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Everything posted by i.love.lucy

  1. A book we have enjoyed is "Old Earth Creationism on Trial" by Chaffey and Lisle. It supports a YE viewpoint, but you'd be hard pressed to find one book that supports both views fairly. To be honest, I strive to be like the Bereans, and measure my beliefs against what I find in scripture, so just be careful about books. YKWIM... I'm a young-earther, so it was fine to read this book and have it support my view. I wouldn't probably read a book in support of old-earth because I don't find that to be true from scripture. Hopefully you'll get more book rec's and be able to make a case either way. HTH!!:D
  2. We can certainly keep praying and hoping for you! :grouphug:
  3. Both my dd and I got one from my mom. Her's is pink and mine is leopard! Love it, although I don't really see why she spent $14.99 on a piece of $4 fleece, but whatever.:confused::D
  4. I just can't stand it! Is it night time there? Heather...your cyber-friends are dying to know!!!
  5. 2 Now that we are too old but finally have our ducks in a row I'd like one more, but can't. I feel at peace about it and usually feel like my quiver is full with my 2.
  6. In TX there are none. I withdrew my dd in mid-third grade and used the letter from the THSC website that stated my intent to homeschool. I haven't done anything with my son but my understanding is that I need to send a letter by the time he's 6. Just sent to the school district headquarters. That's it. No testing, no record keeping. Of course I do some of that for my own self. You are supposed to teach math, grammar, history, science and good stewardship, and my curriculum covers all this and more, so I save examples of their work to show this, but I have no concerns that anyone will be knocking on my door.
  7. DD9 - loves her new DS, sewing kit, Liv Doll, and lots of cute clothes and a pair of boots DS5 - loves his marble run, MagnaTiles, Legos and TRIO castle. It's a building year for him I guess. I really wanted to get him KEVA blocks but they were sold out by the time I got around to the store for them.:glare: That's why we got the MagnaTiles, but he doesn't know any better and loves those tiles! No misses so far. But I directed the purchases from everyone. And since I'm their momma, I out to know what they would love! If my mom had been left to her own devices...Oh. I can't even think of how bad. We were very blessed this year. I am humbled by it all.
  8. My pastor divides these things up by "core beliefs" that are distinctive to Christianity that we must agree on, like the resurrection, for example. Then there are outside of that the "characteristic beliefs" that are denominational differences like views on baptism. And outside of that there are the "charity beliefs" like end times or age of the earth that we can agree to disagree on but are not things that should divide the body. I do teach my children what we believe but I also tell them that not everyone agrees with us. But I don't present both sides as fact and allow them to choose. They can do that later themselves. I tell them why we believe that God has led us to this conclusion based on scripture and leave it at that.
  9. Cream cheese covered in Raspberry Chipotle served with Wheat Thins is a must! I also like "Blue Yonder" Stefani's crab triangle thingies.
  10. Now this I can do!!! I, too, love the "idea" of a book a week, but never seem to achieve it. A book a month is a great goal and one that I can exceed by the end of the year! Count me in!!:D Will you start a thread each month? I am hoping to finish one this week and have one in the wings that I want to get started on for January (unless someone else put a hold on it at the library and I have to figure out something else!:glare:)
  11. Sarah Noelle. That's just so awesome! Just think of the story she can tell about how she got her name!:) I also am partial to Lucy.:D
  12. Wow. That's really all I can say! I will be praying for you that this all works out. :grouphug:
  13. I got one of these that was such a hassle I never activated it. I feel bad too. I think the person who bought it thought he was getting me a simple WalMart gift card, which would have been fine. This one is a huge pain, required some confirmation number off the receipt that the guy no longer had. I should dig that out and see what I can do. I certainly don't want to throw away his $30. I'd never buy one of those for someone.
  14. Joanne, I am so sorry for what you are going through and you will certainly be in my prayers. I wish I knew you IRL and we were in the same town so I could have your family over to feed you and cheer you up a little.:grouphug: 10fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
  15. I asked for 4 things and got all four. Pretty good, but a surprise would have been fun too! - an electric blanket! I am always freezing when I crawl into bed!! - ring from James Avery from DH. I LOVE it! - new wallet from dd, it's embroidered with my initial! - silver tea kettle. It's not the exact one I wanted so we'll go this weekend and exchange it. A great excuse to go to Sur La Table!! :D
  16. I'm not overly "done" with family, but I am with the fact that the ENTIRE holiday seems to rest on my shoulders. The other night dh looked at all the gifts under the tree and said "gee, it seems like you know every single present under the tree except three or four" (which are the ones to me). Ayup. And I knew those too, because god forbid anyone puts any original thought into a gift for me. I had named 3 or 4 things I'd like, and that's what I got. Not a single surprise for me. I have done ALL the shopping, cooking, cleaning, preparing, wrapping, everything. Seriously, what would happen if I wasn't here? Would there be no gifts, no decorations, no food? Can't anyone see that I could use some help? And if I say anything then it's treated like this is all my doing and they didn't want all this fuss anyways.:glare: Of course they do. :rant: I will say that when I put aside these petty feelings, I am grateful for having so many blessings and that I have a family to celebrate with. If I didn't have these people to cook and clean and make a holiday for, I would be very sad, so there's that. I will now go and have a glass of wine (it's 11 am here!) and try to relax a little. Merry Christmas!
  17. We didn't do cards this year but did have some taken of the kids for the grandparents. This is one:
  18. I forgot about Outlander. I think I read 10 pages and thought...meh. I thought it was just me, since I hear raves about it!
  19. Just curious what job you have that requires makeup? I've never heard of that.:confused: I'm sad about Max Factor. I saw this cool show on late one night about the giants in the makeup industry and it was neat to learn about the origins of modern makeup and how it has changed with the times. I use Maybeline Great Lash in Waterproof to keep from smudging. I have used it for years and love it. It's the pink and green one.
  20. Yeah, there's no guarantee that all of it would even sell at consignment. You could probably average it all out at $3-4 per item and that would cover it well. I've paid as much as $10-12 for a dress at consignment, but it has to be pretty much new for me to do that, and something I HAVE to have. I usually scan Goodwill and never pay more than $4 for anything there. BUT, like a pp said, if you feel like it might bless them more to get more for it, then by all means. Merry Christmas!!!
  21. I felt the same way about Tara Road. I kept on reading, trying so hard to like it. In the end I felt like: *shrug* :w00t: Hilarious!
  22. Last year I was complaining that it was cold in the house and that my feet were freezing, so my son (4) said "Why don't you just go get those slippers out from under the tree?" This year the kids grandpa was trying to spoil them and they were in the toy section of KMart. My son picked out a Transformer and my dd wanted to get a Liv doll, but my son said "you better not or you will spoil Christmas!" :tongue_smilie:
  23. Martina McBride's White Christmas is a wonderful one. No one can sing "O Holy Night" like her! Of course Charlie Brown. Christmas with the Rat Pack and Elvis. And we have lots of other compliations that we love too.
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