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Everything posted by i.love.lucy

  1. That's just their way of defending their choice. I wouldn't stoop to respond. Seriously, if 2 supposedly intelligent adults are going to use those particular LAME excuses to send their kids to ps, well...then...the school can have them. "Good luck with that" is probably all I would say, and then ask for the bean dip.:D
  2. I have not, and will not, read the Pearls books. But we did attend a conference called "Love and Respect" and it's been helpful to us. For our relationship it's not so much about submission as it is him *loving* me and me *respecting* him. I didn't have huge lessons to learn other than before I open my mouth with advice or correction or whatever, I try to think "say it respectfully". And he thinks "say it lovingly". So we try to act lovingly and respectfully towards eachother. So the submission thing doesn't come up. My pastor did a fantastic sermon a couple of weeks ago about the Contentious Wife. :001_huh: Um...yeah. FAR, FAR more verses and examples about the evils of a contentious woman than there ever are about being some kind of submissive doormat. How the man will go hide on the corner of his roof rather than be with a contentious woman. Not being a Contentious Woman doesn't mean you can't be a strong, smart, supporter and helpmeet.
  3. This is what I thought. I keep thinking that it seems like the freezer would be a big jumble, kinda like my junk drawer. How do you stack frozen dinners and casseroles so that you can see what you are looking for? I have a Kenmore old-school freezer on top that will. not. die. Part of me doesn't want it to so I can use it in the garage, but I want a new fridge SO BADLY!
  4. :iagree: A girl that my dd thought was one of her good friends (somehow never was a BFF and now I know why) decided to be very, very mean to my dd. She embarrassed her at Girl Scouts, was rude, told my dd to leave her alone and that "they weren't friends anymore". They are 9. This was preceded by a couple of smaller "mean" episodes this summer that we tried to brush off. This time my dd was quite hurt and as the girl's mom was not there, I told her about it. I have been able to sense that she has sought out my dd as a friend for her's for a long time and that should have been my red flag. The mom is very nice and trying really hard to create in her dd some nicer qualities and some discernment in friendships. Unfortunately her dd likes the "cool" girls which often leads to emulating bad behavior. She was hoping my dd (and one other Girl Scout - who happens to be my dd's BFF) would rub off on hers. I didn't want to be one of those *tattlers*, but honestly if my kid had behaved the way hers did, I would want to know about it. Ultimately my dd is better off, she is no longer hurt, but actually feels sorry for this girl that she is chasing the wrong types of friends. It's been a great teachable moment for us about discernment, and keeping your heart - being careful who you give it to. It's not always that the mom is mean, kids have their own sense of what makes them feel powerful and in control. I think it's often when they can't act out at all at home, they are meaner to other kids.:glare:
  5. Do you mean that they would be *willing* to do believer's baptism in addition to infant? Because unless I am confused (which is quite possible!:tongue_smilie:) I wouldn't think those two would blend. Isn't paedobaptism part of the covenant? I really am pretty confused by this part of the theology discussion. I found an article online tonight and had to take notes so that I could condense it into language I understand, and still have so much more reading and study to do with this one paper! It will take some serious study me thinks. ETA: Kathleen, you chimed in just as I was typing! I had hoped you would see this thread and share your thoughts. I will check those books out!! Thanks!
