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Everything posted by mrsrevmeg

  1. If they are going through a tough time, they could use this and an opportunity to thank God for the fact that food stamps exist. If they are received with thankfulness, why should feel bad about it?
  2. If you go to their website, click on store, then choose resources at the left of the screen, you can print out a list of books. You can customize it to show one or more levels, subjects, individual units up to the full year. HTH
  3. They have a message on their forum saying that they are working on it.
  4. We started with American History because, I was not familiar with classical homeschooling at the time. I am in the midst of ancients with a first, a third and a seventh grader. We are looking at some mythology. Our main focus is Biblical history. We are looking at mythology to see what the world was like for the Israelites and early Christians. I really like doing it this way. We are seeing how the world got to be like it is.
  5. Extremely teacher directed. There is no sentence diagramming. Not a problem for me, but we are not required to take standardized tests. I also have my oldest two doing a grade below their actual level. (my youngest has never done anything but Shurley so he is on his grade level) Not trying to dissuade you from Shurley. It is very solid. The boys KNOW their grammar. We spend anywhere from 10-40 minutes on English in any given day, depending on how much new material is being introduced that day. HTH
  6. Cook his favorite meal, give him complete control of the remote, light some candles and make TEA. :001_wub:
  7. I had the same thing happen when I tried to get to the resource list. I thought my computer was just acting weird at first.
  8. I think it would be do-able. Adding/substituting is something we do frequently. My middle son has read all of his books (upper grammar) plus most of his younger brother's (lower grammar). He would have read his older brother's dialectic books if he had his way.
  9. We have used TOG for ancient history and the books they recommend are fabulous! If you go to Bookshelf Central you can do a search for year one, lower grammar or upper grammar books. You can also go to Tapestry of Grace, click on store, and look to the left of the screen. There will be a resource list that you can see everything they recommend for each level. So far, we have not seen any books that my husband and I feel are inappropriate. I have not finished looking through all the unit four books, but most of them are dealing with Rome, the early church and such.
  10. KONOS- I really liked the idea of studying through character traits. I liked it so much I overlooked the typos in my book. I was beginning to get irked by information that was incorrect. My kids were getting bored. The straw that broke the camel's back was joining the yahoo group. The people who run KONOS seem to be not very nice. So we made a change.
  11. I live in Alabama. Our local school was on the chopping block to be closed, but no other school could take in the students. So we have teachers and librarians that work in multiple schools, no full-time nurse, one principal, etc.. Oh, no art or music classes. The lower grades only do math and language arts.
  12. Aw man, my middle son does the same thing. He reacts very strongly to wasps so if he is stung, he has to have the benadryl. The doctor actually recommended daily doses to help with his allergies. THAT is how we learned how he reacts. NOT FUN!
  13. Knowing what I know now, I am not sure. (lots of help, huh?)There is a huge part of me that wants to do Learning Language Arts Through Literature. I LOVE it! That is what we are doing after Shurley with our boys. However, Shurley drills into their heads grammar rules. They are thriving. I just find it very boring to do the jingles twice a day (have a deal with my oldest who hates jingles, songs etc... if you can remember the rules and not make mistakes, you don't have to sing; he is almost perfect in classifying his sentences) We have started using Writing Aids for the writing portion, and just not doing the suggested writing in Shurley, so that shakes things up a bit. So we are grades 1-6 with Shurley and then LLATL after that. But I think sometimes I would like to JUST do LLATL all the way through.
  14. Homeschool Library Builder is a really good place to find cheap books. You can earn points to get free books by buying books.
  15. That what we said last night when my husband pointed out "Hey, look at the moon, its smiling!" ( I've never noticed a a smiley moon either)
  16. What scares is that this is not the only violent professor from UAH. Jury convicts UAH professor of wife's murder This is the college my oldest son has talked about wanting to go to because he could intern with NASA, but do they not screen these professors?!?!?!?! This campus is not far from our home. (another reason I had previously thought I'd like my kids to go there).
  17. I didn't until my late twenties or maybe early thirties. I also started having other (female) problems at that time was given the option of hysterectomy or ablation. I chose ablation and have had no problems since.
  18. My mother was 16 and unmarried when I was born. We lived with my grandparents until she got married when I was 12. My grandparents were good people. Overworked, but loving. After she married my stepfather I was subjected to verbal abuse/manipulation, that sort of thing. My sister was born when I was 13 and I was expected to take care of her everyday after school/ band practice. Ii would walk in the door and she would be handed over to me. I did her feeding, bathing, diapering, everything. If I ever complained or wanted to go out with my friends I was met with "I used to have to take of you when I was in high school". Our house was always filthy. My mother would watch tv all day. Then complain about how tired she was all night. The times I tried to clean the place up she would complain that either I didn't put something back into the right place or I didn't do enough. I was spanked one time. At age 13 for rattling a peppermint wrapper in church. I kicked my mother in the chest (not my proudest achievement). My stepfather threatened to get his belt after me. I told if he did my grandfather and uncles would kill him before the police had a chance to take him in for child abuse. He apparently believed me and never once laid a hand on me. I learned a lot of how to be a good parent from my grandparents, and how NOT to parent from my mother. Unfortunately, my sister was not so lucky. She is 19, unmarried and living with her baby with my mother and stepfather.
  19. Same here. I did accept a friend request from someone I did not like in high school and turns out, I still don't like her. She is foul-mouthed, vulgar and just plain rude. So, she is now on my ignore list. I have ignored other requests that have come in.
  20. :iagree:My kids do not have a whole lot of friends in our neighborhood. We live in a very rural area and the kids who live near are not very nice. The times where we have allowed unsupervised play our kids have ended up hurt, or picked up new vocabulary, or both. We have a sign and I have to say no a lot. They still have their old friends from our previous town who come to visit and we go visit them. I grew up without a neighborhood (on a farm) and no other kids around. It didn't kill me. As long as your daughter is able to have friends, and is happy, don't worry about what other people are saying. Hope things get better for you.
  21. To buy all the lower grammar resource books is $300.00+. I can't remember the exact total, but I did print off the book list recently to get ready to sell mine to a friend. I have found that Bookshelf Central is the best deal in most cases. I have spent several hours comparing Amazon, Books-A-Million and Abesbooks. If you purchase $175.00 or more from Bookshelf Central you can get free media mail shipping. We usually a few at a time, like a unit at a time and take advantage of the free shipping.
  22. We are in Guntersville. We got the biggest covering I can remember since the "big blizzard of '93." My kids and husband made a huge snowman. It has been loads of fun!
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