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Everything posted by *Jessica*

  1. I was order 20-something....22, I think. Mine is coming regular mail, not priority. I paid with a PayPal echeck, too, so that will delay it an extra 3-5 days. :-( I'm happy to hear this! It means that my combo of MEP and MM should do a good job of covering all of the necessary topics for a great elementary math education with my second son. My eldest did a bit of MEP before switching to MM and I really wish we had stuck with MEP, too. He is currently working on MM2B. I think we need to do a bit more work before we start BA, though. We started the pretest and he had some trouble. I told him we would review a few things before trying again. I have a feeling that my mathy 6-year-old is going to want to do extra math every day so he can catch up to his brother!
  2. We will be! I'm going to give Nik, age 8, the assessment this week to be sure he's ready.
  3. Homer Price is what first comes to mind. My boys loved that book! Eta ~ Oops! I see someone already mentioned that one.
  4. You're welcome! It's a fun book, I hope you enjoy it.
  5. I didn't realize there was an iPad app. Thank you!
  6. Yes, I am. I'm happy to share, and so glad that people are enjoying them!
  7. Here is a link that should take you to the worksheets. Let me know if it doesn't work. https://docs.google.com/?tab=mo&authuser=0#folders/0B97VumpziE6VZDdhZGQ0YmYtNzhiMi00NTU2LTk3YzItOTNlOGYwNWIyOGRj I think I'm going to put a link to them in my sig so people can find them easily.
  8. I thought the student pages are included in the activity guide? They also offer them separately if you want to purchase copies for additional students instead of having to make copies.
  9. Have you seen this site (International Children's Digital Library) full of children's books? Wow! I think I found the link on a CM thread I read earlier today but I can't find it again to give credit to the original poster. I've been browsing public domain books with stunning illustrations for the last hour and had to share with others who would appreciate this resource. Unfortunately it does not seem that the books are downloadable, but many are worth seeing even if you have to read them from the computer screen.
  10. We do a lot of reading already, but this sounds like so much fun that we might just drop everything next week and do it!
  11. I would only keep a few favorites and a list of the others you want to share with the grandchildren. Then when each grandchild arrives you can buy them a few from the list. That's my plan, anyway.
  12. Disgusting! Unfortunately, it's nothing new. When I was a senior in high school a 20-something male teacher was involved with a 16-year old female student. He was fired realllly fast, and his poor wife (another teacher at the school!) resigned. His wife was a wonderful woman and I felt so terrible for her and their two young children. I'm not sure if he was charged criminally. I know the girl refused to press charges, she insisted that she loved him. At her age I think her parents or the prosecutor's office could have done it anyway, right? I graduated in 1997.
  13. Awesome! Thank you for asking this question. I had no idea I could do that. CNN Student News is now an icon on our screen instead of an internet bookmark. Yay!
  14. We tried both of your options but neither worked well for us. We've settled on 1 hr per day after all school and chores are done. The only time we do more than an hour for each child is if we decide to do a family movie night, which happens once a week, at most, in our house. My boys are back to playing and reading for hours, but are still happy to have an opportunity to play games every day.
  15. US Presidents States and Capitals Rulers of England and Major Wars Latin vocab/chants I think that's all right now.
  16. I have a 6 month old, so I'm all about what will make things easiest for me! I want to buy MCT Island Level, Greek for Children, Beast Academy Math (which I'm assuming will not be cheap), a microscope and slides, and 2 levels of AAS, in addition to a plethora of less-costly items. I don't have the time or energy to search for things used, so my total should end up rather high. I'm so very thankful that my husband received a large raise last year so it will be possible to shop without worrying too much about the cost. We still use many free and cheap resources, but being able to buy what works, despite the cost, feels very nice this year!
  17. Hopefully happygrrl will want to sell hers. I never seem to be able to get to the post office while it is open so I only pass things on to local homeschoolers.
  18. Yay! I'm so happy to see you back! I left a comment. I'm impressed! I'm not sure if it's because I have boys or if it's just a personality difference, but even though my boys love to write stories they are never as long and descriptive as Satori's.
  19. I'm so glad that you posted this thread! I've been looking for a news program that is age appropriate for my 6 & 8 year old boys. How appropriate is CNN Student News for the younger kids? It says it is for middle and high school students. I see a few of you that use it have 7 & 8 year old children. I don't care if they don't understand everything, but I don't want to expose them to things that will be really scary. Of course I'll go preview and see if I think it will work for my children, but I can't sit here for hours watching previous episodes to see if they've shown things I wouldn't be comfortable with my kids seeing (ie: dead bodies).
  20. I know what I want to buy and have my online carts ready to go. The dog has a vet visit this week and I have no idea how much it will cost me, so I'm holding off on pushing the checkout buttons.
  21. My husband is 100% FOR my being a full-time stay-at-home mom, and his own mother was not a full time stay at home mom during his childhood.
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