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Everything posted by BigMamaBird

  1. I don't think you could get anywhere with calling the county about smoking. But if they're just standing around out there you could probably call about loitering.
  2. I'm 38 and still wear them, with no plans to stop. I just bought a shirt from TeeFury.com the other day and I can't wait for it to show up.
  3. I have absolutely no problem with spanking, just so you know where my bias is. What you have described sounds pretty harsh. I could let the heating issue slide, but a little kid shouldn't be made to sit at a table over 12 hours. Kids shouldn't be forced to eat hot peppers for any reason. I would be tempted to call and let CPS decide.
  4. I have problems reading social cues and I often worry that I'm being an imposition on people. I wish people would be brutally blunt with me so I can know exactly what they expect. It sounds to me that maybe she has some of this going on at the moment. For example, when you said your son was having a rough day and things were tense, try telling her that. If your DH is super busy and preoccupied, tell her that. It may seem a little self explanatory, but I know I would feel a whole lot more at ease if I knew what was going on and that I personally wasn't contributing to any hard feelings in my environment.
  5. I think the elf ears could be cute. The contacts can be removed so not a hill I'd die on. The fangs though. I definitely think that would effect your employability and I would also be concerned about how that would effect your dental health. Damaging your enamel like that might cause issues in the long term. If they really need "big pointy teeth" can they look into something that's removable like veneers or something?
  6. I've been watching Friends on Netflix and my husband got a chuckle yesterday. We were watching an episode where Joey wants to order a pizza but they can't because Rachael was waiting for a call about a job and wouldn't let anyone on the line. That would never happen today, everyone would just whip out their smart phone and order online! Their phone was this huge, chunky number with an enormous antenna. The 90's don't feel that long ago but the differences are pretty blatant.
  7. One of my favorite lines from a movie is in Signs where Joaquin Phoenix is watching the news footage of one of the aliens at a children's birthday party in Mexico and he keeps shooing the children in the video out of the way and saying "Vamanos, children!" I say that to my kids all the time when they get underfoot.
  8. Oh my goodness!!! I saw that segment on our local noon news and my first thought was "Six kids? I wonder if they homeschool."
  9. How cool to have discovered this whole new dimension to your family ancestry. As you stated, I don't think I'd apply for the purposes of receiving financial benefits. But it will be neat to read about those peoples and know it's part of your personal family history.
  10. I can't vote for the opposing party and I won't vote for the party I'm usually affiliated with. So this year I am seriously researching Gary Johnson. We disagree on my one major hot button issue and I'm having a hard time deciding if I'll actually vote for him or simply abstain this year. I've never not voted and I don't want to abstain. But the two major candidates are garbage and the alternative vote would mean going against a very strongly held belief. I'm praying hardcore on this one!
  11. I like to have a box of garlic toast and a bag of frozen ravioli in the freezer for those days I just can't get it together. I know it's carb loaded and not healthy, but the kids love it and some days I just don't want to deal with picky eaters.
  12. Ditto here. The Dentist was threatening to give me antibiotics because of my inflamed gums. The Hygienist encouraged me to try using those floss picks they sell at the store. I used them faithfully for 6 months and at my next visit the Dentist couldn't believe the difference. Flossing works for me.
  13. Add to that, the people I know who have inherited a house have seen it more as a curse than a blessing. Planning on selling that? Ha! Good luck. Here's a list of $10k worth of repairs that YOU have to pay for before you can put it on the market. Just going to call in an Estate Sale company to get rid of the stuff? Good luck, unless you have some fairly specific stuff, they don't want to work with you. Place doesn't sell in time? You're responsible for those taxes. Gotta pay for someone to go an mow the lawn or the county's coming after you. Raccoons, backed plumbing, broken sump during a storm? That's all on you, honey.
  14. Nope. No way. I give money to sick people and adorable animals. Healthy adult males can fend for themselves.
  15. Great article, thanks for posting. To his caveats I'll add, I did a bit of peeking over my shoulder while taking the dog out for her midnight potty break! After a show like this I have to remind myself that I'm a grown woman and the only thing in the dark to be afraid of is our neighborhood skunk!
  16. I haven't. Off to hunt that down.
  17. My Dh and I just finished binge watching Stranger Things on Netflix. I really enjoyed it! It's like a mix of all the best 80's movies, X-Files and a Stephen King novel. Very well written, beautifully shot and the kids are amazing. I highly recommend it.
  18. From what I understand, Hillary isn't actually there yet, she'll accept the nomination tomorrow. So it makes sense they would have a picture of Bill who did a big speech about her, rather than a stock photo of her from some random place. I'm sure there will be lots of pictures of her after her speech on Thursday.
  19. I imagine if they sat any random 7 year old from any random public school the results could very well be similar. You aren't a failure.
  20. I like this. Rather than telling them what they can't wear, tell them what they can. Certain style shirt, certain style pant, no graphics. Boom, you're done.
  21. My Dd got poison ivy on her face when she was 5. It was a nightmare. We took her to the Pediatrician and they did not mess around. They gave her oral steroids and a face cream. I'm not kidding when I say she got roid rage, it was insane! But it cleared the rash up quickly. It looked so painful, the speedy response of the medicine was well worth dealing with a crazy 5 year old for a few days.
  22. I believe in Pet Woo-woo too. You aren't alone! :laugh:
  23. And the show is so much tamer than the books!!
  24. Oh man, that's rough. I'm sorry your family is dealing with this. Poor Mama dog too. If she adopted it into her litter, I can't imagine that she'd kill it on purpose. I don't know anything about dog behavior, but that just doesn't sound right. I agree with the other posters who said either it was an accidental crushing incident or the little kitten was not thriving anyway and just died.
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