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Everything posted by KRG

  1. I don't like outside all that much. My youngest is a lot like me, too. I aim for at least 20-30 minutes everyday just to get some sun and fresh air. We are in TX and the heat and humidity are awful so if we miss a day I'm not going to worry about it ;)
  2. Sorry for your afternoon troubles, Jean! I hope the clothes come clean!!
  3. Well it's been anything but an easy and relaxing day :( I'm going to start supper and hope for a better evening!
  4. No plans today--hoping for an easy and relaxing day!
  5. Happy 4th!! I got up early and went to the grocery store while everyone else was still asleep. It was nice shopping by myself! We have plans to grill but rain may interfere with that. Fireworks show tonight--again if it doesn't rain
  6. goodness, we hold onto them sometimes for a month or more. I've considered canceling since we are averaging 1 or less a month. We actually have two to watch right now--one they had to ship from another distribution center so they shipped it when it became available and then the regular 1 at a time that is our plan. I just checked and we've had them for 3 weeks now.
  7. Last night I vacuumed Today I've wiped down the kitchen started laundry cleaned one bathroom My house is cluttered. I have a pile of stuff in the entryway for goodwill, my dresser because it is a flat surface is a dropping ground for any and everything, my homeschool shelves really need to be purged but yet I sit and ignore ;) I also need to mop but I may put that off til Monday...
  8. I'm so sorry. Death has a way of bringing out the worst in people. My sister passed away last year and we had to make that decision. I agree there is no point to making the dying suffer more so someone can say goodbye. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  9. I took today off I'm seriously considering asking dh to bring taco bell home for supper
  10. another vote for candy and ice cream ;) How is the chicken cooked? Why not just chicken, potatoes and add something green? Or make a casserole out of it--cube chicken, dice and cook some potatoes, mix w/sour cream and cream of chicken if you use that and top with cheese...bake at 350 Make kabobs Chicken and potato salad
  11. I think of going out to eat as spending money on a meal that someone else has cooked. For me it boils down to money spent, not whether we sat in a restaurant or what we ordered.
  12. My youngest is about the same age--sounds very typical to me. He has yet to make it through a 45 storytime at the library. Some kiddos are just wired differently.
  13. 1 interview down another one this afternoon I'll throw some laundry in when I get back home Supper--dh grilled a ton last night so I'm going to make something with grilled chicken
  14. No, I would work on helping her to take care of it.
  15. On no!! I am just about start season 3...uggg Dh and I thought we had finally found a new show to watch :(
  16. Happy Anniversary Amy!!! Melissa, I hope things turn around for you. I'm sorry you are having a rough day. Today... Dh & #1 are going to mow the yard if the rain stays away and the yard has dried out from the rain last week... We are going to grill chicken this afternoon On somewhat of a whim I filled out some applications for very part time employment... I got called for 2 interview tomorrow so I'm going to study up on that. We'll still be able to homeschool, it is very part-time. Try and relax because I am officially freaked out about the interviews and possibly going back to work.
  17. Sorry--your responsibility you left it there. They could have chunked and not thought twice about it. Once I left my favorite jeans at a hotel...I paid through the nose to have them shipped home to me, too.
  18. hair is shoulder length--goes in a ponytail most days I agree when I had shorter hair it took longer to deal with and was frustrating to me
  19. We apparently use a lot of water.... Our bill is about $60 a month for just under 10,000 gallons.
  20. You know we did everything 'right' with our oldest. Even enrolled him in a private Christian school. Everything we did was torn down by church and a Christian school. Then there is that point where they have to make their own decisions. He's almost 17 and is somewhere between agnostic and atheist and occasionally being ok w/Christianity. So I'm clueless as to how to go about it. We no longer attend church and chances are pretty good that I will homeschool our youngest. I pray and continue on the best way I know how.
  21. I'm a middle of the day kind of person but my youngest is a morning person. He has recently started sleeping a little later because he is staying up later(summer time). By 9 we've had a pretty full day and most of my chores have started and/or done. My oldest keeps his own schedule for schooling--he usually starts around 8. I'm not being snarky but as far as time w/God and exercise...that is usually shorts prayers for God's help during the day and exercise is a super walmart grocery shopping trip. I miss sleeping in!
  22. on twitter and fb, click on them and will open a new tab or new page and you can see everything that was hash tagged with that word or phrase. I'm assuming on websites that support hash tagging that they are hyperlinks
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