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Everything posted by *Jessica*

  1. This article is a fantastic read. http://arstechnica.co.uk/science/2016/01/why-the-calorie-is-broken/
  2. You get to the car, unlock and open the door, take the coat off, set the kid in the seat, buckle properly, put coat on backwards or cover with blanket, and done. I live very close to you and it never gets cold enough that this would be dangerous. Uncomfortable, sure, but not dangerous. Frostbite doesn't happen in less than a minute with the temps we get in WNY. I don't bother to warm up the car before taking off their jackets. I challenge those of you who have kids in car seats to put the kid in their coat and buckle them properly in their seat. Now unbuckle them without adjusting the straps, take off the coat, and re-buckle. You're likely to be shocked by how much slack there is now. My kids have never worn more than a light fleece jacket in the car, and even those leave more slack than looks safe.
  3. My father had a liver transplant 6 years ago. I stayed at the hospital with him and my mother for the entire ordeal. If you have any questions feel free to ask. The next couple of weeks are likely to be rough on you.
  4. I looked at the Pei Wei menu. Eek! I would choose a cup of Hot and Sour Soup (6g carbs for a cup, 15g for a bowl) and a side salad (7g carbs) and bring my own dressing.
  5. Do you usually eat at chain restaurants? If so, most of them have their menus and nutritional info online so it's pretty easy to find choices that will work for you. My doctor recommended a Ketogenic diet to help me lose weight. Although I was eating "healthy" foods and reasonable portions, my carb count was pretty high and I was having a difficult time losing weight. I now eat no more than 25g of carbs per day, and I've lost almost 10lbs in the last 2 weeks. Low-carb, or super low carb/Ketogenic, diets are what you want to look for. As an example of looking up the nutrition content online, I took my daughter to Wendy's and then shopping for a girls' day out yesterday. (She loves French fries and Wendy's is the only place she can eat them due to dietary restrictions, unless I make them at home. If I make them at home, I will want to eat some, and with low carb eating I can't, so Wendy's it was!). I looked at their menu online and determined that if I ate a bun-less Son of Baconator, with no ketchup (or mayo because I don't like it), a side salad without tomatoes and using only half of the Ranch dressing, and a bottled water, I would be eating only around 4g of carbs. It was a very satisfying meal, and a carb-smart meal, which I assume would be good as far as diabetes goes.
  6. The only shopping I did this weekend was for the things on sale or that I can't buy at Aldi. Zevia was $3.33/6-pack Boneless-Skinless Chicken Breast was $1.77/lb Pork Roast was $1.39/lb Portobella Caps were $2.50/2-pack Jalapeños $2.99/pkg (Cauliflower was $3.99/head)
  7. DH's grandmother passed away last year at age 96. She spent her whole life eating healthy foods, only to have to start eating junk the last few years due to high potassium levels and other issues. I hated watching that. The poor woman just wanted to eat yummy vegetables, but instead ate a lot of Activia and Goldfish crackers. If I was 96 I think I would tell the doc to stuff it and keep enjoying them.
  8. The sun's not simply made out of gas. No, no, no. And that will be stuck in my head all....day....long, now. lol
  9. Ok, yes, the big clash with riot gear and injuries was in 1997. There have definitely been other clashes more recently near Irving, NY. We live locally, and my husband grew up in Salamanca, NY which is on the Allegany Indian Reservation.
  10. The Seneca Nation in Cattaraugus County, NY has. I think the last time was in 2009. They blockaded and lit tires on fire on the interstate. Police in riot gear had to remove them, and while there were no deaths, there were definitely injuries.
  11. We usually leave ours up until after the New Year, but even though we had an absolutely fantastic Christmas this year I am ready for the house to get back to normal. I think I'll take it down tomorrow.
  12. These! We love our Klean Kanteen tumblers. I use those silicone wristbands in different colors around them so people can easily tell which cup is theirs.
  13. I'm so tired. I read that as "Drano was a hit." I was wondering what kind of parent buys their kid Drano, so I re-read. lol Nano drone sounds like much more fun!
  14. I am so distractible, one time I..... Wait, what were we talking about? :-p There are really just too many examples. Today I put a full bag of ice cubes in the fridge instead of the freezer. We may have to use an ice pick to have ice for drinks tomorrow.
  15. My parents retired to Arizona, so she now lives over 2,000 miles away. Their old house is only 13 miles from us.
  16. I think we're having green bean bundles. http://www.williams-sonoma.com/recipe/green-bean-bundles-with-bacon-and-brown-sugar.html
  17. We pretty much only ever make chocolate chip cookies during the rest of the year, so we use Christmas to enjoy other favorites. This year we've made... sugar cookie cutouts homemade Oreos pralines caramels I have some macadamia nuts to use, so I may make something with those. Maybe toffee, too.
  18. http://weneeddiversebooks.org/where-to-find-diverse-books/
  19. How does he feel? I've known people who seemed to not be terribly affected by it, but I was so weak I had to crawl to the bathroom. I couldn't even stay awake to watch tv, I just slept, crawled to the bathroom, and ate whatever my parents or little brother made me to eat. I was like a newborn! lol He should definitely take it easy long after he feels recovered (it took me six months to be totally back to normal and I was a healthy teenage varsity soccer player), though.
  20. What got me through that season was trying to have fun things to do at home so it didn't feel like we were missing out by being stuck there. Board games with the older kids while the baby naps, or baking cookies together, or making forts, playing hide-and-seek, anything that is a little special.
  21. We bought my grandparents a Roku and a Netflix subscription a year or two ago. They love having so many options of things to watch.
  22. Thank you, everyone! I'm going to start with the pdf of the Saheeh International, then buy the Oxford version when I'm done with the first. I may move on to other versions eventually. If anyone is interested in reading it together maybe we could start a book club after New Year's. I really appreciate all of your replies!
  23. I'm an atheist but I've read the Bible cover to cover a couple of times. I would like to do the same with the Quran (or is it Qur'an?) Can someone help me find a good English translation? This one seems good, but some reviewers say there are more accurate translations. I don't want to read something that isn't accurate. http://smile.amazon.com/Quran-Oxford-Worlds-Classics/dp/0199535957/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1449632209&sr=1-2&keywords=quran+in+english Thank you!
  24. Minimus is a fun Latin that would seem more gift-like than other Latin programs I can think of.http://www.amazon.com/Minimus-Pupils-Book-Starting-Latin/dp/0521659604
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