer) beach. After what I saw at the beach growing up at that time, Solid Gold was pretty tame! :eek: :svengo:
  4. Oh my gosh!!! ROFL I remember how much I wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer because I wanted a pair of satin disco pants so badly! :lol::lol: There was a girl who used to wear them to school and I used to be so jealous and wish I had her parents instead of mine! hehehe
  5. Who's up for a 10 Day "whole" foods challenge? :confused: You do know that this Sunday is the Super Bowl right?? :leaving: :lurk5:
  6. hehehe I was quoting the next line from the movie to you. :p Vecini says, "Inconceivable!" and then Inigo says, "you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." It's just a funny line from the movie that's all. Don't sweat it! :p hehehe hehehehe Why thank you I guess. I can't say it makes me particularly happy that threads respond to my posts as if they were a plague, but I guess if one has to go out it's best to go out in blazing glory, no? hehe :p :lol::lol::lol: Ugh my dh does that to me. He likes to be hot and has this horrible, scratchy, itchy, puke green blanket that he loves to sleep with because it makes you all hot and scratchy (yeah, he's mental like that). Every once in awhile I'll be having a nightmare that I'm in hell or in a car fire or something and I'll wake up and find that dh has thrown his horrible scratchy hot blanket off in the night and on to me! :glare:
  7. Okay, what in the heck are you talking about here woman?? You're totally confusing me and making me laugh too! :lol::lol::lol: Are you asking me if the words "popped" or "inconceivable" are in PB?? It's "inconceivable". Wallace Shawn's character (Vecini) said it all the time. hehehehe You're too funny Nicole!
  8. Sigh! I know! Sad isn't it. Yeah, somehow it just reminds me of the story of my life for some reason! :D:lol::lol::lol:
  9. :lol::lol::lol: I love the prayer. "Do you think God forgot His own name or I you just trying to keep His attention?" :lol: Funny stuff.
  10. Okay Dolphin, Back to your original challenge. You asked me to post my "best kill". Well, I'm STILL going through my thread kills (there are just too many to choose from :p ), but I think this one probably has to be my best or one of my best kills. This was when I was seriously starting to believe that all threads were dying by my hands and that I really was a thread killer. I think this is even when I changed my signature to reflect my feelings on it IIRC. lol Yeah, so ironic. I was so hopeful at the end there that maybe just maybe I didn't have the curse..... Nope! :p :lol:
  11. :grouphug: Hope you have a better day today than yesterday. :) :grouphug: Although I suspect maybe you were just trying to be the thread killer! ;) :D :lol::lol:
  12. :lol::lol::lol: He's funny. Someone else posted up another video of his last night about homeschooling. I'd never seen him before. Thanks for the laugh. You feeling better today hon? I know it sucks when you're having a rough day. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. Well I'm American AND Cuban so I guess I'm not the target audience. We really don't find the Bay of Pigs Invasion very funny. To each his own I guess. Hope you feel better. :grouphug::grouphug:
  14. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry you had a rough day. I know how you feel. :grouphug: might make you smile. It cracks me up whenever I see it. :p
  15. HAHAHAHAHA!! :lol::lol::lol: Love that one! Father: "Finding Nemo?? Son, what have I told you about watching PG rated movies. Now go grab your Bible we're going to Awana!" Kid: "uhh" "They hear homeschooled and they think that you live on a farm, or the wilderness, or in a log cabin. Just anywhere that's an hour away from a Walmart." :lol: :lol: hehe Too funny! hehe
  16. telling God's Story year two?? Oh honey! Are you sure you want to tell God's story?? It will take you an eternity! :eek:
  17. hehehehehe Oh, I think this thread has a few more days in it. I'm sure though that the ultimate death will be by my hands because I'm Cuban and it is ethnically impossible for me to stop talking! :p hehe This poor thread will wind up so like so many others. Dead by my own hand. sniff Kind of like this horse, but with me standing over it....
  18. You keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means. :p Nighty nite! :)
  19. Good night Dolphin! :) Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning (gosh I hope she's a Princess Bride fan! :p ) Feel better hon! :grouphug: :grouphug:
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