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Everything posted by i.love.lucy

  1. Dang!!!! Me too!!! :banghead: Seems like my mom or grandma shoulda taught me that. I mean, I know that it can be done, but if you aren't really big on handling meat in the first place...well then, it's all I can do to clean the turkey of meat, much less think to simmer it and fish out the bones. Seriously, more cooking! Next year, I promise!!!
  2. I thought Anne would be higher. I did not ever read Anne (I know, I know:001_rolleyes:) and have been having my dd (who is in 4th) wait for them. I figured next year in 5th would be best. But she's reading and loving Island of the Blue Dolphins and that's a 1000L. And she loved the 4 or 5 Lemony Snicket's she's read and they are 1120L. I guess it's all relative and the good thing is to use the measures to find comparable books. My dd does love to read, but if she's pushed too far in her reading level, she tends to zone out and gets bored. For her free reading she is loving Emily Windsnap right now, and those are lower, like 670L.
  3. Of course I am so thankful for my relationship with my Savior, and my husband, and my kids. But also random things that have crossed my mind today: - My husband's great job. He works hard and they actually appreciate it. He actually got a raise this month. I am blown away. We have close friends that I haven't even told because the husband was out of work for so long and is now employed but at a HUGE cut in pay. - Being a SAHM and homeschooling! I have always worked, and this last year has been my first to be home and now homeschooling. I love it and am so humbled by the enormity of the task God has called me to. - God's tugging at my heart to grow and change and learn. This past year I have changed so much in my relationship with the Lord, we changed churches, and I have a refreshed and renewed spirit for my walk with God. - This one is weird: I'm thankful to Medifast, a diet that I have found I can live with to help me lose A LOT of weight. I have a long way to go, and because of that I often fail because I can't stick with anything long enough to feel like I can make it the long haul. I have been on Medifast for 6 weeks and have lost 24 lbs and feel like I can keep going. (I'm off tomorrow!;)) - I'm thankful that I am an American, born in a land of such abundance and freedoms. I can worship who and when I want; I have clothes and food and shelter; I have medical care; I can vote and speak my mind. - One last one, I am thankful for BOOKS. I love books. I love the adventure, the wisdom, the insight, the fun, the creative, the historical, the spiritual. I love how they smell. I love how I can tuck one under my arm and take it to the park, or on a plane, or in my favorite chair. I love sharing the joy and appreciation for books with my children and actually seeing it catch on! Happy Thanksgiving!
  4. Not to speak for Janice here, but I think the idea is that you will have much better comprehension if you stick with books that are right about your reading level. That doesn't mean you couldn't stretch above and I'm sure the kids are, but if you stretch too far above you sacrifice comprehension and then you have a waste of time.
  5. It's a carb fest!!!! :tongue_smilie: I just got done with: turkey sweet potato casserole cornbread dressing (I use Paula Dean's recipe) green beans with bacon and onion Tomorrow I will add: some appetizers for pre-dinner gravy rolls cranberry sauce Gooey Pumpkin Cake YUMMMMMMM!!! Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!!!:D
  6. I'm there too! We use CLE for LA and Math and really like it, especially Math. It's been a huge hit with my dd. She's in 4th grade but working quickly (2 lessons a day) in 300 Math because much is review, but I can make sure there aren't any gaps. LA is a little harder for her, more writing and research that takes time, but she still really seems to like it (although I am looking at MCT for a more complete approach to LA - grammar, writing, poetry, etc, but still not sure on that yet). I needed a couple of our subjects to be more independent so I can make sure if other things come up - like doc appts for my in-laws - that it's all still getting done. Going to start my pre-k guy out in CLE for K next year too. :D
  7. H*A*P*P*Y B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y!!!! :party: and Good Luck to your dh!!!!:thumbup:
  8. What about for the Reformation: Luther. It was great.
  9. Me too, on the waiting part. But unfortunately mine will be in 5th. :glare: Maybe I can get one level after the first of the year and try it out. I am still having a hard time wrapping my brain around it all by looking at the samples because I am one who likes to see things in person.
  10. DD 9 is getting a DS lite and a couple of games, a sewing kit that I am putting together for her, and probably some American Girl clothes. From Grandparents she will get a new velour sweatsuit, locket, Webkinz and a game or books. I think probably Bananagrams. DS 5 is getting a New Orleans Saints football uniform, KEVA blocks, and a castle of some sort that he can use with his Playmobil knights and other knight sets (not spending on the Playmobil one). From the Grandparents he will probably get Legos, a Star Wars vehicle, Stomp Rocket or something like that.
