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Georgiana Daniels

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Everything posted by Georgiana Daniels

  1. Thanks for clarifying. I was pretty sure that was the case.
  2. Are they generating friend suggestions based on your email? I thought it was based on the number of mutual friends you have. Most of the suggestions I receive are people I have no other contact info for.
  3. Our dd just turned 9, and here's what we got her: http://www.joann.com/singer-pixie-plus-sewing-and-craft-machine/1618321.html?mkwid=axviXA8H|dc&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_campaign=Shopping+-+Sewing&CS_003=10131488&CS_010=[ProductId]&gclid=Cj0KEQjwquOhBRCupYiu4an13scBEiQAss2XkjhCr6pMhOA6huDRo8jeZYVBiMY25nF0e6_kiXKrlOsaAhAE8P8HAQ It's a Pixie Plus and it's the perfect size and price!
  4. Lively Latin has video lessons on the website. Magistra explains grammar well, imo.
  5. According to the map, AZ hasn't had confirmed cases. However, a few weeks back when we were wanting to visit someone else at the hospital, there was a ban on kids under 12 because there was a case of the virus there (as told to me by the person who answered my question when I called and asked why.) Perhaps it was just a precaution, but I tend to think there aren't any states excluded from the virus at this point. http://www.cdc.gov/non-polio-enterovirus/outbreaks/EV-D68-states.html
  6. The agent wants to make a sale. DON'T BUY!!! You'll know in your gut when you find the right house.
  7. Theoretically we're getting more rest, or at least I'm *trying* to. This, in addition to the regular vitamin regimen (which I happen to be lax about.)
  8. Both of mine are fine, except one is slow on sending from the phone.
  9. Even as a hypochondriac, I agree that regular Joe and Jane are not likely at risk. But, I think it still may be easier to contract than we are currently being led to believe. (Again, I'm a hypo so I might be overthinking the reason for the biohazard suits.)
  10. If there were really so little chance of catching Ebola here in the US because of frequent hand washing,hygiene, the way we are set up, etc., then why wear the biohazard suits? Sure, it's probably not a great risk with reasonable precautions taken, but the suits still get me....
  11. No solutions, but just here to say that it's not just an anxiety issue, it IS a real problem. Last year a dog ON A LEASH came up from BEHIND and bit my a$$ while I was jogging. I'm really wary of running outdoors and prefer the treadmill.
  12. I have the Note and cannot fathom going back to a smaller size. It took a bit of getting used to, but at this point I use it for everything. It's mission control.
  13. Ancient Aliens! Oh...not reality? Never mind.... Survivor and Little People Big World. That's pretty much all anymore. I really do prefer shows with characters and a plot :D
  14. I hate, Hate, HATE cooking. Actually, hate might not be a strong enough word. Thankfully, dh is a Schwans man so we do have plenty of that. Yeah, I know, home cooked is healthier and I *try* to cook real dinners a few times a week. Like several of you, I have very picky eaters who will choose not to eat if I let them, but because they go off to do 3 hours of sports at night I really can't let them be hungry. Sigh. Of course, if I let them do sports on an empty stomach and then come home to a meal, they might be less picky. After all, hunger is the best seasoning.
  15. Good to know! The repetition almost seems like overkill, but you make a good point.
  16. We've loved the Abeka LA program thus far. The kidlets will be finishing 4th and 5th grade books in the next few weeks. As I perused the 6th grade LA sample on the website, it appeared to be one big review. Is that really the case? I don't want to spend money on a review of what they've already learned since they are competent in this subject area. So, is the 6th grade LA a review or is there plenty of new material?
  17. The Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club is the name of book one.
  18. I really enjoyed Gil McNeil's Beach Street series. (Can't remember the proper title.) Light and breezy, a bit of humor, set in an English seaside village.
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