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Everything posted by KRG

  1. My husband and his co-workers travel quite a bit and are given room upgrades frequently. They are all also members of many hotel point programs and upgrades are one of the perks. One of his co-workers flies so much that the airline called him the other day and offered to upgrade him to first class. I don't know specifically about asking for room upgrades--well I have heard that slipping the desk clerk a $20 helps... Maybe someone else will have info on that.
  2. Sister Wives The Middle Hart of Dixie
  3. Dh & I are making #2 a busy board. I have started and hope to finish a stick horse for him also. I had all kinds of homemade ideas for everyone but I am out of steam.
  4. We started early this year so we could take the whole month off. It was hard to stay in routine last December. All we wanted to do was Christmas stuff so that's when we made the decision to start back early. So far we are enjoying it! It has been a very long semester! We will probably start back January 2nd and ease back into it and pick up full force the following week.
  5. All it took was one year for all of us to get flu. It was the most miserable experience and I hope we never go through it again. We get the shot now. We are in TX and there have already been confirmed cases(the pediatrician and my dr. both told us) of flu in our town.
  6. Well I heard this blues rendition of Frosty the Snowman on the radio this morning--They Call Me Frosty...I'm made of snow....my sister's a sno-cone, my brother's a flake..
  7. My mil found out that my husband's great aunt(on his dad's side) lived in the next town over. My husband has not seen this woman since he was a child--they pretty much had never had a relationship. He said they were always mean to him when he was a kid and he loathed seeing them for the holidays. My mil decided to give this woman all of our contact information and sent her copies of pictures of our kids. Too say we were pissed was an understatement! We have never heard from her thankfully. My mil has NPD also. She lives 800 miles from us and has now cutoff all contact with all of her children. We get updates from her sister(my husband's nice aunt :) ) and she says that she is as crazy as ever and constantly stirring things up--especially at churches because you know all the preachers are attracted to her and want to have an affair with her. She pulled that when she lived in TX, too. Yes, that's right all these preachers want a little something from an 84 year old crazy woman. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny.
  8. Diapers are in the washer and I have vacuumed. I have not lost my mind yet. I took the boys out to lunch so that might be considered fun... ;)
  9. Another tip from my school teaching days--get shampoo w/coconut in it. I don't know what it is about the coconut but teachers swear by it! I still use shampoo with coconut because you just never know where those creepy little bugs are going to show up!
  10. The atheist thing would not bother me as much as the p*rn/comments about girls. #1 has gone back and forth the last year or so about being an atheist. It hurt but we remained calm and talked about it with out being judgmental. I think he is/was questioning and I'm ok with that. He told me the other day that he and God were ok. In that respect I think it is very common for teens to question what they have been taught about religion. Is the boy's dad in the picture and what are his thoughts on p*rn? I would start there and have dad talk to him assuming that it would be a positive conversation. P*rn/addiction seems to be so rampant these days. I would search out any and every person/place I could to help him.
  11. Oh that is horrible! I would have everyone wash their hair w/the tea tree oil. I would get a nitpick and comb through everyone's hair just to make sure and I would start washing bedding in hot water and then dry in high heat and boil all combs.
  12. 1. make dinner-done 2. wipe down kitchen-done 3. wash diapers 4. vacuum 5. do something fun with the boys 6. do not lose my mind
  13. This is one of my favorites: Chocolate Crinkle Cookies 1/2 cup vegetable oil 4 oz unsweetened baking chocolate, melted, cooled 2 cups granulated sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 4 eggs 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup powdered sugar 1. In large bowl, mix oil, chocolate, granulated sugar and vanilla. Stir in eggs, one at a time. Stir in flour, baking powder and salt. Cover; refrigerate at least 3 hours. 2. Heat oven to 350°F. Grease cookie sheet with shortening or cooking spray. 3. Drop dough by teaspoonfuls into powdered sugar; roll around to coat and shape into balls. Place about 2 inches apart on cookie sheets. 4. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until almost no imprint remains when touched lightly in center. Immediately remove from cookie sheets to cooling racks. Wow that c/p horribly. Here is a link: http://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/chocolate-crinkles/941e22b3-9a48-4fb1-bdb0-27479e76d484#?st=6&term=chocolate crinkle cookies&ps=9&pi=9#?st=6&term=chocolate crinkle cookies&ps=9&pi=9
  14. I have just a few stocking stuffers left to buy.
  15. I had macaroni and cheese for breakfast today. We were out of everything on Sunday. I stopped and got a kolache(pig in the blanket) for #2 on the way to the grocery store. There's a donut shop close by that has a drive-thru. I was very thankful for it Sunday morning.
  16. ((hugs)) researching everything on the computer is only going to make things worse--gently said, please stop. My 2 year old almost always has interesting diapers--definitely know when he's had blueberries ;) Corn is not easily digested even by adults.
  17. 90% slacker today... Dropped #2 off at my mom's. Went to Target and Walmart although I just did a major grocery trip on Sunday. Why is there always one or two things that no one mentions beforehand, but are a daily necessity, like toothpaste? I wiped down the kitchen, we had leftovers for dinner and I put dinner dishes in the dishwasher.
  18. It's been in the 80s since Thanksgiving :( It rained today and cooled off a little but that is supposed to only last a few days and we start the cycle over again. That's Texas... Someone posted on FB that there are 2 seasons in Texas: Summer and Winter and they could possibly happen in the same week--so very true!
  19. Human error--my son was the same height for 3 visits. He was definitely growing but he was such a wiggle worm when they measured him. The Dr. realized this and it was no big deal. I wouldn't worry.
  20. It is nowhere near the top of my list of things to fear/worry about. I buy what I can afford and don't give it another thought. I also think that most foods labeled organic at the grocery store are not really all that organic--I have nothing to back that up it's just what I think... That's about as conspiracy theorist as I get though.
  21. What is it that he wants to do? Maybe we can help you come up with something comparable. Easy and inexpensive is a park, but I don't know where you live and what the weather is like. I'm in TX and the a/c just kicked on...
  22. Thanks--it was a family effort! There is no way I could have tackled it all on my own!
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