  11. So, just to be clear, you do need to add a writing program to MCT? And most people would recommend IEW as a good fit to go along with it? $$$$$$$ Ouch.:glare:
  12. I don't know. You run the risk of crossing the line because you read his email. OTOH, he didn't hide the email, so it's perfectly reasonable that you could have read it. I would ask DH how he feels about his brother encouraging this behavior. You can ask how he's responded to it, and if he does go and visit his brother, how would he handle situations that come up where his brother is encouraging your dh to do things he doesn't want to do.
  13. No. I have one brother, 18 mo younger than me. We fell out of touch for a very long time after our father died. He was 17 and I was 19 and in college. It's very complicated, but he's a toxic and dangerous person and I would never want him around my kids. His ex-wife is still close with my mom (because my mom tries so hard to help her) and so I know his sons. None of us actually even know if he's alive. He was supposedly in rehab after serving time, but I don't know now. I feel like an only child. It's very, very sad, and I hope to have that be quite different for my children.
  14. Dawn, you have to have the pic on your computer. Then click to reply to the thread, then click on the little paperclip icon at the top of the reply box. Another box opens and you need to make that bigger (at least I did). Then you "browse" and find your pic, and click "upload" next to the browse button. Then close the window when it's done, and post your reply. :)
  15. Kid Genius is fun. My favorite that's closest to me is Kaleidoscope Toys in Round Rock. Have fun!!! ETA: There's a fantastic brand new Mardel's homeschool and Christian bookstore in the 1890 Ranch Shopping center in Cedar Park. Otherwise for homeschool stuff it'd be Teacher Heaven on 183 just south of Burnet Rd.
  16. I love this thread!!! Here's my man and his best girl (besides me!) She's nine now, but this pic was captured after their favorite game of chase up and down the stairs. If I recall, this was the same day she took her first steps. :001_wub:
  17. Ok. So I read this thread. Then I have spent the last hour looking at these materials online and trying to wrap my brain around it. My dd is in 4th grade, after having been pulled from ps mid-third grade last year. I put her in R&S but she was so bored that I moved her in to CLE. It's going well, but I know that I want to beef up the writing program. So for this year (4th grade) I am set ($$ spent) on CLE and Just Write and Megawords. Can I reasonably start MCT next year, in 5th grade? WWYD? I looks like complete grammar, vocab, writing and reading all in one, right? If so, would I still start with the materials designed for 3rd graders (which look pretty rigorous compared to what we have been going through)? Or would she be "behind" if I did that? And if I started her in the vocab books instead of grammar, assuming I am giving her a good grammar foundation, I would guess vocab is the minimum you would have to start with because it builds the classical vocab needed for the future reading and writing, right? Help!
  18. Nine. Looks gorgeous and lush. I even tried to post a thread about it but I don't think anyone cares. I am alone in my love for musicals here and IRL! :confused::D
  19. My son went through this. He was an awesome sleeper until he hit 3 and his sleep went all haywire. He started waking in the night and coming to bed with us, and then started not wanting to sleep in his own bed. I tried to be strict, but not only did that not work, it broke my heart! No more of that. Now we just let him and over time it has improved. If you try to take her back to her own bed, will she go? Is she alone in her room, no sharing? It might help her to share for a while. I know that doesn't seem fair to an older sibling, but mama's gotta get some rest! My son just ultimately didn't like being alone, so he's fine if he can have someone in the room. I even tried to get the dog to sleep with him! I think it's really normal for kids sleep patterns to change over time. 3 is a big year of growing and learning so many new things. I used to hear Dr. Brazelton talk about how kids will be on the cusp of something new (like babies walking, for example) and when they wake their brain thinks about that new thing and now they are up. She could be feeling insecure just because she is maturing and seeing that she really isn't the baby anymore, and just needs more snuggles. Sorry I don't have a solution for you!:grouphug:
  20. Just "quoting", ya know, because I can. :tongue_smilie::w00t::drool5::drool::svengo::001_wub::001_tt1::chillpill:
  21. Don't know if mine is particularly intriguing, but anyways... my dd's name is Lucy and I have used i.love.lucy online since she was born. Kinda leaves my son out, but there you go.
  22. :drool: OH! Gorgeous! I loved Chicago so if this is even 1/2 as good I will adore it. See the trailer here. Who's going to see it with me? I know my husband won't! :glare: :D That is all.
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