  6. Yep, I've read and listened to a bunch of Piper, and he's my pastor's favorite teacher/preacher/theologian. I don't always find his sermons easily understandable. Maybe I'm too distracted or something. I also DO NOT like his endorsement of Mark Driscoll (emergent guy) but that's a whole other thing (not stirring the pot). I understand Piper has a fantastic study of the Book of Revelation that I'd like to listen to - too many sermons, too little time! As a matter of fact, if you haven't read it, the Desiring God website has a wonderful article called "What We Believe About the Five Points of Calvinism: TULIP" that has helped me begin to understand all this more.:)
  7. Our new church is part of the Southern Baptist convention, but calls itself Reformed Baptist, or more closely "Calvinist" in theology. That's why we moved there - awesome expository teaching and preaching, and some of the most theologically knowledgeable people I have ever met. It's been so exciting for us to move to this church and feel like we are in a period of strong growth in our understanding of theology. It's very funny you asked because my dh and I are new to the Dark Side and I am studying all I can. I do understand doctrines of grace, but what I want to now understand is "What is dispensationalism?" What do I believe? And also I'd like to embark on a good eschatology study. I recently even pm'd Kathleen in VA to ask about resources and we decided I should talk to my pastor - very good advice! Maybe some more Dark Siders will chime in for resources. We love John MacArthur, and I am just starting a book by Michael Horton called "Putting the Amazing Back into Grace" but I think he might have a different set of beliefs than I do, not sure yet - but that's the cool thing, I can read and it helps me iron out what I believe by heading to my Bible! :bigear:
  8. I have to agree with Alison. I think it's too much. HoD is so rich without adding more. I asked my dd about first grade the other day (she was in ps) and she doesn't remember much about what she studied at all. They did a state history unit that she has no recollection of at all. And actually if you do Beyond for 1st, and continue on with HoD, you will wind up hitting the 4 year cycle in 4th grade. Beyond - 1st, then Bigger - 2nd, and Preparing - 3rd. We are a year behind you and doing Preparing for 4th and I am finding it on the perfect level for my dd. We are enjoying it immensely and are looking forward to starting the 4 year cycle next year in 5th.
  9. Me too. My "ugly cry", like sit in the dark room staring at the dark tv screen for a couple of hours and sobbing, was Schindler's List. That movie still haunts me. Most of my others are on this list too - I can cry at a commercial.
  10. Hi Gayle, I would encourage you to do a search here on the forum for CLE math as there have been lots of discussions about it. We are using the 300 level after switching from SIngapore and we really love it. I don't really teach much, but part of that is that I am encouraging my dd to get more independent since the other things we do are more mommy intensive. She usually only comes to me when she doesn't understand the instructions. So far (we're in LU 303) it's going great. We aren't yet to any concepts that I am not able to teach, but I think I will be fine. I do have the TM. I would advise that you do download and give the placement test and trust where it puts you. That way you won't wind up with gaps. I think you'd really like it. You can always place your kids, but then only buy one LU to try it out.
  11. Take a toasted baguette slice, sprinkle on some gorgonzola or bleu cheese (I also LOVE stilton) toast until melty and then drizzle on some honey.:tongue_smilie:
  12. Thank you all so much for your thoughtful responses. Ya know, it helps to know this isn't an issue only in our marriage!! I have had time to :chillpill: a little and examine my own heart, and think about his. I think he's genuinely coming from a place of wanting to spend time together. And when I re-read his email he really was saying that he would stay in, help with dinner and bedtime and chores, THEN when the kids are down he can head to his man-cave if he wants and I can do my thing. It would be my job to make sure I don't feel pressured to then use that time to fold laundry etc etc. Don't know if that would work. I am going to try, but I did tell him I can't guarantee every night. Sometimes there is just simply too much to do, or I have a great movie I have looked forward to. But if I do this 3x a week or something it will go a long way in showing him I care about spending time with him, and I might just get some chores done by someone else!! Thanks everyone. It sure felt good to have a little whine and get some commiseration!!:D
  13. Just be glad she's hosting and you aren't getting the notice that you will have to have a clean house and feed a bunch of people on 2 days notice! Hope you have fun!!
