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Everything posted by *Jessica*

  1. I made these notebooking pages when we used the Maestro books. I have a teacher's guide somewhere, too, but have a sleeping toddler on me so I'll have to find that later. Part 1 https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&srcid=0B97VumpziE6VMS1veU5hbERqTWc Part 2 https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&srcid=0B97VumpziE6VNmVrOTdpOFA3dHM Hopefully these links work. ETA ~ Teacher's Guide Part 1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B97VumpziE6VU1cyRjVZRkRQcGs/edit?usp=sharing
  2. I got Wordsmith Apprentice and Sheldon's New Primary Language Lessons. I probably won't use either of them, but to get all 3 of Ellen McHenry's curriculum for $25 I figured it didn't matter.
  3. My oldest is entering 5th grade, so we're embarking on a new adventure. Eek! I tend to use a lot of resources and draw what we need from them, so this list is long! We won't be completing everything I list, but drawing parts from them. Morning Meeting (M-F) consisting of poetry, read-alouds from My Book House, memory work, and a meeting with me to go over his daily assignments as I work to teach him a bit more independence. We will also do some of our art and music during this time, just not daily. Basically, all of our combined subjects. Math Tokyo Shoseki's Mathematics International Grade 5 (M-Th) Process Skills in Problem Solving (F) Balance Benders (F) Mind Benders (F) Writing Writing & Rhetoric (MT) Treasured Conversations (WTh) Paragraph Town (F) typing Language Arts Spelling Plus (M-F) Grammar Town & Practice Town (T) Caesar's English I (W) Building Poems (Th) Spanish So You Really Want to Learn Spanish I (M-F) Duolingo Spanish App & MindSnacks Spanish App Science The Way We Work & Human Anatomy Coloring Book & Cells (MTW of 1st 12 weeks) Cells & Smithsonian Animal Book (MTW of 2nd 12 weeks) Botany in 8 Lessons & Eyewitness Plants & Magic and Medicine of Plants (Reader's Digest) (MTW of 3rd 12 weeks) Nature Connection workbook (Th) Science in Ancient Civilizations series & Scientists in the Field series (F) History The Human Odyssey with student pages and History Odyssey timeline - ancients (MT) Kingfisher Atlas of World History & DK Student World Atlas & Mapping the World with Art (W) A History of US with K12 student pages (ThF) Music Children's Book of Music (Th) Amazon Prime Music guitar lessons & daily practice Art More Than Meet's the Eye: Seeing Art with All Five Senses (1st quarter) Name That Style: All About Isms in Art (2nd quarter) Children's Book of Art (3rd quarter) Drawing Lab (4th quarter) Health The Omnivore's Dilemna Young Reader's Edition (TTh of 1st quarter) It's Perfectly Normal (TTh of 2nd quarter) What To Do When You Worry Too Much (TTh of 3rd quarter) Exercise (MWF) Reading And a HUGE literature list full of classics, modern good books, audiobooks, historical fiction, and literature about scientific topics.
  4. This is by far the biggest challenge I have had with homeschooling. My daughter will be 3 in August. This age was the hardest for me with both of her brothers, as well, and I didn't have homeschooling to deal with at the time. I live with a near-constant stress headache from trying to manage school, a relatively tidy house, meals, shopping for a child with food sensitivities, spending quality time with the toddler, and carving out moments for myself, not to mention spending the occasional hour hanging out with my husband! I still think homeschooling is worth it for my family, but I do dream of sending the toddler to daycare or something! I live in a small town, though, with no good options. If the next year continues to be this difficult, though, I may send her to preK when she's 4, just so we can get some quiet. Is preschool an option for you?
  5. http://www.instructables.com/id/Project-Based-Engineering-for-Kids/ Science and craft all in one!
  6. Woohoo! I already placed my order. http://www.beastacademy.com/store/4b
  7. I wanted to post a little update to say that we are enjoying this just as much as I thought we would! On day 1 we listen to a story in French and then I read the English translation. On day 2 we listen the the same story in French and then highlight any words that we know the meaning of. On day 3 we listen the the same story again, then look up words we don't know in a French dictionary. On day 4 we listen to the story....again, lol....then write the definitions of some of the words in our own homemade French dictionary. On day 5 we listen to the story one last time, and then I again read the English translation. We've just started doing this, but the boys already seem to be absorbing a LOT more than they were just learning French vocabulary and grammar. And it's fun, so they have zero complaints!
  8. I want to share a resource with other families teaching their children French. il etait une histoire There are some fabulous stories, songs, poems, etc. The mp3s can be downloaded, as can pdfs of the stories/lyrics. We are going to be using this site extensively! I hope this is helpful for others.
  9. We are using and enjoying W&R with my 4th grader. We still use Brave Writer, as well. We use the Arrow issues for additional copywork and dictation, as well as Partnership Writing word play games and writing projects.
  10. We love this song by Renald Francoeur. Tour the States
  11. I sent you a message. Also, if you're interested in a homeschool group there are a couple in the area. The Grape Belt Homeschoolers are trying to set up a date for a homeschooling materials exchange day. If you have materials left and are interested let me know.
  12. I just scrolled through, but this looks like a FABULOUS resource! Thank you!
  13. We have the app iStoryTime's Wee Sing & Learn ABC's and I think it would work for you. http://www.istorytime.com/apps/wee-sing-learn-abc
  14. If it's the Westfield school in Chautauqua County, that's about as far as one can get from NYC and still be in NY state! lol We live in the same county but I don't know any homeschoolers in that district to ask how easy or hard the district is to work with. If that is the school that you're talking about, Jennifer, I can ask on our local homeschooling group's FB page and see if anyone there knows.
  15. I added pics of our science cabinet to my blog. http://dontneednoeducation.blogspot.com/2013/05/our-science-cabinet.html Most of our science books are on a separate shelf, I just keep a few resource books in the cabinet. ETA ~ Ugh, the link isn't working. Let me see if I can fix it. Ok, it works now!
  16. No, I haven't ever made an answer key. Sorry! Making the worksheets wasn't difficult, but I am not a grammar expert and I'm afraid I would do them wrong. We're using MCT now and I'm learning almost as much as my son! If anyone else is interested in making an answer key I would be happy to post it with the worksheets.
  17. Yes, I do my planning on it. I'm not sure what that reviewer meant?! All of your subjects are separate, so if you get math done but not SOTW yes you can check math as complete and bump SOTW as many days ahead as you need to, even to Saturday or Sunday if needed. You can copy lessons from one student to another. I find it really easy to work with. Far easier than Homeschool Skedtrack was when I used it.
  18. I do. I use the Homeschool Helper app. http://www.homeschoolhelperapp.com/. It was 4.99 well spent.
  19. Thank you! I saw a couple in the app store with similar names and wanted to make sure I was looking at the right one.
  20. My son had trouble at the beginning of the chapter. I used graph paper cut to the right size and let him cut it to make them smaller or tape them together to make them larger. Does that make sense? It took a couple of lessons, but once he got it, he got it, and from that point on he positively flew through that chapter.
  21. I'm wondering this, too! I have almost 500 things in mine. The reason I use the Save for Later feature instead of just the Wishlist feature is because it lets me know if the price of the item increases or decreases. I am only willing to spend a certain amount on certain items, so watching for the price to drop can be very helpful! A wishlist doesn't have that feature.
  22. Mnemosyne can be found here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2uLJHGaFdQ9OGRhNTBhNmItNWVlMS00YTE4LTk5OTktOTNiMTI1MTQ1OGMw/preview?hl=en
  23. :iagree: My 7-year-old is like this. Cutting out dyes has made a huge difference for us!
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