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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. oh that is AWESOME!!! My heartiest congratulations to you and your family! :grouphug:
  2. Me too! How did I miss ALL of these threads?? :confused: Sigh. As a genuine Christian lady this makes me sick. :( I wish people would just be crazy if they are crazy and leave God out of it! :mad: And let me join in the thanks to the mods as well for all you do here. I used to be a moderator on 3 different auto detailing sites and that kept me very busy, but it was NOTHING compared to the the busyness of this board. You ladies do a bang up job and I know what a full time job modding can be so THANK YOU for all that you do! :grouphug:
  3. I knew of Charlotte Mason when I started because a lot of the moms in my homeschool support group followed her methods, but I never heard of TWTM until I wound up on this forum after a google search for BJU Life Science! lol I was looking for a used set and one of the mom's here was selling it here on the sale/swap board. :lol: After I bought her science set I started perusing the forum and when I saw that there was a special needs forum I got excited because both of my kids are special. I started there and then started looking at the other forums and I've been here ever since then. That was this last April and I've been homeschooling for 10 years! lol But I have to add that although I hadn't read the WTM or heard of it before coming to these boards I have since purchased the 3rd edition and read it and I have now adopted a lot of the methods listed in there. It was really timely and was just what I needed when I needed it. If I had seen it at the start of my homeschooling journey I probably would have been too intimidated to think that I could homeschool so I guess it was good for me that I didn't discover it until just this year. :)
  4. EWWWWWW!! ROFL I don't even want to think about that! My grandpa wouldn't be caught dead doing something like that, but he was funny in his own right. He was a very tall very elegant and always immaculately groomed and dressed Spanish man. He carried a handkerchief always like the proper gentleman that he was and his wallet too in his trouser pockets but the one nerdy thing that he always did that was so cute was to have a pocket protector for his shirt pocket with a comb, his eye glasses case and a pen. ;) :D Ay, I miss my grandpa! He and his father were the two greatest men I have ever known!
  5. LOL Oh snap you beat me to it! I was going to post up about the Nova. My husband is from a Spanish speaking country. They couldn't sell those cars there for nothing! hehehe
  6. That is so awful!! I'm so sorry that you are suffering like this. It's so unfair. :( I suffer from migraines and they are so intense when I get them that sometimes I just want to die and I'm so grateful when they pass. I cannot even imagine living with pain like that every.single.day. I cannot even imagine what you are going through. :grouphug: Praying for you always!
  7. Dang!! We have possums all over here too and never in my life have I seen one act like that or growl!! :eek: Crazy! Glad you're alright Remudamom and I'm not ignoring you either. ;) :D
  8. I just went and edited my FB page now because of this thread and took off all pics of my family. I also signed in under my dd's user to make sure that she hadn't added anything personal. She was still good. :) Thank you OP for starting this thread and for the head's up.
  9. Awesome post Lisa! :) I want to know if it's okay (for my part) to be a bit more general and just thank everyone?? (don't want to hijack) but, my homeschool support group IRL fell apart over a year ago and since April this site has been my ONLY support. I come here often (as you can tell by my post count) and it has been a blessing to me. :) I would like to thank SWB for her awesome book and for giving us this forum and for all of the forum members here who contribute so much. You girls (and guys) make me laugh, think, evaluate myself and my philosophies, you challenge me, break my heart with your struggles and make me feel like I'm not alone when I'm the one in the struggle. Thank you all! :grouphug: I also want to thank the academy and my mom without whom I wouldn't be here today. Thank you all!! (sorry, for the silliness following my very sincere and heartfelt sentiments. I couldn't resist. ;) As my dh always says to me, "Jennifer, you're such a child! ;) :blushing:)
  10. Oh bless him!! That's great! I'm so proud of him! :)
  11. I had a friend who was a Pisces and he was very calm and even a bit on the shy/introverted side.
  12. LOL Awesome!!! "reconsider answer" classic!! Thanks for posting that. You really made my day! :D
  13. That is gorgeous!! It makes me want to cry though because my mother is my only parent and she chose to move 800 miles away to another state when she retired from working. I have 2 Autistic kids making travel very difficult and so I don't get up there as much as I would like to and she only comes down here in the winter. My kids only see their "gramma" 3 times a year for about 4-5 days at a time. I feel like time is so short and I wish my mom were here still, but she wanted to be in mountains. I respect her decision, I mean it's her life she can do what she wants, but I do miss her so much and my kids hardly know her and she is their only grandparent really (fil is only parent of my dh's still alive and lives in another country and rarely visits). I don't even remember what my mom smells like anymore. :(
  14. LOL Rosie, have I told you lately how awesome you are?? :grouphug: :D
  15. AWESOME!! :lol: That is beautiful. "she smelled like freckles" Love that! What do freckles smell like?? To the OP, I used to work in a fragrance store in the mall while I was a student in college and the owners had a HUGE (MASSIVELY HUGE) Brazilian flag that they hung from the celing in the middle of the store so that anybody walking by could see it clear as day. The owners were not Brazilian (Americans both actually) and apparently they had done some research and discovered that the Brazilians spend a lot of money on perfume or something. We used to get TONS of Brazilian customers in the store and they did buy a lot of perfume and when it was time to pay..... into the bras they would dig pulling out change purses, wallets, passports, traveller's checks, I've even seen a few of them take their shirts clean off to get to their bras better. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. Gotta love Brazilians!! Some of the coolest people on the planet! Joya! :)
  16. We didn't want you to go away feeling bad so we turned it into a playground for you for when you got back. :) so what do you think?? :D (Moves arm expansively around the room in her best Vanna White impersonation) Do you know the song at the end of the Lambchop show?? I've had it in my head for days now whenever I've been reading this thread. "This is the thread that never ends....." :lol: ;) I guess it could even be "these are the boobs that never end...." ;) :D
  17. Welcome to the world, Keaton!!! :party: :hurray: Hearty congratulations to you Andy. What a precious little baby. Enjoy every minute of it. God bless! :)
  18. :lol: :lol: :lol: :D Ooooh I LOVE St. Augustine, the light in that city is incredible. It looks like a pastel painting at sunset. And yeah, I agree with you the shirts are for the fellas and shoes are just a suggestion really. ;) :D
  19. :) Awesome!! And I do thank you for keeping your avatar with the new change. It helps. :grouphug:
  20. ME TOO!!! Now Sola Michella will have to stay an ugly duckling forever or I'll be lost again. :D
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