  14. literally. Our routine has morphed into this thing where we don't really spend much time together in the evenings. He's a cigar/pipe smoker and likes his football, so several nights a week after we have dinner he heads out to his "man cave" in the garage and watches football, or Mythbusters type shows, works on his car restoration project, and has a cigar. He's beat by 10:30 and comes in to head to bed. I am usually still cleaning up after dinner, feeding the dog, bathing the kids, finishing up evening stuff and I put them to bed. Often they are not in bed until 9 or 9:30. THEN I get to start a load of laundry, fold the clean ones, straighten up around the house. Often it's 10 or later when I finally sit down with a sigh and get to check my email, surf around, check in here. Sometimes I stay online for a while, sometimes I want to go read a book, watch a DVR'd show, or a Netflix. It's MY uninterrupted time. Now he wants me to start getting the kids in bed by 8 so we are done with stories, etc by 8:30. So he will still get his man-cave time for a couple of hours and I will still get my time. And we'd go to bed together at 10:30. 10:30?!?!?:blink: That's practically early evening for a night owl. Why am I feeling SO resentful of this? It's not about *tea time* either. We manage that at other times, or yes, we schedule it in. I am a bona fide (sp?) night owl. I hit my second wind at 8pm. I feel like I give and give and give to all those around me, and those few hours when the whole house is asleep, I am not accountable to anyone. No one interrupts my "Grey's Anatomy" and says "I can't believe you can watch that show!!". Or teases me about my 37th watching/reading of Pride and Prejudice. I'm sure this boils down to doing what would make him happy and that I will see the benefit too. More sleep. Happier dh. Closer relationship. I should be glad that I have a husband that wants to spend time with me. I am probably just resenting it because since he doesn't do much/anything to help around the house, I am seeing this as just one more demand on me. I suppose it wouldn't hurt for him to bear witness to the fact that I have a lot to do in the evenings and that if we wants me to be done with it so that I can go to bed when he does at 10:30, then I might need some help. Hmmmm... maybe not such a bad thing.:tongue_smilie:
  15. We have to do this for DH's office party this year. I am loving the huge jar of Mayo!!!:lol:
  16. Hi Alison, We're using DITHOR and really like it. I am not sure I can say that a lit program is essential in grammar age, but my dd was devouring books without really slowing down to *savor* them. When I assign a genre through DITHOR, I set the pace and don't allow her to read more/faster. She has assignments that encourage her to really think about the moral themes, the characters, the plot points, etc. I am not creative enough to be able to have come up with those activities/questions on my own! She still gets plenty of free reading time where I don't monitor how fast she reads or require narration, but this way I know certain books are really being thoroughly read and studied and enjoyed in depth.
  17. DD is reading Island of the Blue Dolphins for her DITHOR assignment. She's reading parts aloud to me. DS doesn't read yet, so he gets a host of picture books - tonight was Cowboy Alphabet. Together we are about to start Miriam by Beatrice Gormley as I think it will fit in nicely with our Old Testament time period we are studying in history. Up next we will start a bunch of Christmas books. I have a list and am chomping at the bit for them to come back to the library!
  18. I'm using Heart of Dakota and I can't say it's very "specifically" reformed. Definitely a *providential* view of God's hand in history. I think it will line up with our Reformed Baptist beliefs just fine, and I am supplementing with more (church history and catechism) as well. We will likely see more how it plays out in HoD when the next manual -Resurrection to Reformation - comes out next summer.
  19. I love my brand new ESV Study Bible. The notes are fantastic and have helped me so much! We also really like our NKJ John MacArthur Study Bible as that's a new translation for us. DH wants the large print NASB coming out from John MacArthur this coming spring. I too enjoy having many translations to refer to and different ones to use with the kids. We won't go quite as far down the scale to The Message though. It's just not for us.
  20. Yes, get this and the Paula Deen cookbook for kids! My dd is now 9 and LOVES to cook and has to don her special apron every time.:D
  21. I adore Finding Nemo. I will admit to actually liking the High School Musical movies. As mentioned, loved Enchanted, but even more - Ella Enchanted. Night at the Museum The Game Plan Madagascar Up Bolt Shrek Nanny McPhee Mary Poppins Stuart Little Bedtime Stories Nims Island Kung Fu Panda Zoom: Academy for Superheroes That's all I can think of right now.
  22. Can I hijack and ask if most of you stick with sets or just get what grabs your kids fancy right now? My son is 5 and just getting into Playmobil, and his sister is even playing with him (she's 9). We have a Fisher Price Pirate Ship that he uses some small Playmobil pirate stuff with, but I don't think I want to continue to buy pirate stuff. But the castles and knights! Oh, I love those! Then he saw the Egyptians. Then we saw the Roman legions. These things are just so expensive! What sets have your kids loved the most?
  23. I said $0 because as a rule we don't exchange gifts at all. But then I remembered that we are often invited to birthday parties, and for that I usually spend $10, or if it's a BFF maybe $20. But we don't exchange Christmas gifts as a rule. This year we'd like to bake some goodies for a few friends.
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