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Erica in OR

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Everything posted by Erica in OR

  1. You might consider Sunset Bay State Park in Coos Bay, Oregon. We stayed nearby in North Bend recently at an Airbnb location and it was all just lovely. A friend that same weekend was at Sunset Bay in a camp trailer and recommended it. Erica in OR
  2. Good point. I am wondering if his son was influencing the books even before he was credited as a co-author. Or was he possibly losing his edge at that point? I found some of the later books under just Dick Francis's name not as good. The ones by both of them are just "Huh?" I think buying used Dick Francis books was the main reason I joined eBay way back when. :) Erica in OR SaveSave
  3. Ugh. Agree with that too. The last couple were just painful. Erica in OR SaveSave
  4. After a certain point in Dick Francis's writing, his books became like that for me. Erica in OR
  5. Make sure your watch does not have an alarm set that will interrupt the test. Bring a calculator that is approved and be familiar with how to use it if it's new to you. Depending on the school, be prepared for chaos. No one seemed to know what was going on when we did it last year. I know I should be training my student to take care of things on hero own, but that day I physically walked her in to the school office to figure out where she was supposed to go and then walked with her to the designated classroom and spoke with a teacher there to make sure everything was set for her to do the test. Erica in OR
  6. My oldest is taking her first DE class this year. The public high school offers the DE class on its prospectus, and it is done through the local community college. The grading is done similarly. The instructor provides two grades: one for looking at the assignments on a high school grading level and one for a score at the community college level. I am guessing she submits the two separate grades, one to the high school and one to the community college. I'm not quite sure how to reflect that either. I agree with your description of "muddy". Erica in OR
  7. We use it as a base—top it with alfredo sauce, grilled chicken, and steamed broccoli. Erica in OR
  8. Animalympics. Having trouble putting in a link on my tablet, but a search will turn up at least a couple copies. Erica in OR
  9. With the real Sudafed, keep in mind that it can take some time to show improvement. Mine took up to a week of taking it, plus the lymph massage for a good release of pressure. Don't give it up if it doesn't seem to help the first day or two. Erica in OR
  10. He might try lymph drainage massage—a video shows what to do. This helped me a lot when I had an extended period of plugged ears (likely allergy related, and no infections). It's easy to do and worth a shot though. Erica in OR
  11. What program did your daughter move from this into? Was it a smooth transition? I'm wondering if someone who had already completed Alg 1 and/or Alg 2 could move into it. Erica in OR
  12. If finishing in four years is her goal, I would say "yes" to your suggestion of also meeting with an advisor in the education department. It's not just the education credits, it's also knowing how the school helps you handle getting your teaching license in hand when you graduate and how long any additional hoops associated with that take to complete. Based on my experience, it could be tough finishing in four years, especially if the education credits include a semester of student teaching. At the university I attended, I registered for that semester at 12 credits (minimum for full-time), but could not take any additional classes while student teaching, which was full-time off-campus. Even with full to the max loads other semesters and a couple summer classes, it took me 4 1/2 years. Mine was also a secondary ed with science degree. Not sure if the school would connect you with a recent grad (perhaps through email), but their take on it would also be valuable. Erica in OR
  13. Lymph drainage massage might help. I've used the techniques at to do neck/head/ear massage type techniques on myself when my ears just wouldn't drain/"pop" from either cold or allergy issues. Erica in OR
  14. Score for Charlotte Mason: 6 Score for Classical Education: 21 Score for Montessori Education: 3 Score for Project-Based Learning: 6 Score for Reggio-Inspired:8 Score for Thomas Jefferson Education: 10 Score for Traditional Education: -10 Score for Unit Studies Approach: 9 Score for Unschooling Approach: 0 Score for Waldorf Education: 5
  15. My DH and I were talking about some of these misuses today. He brought up the use of "a mute point" vs. "a moot point." "Wah-lah" instead of voila results in a minor inner cringe when I see it. Erica in OR
  16. Krusteaz is the blue bag. You can also make it into a waffle batter by adding oil and eggs instead of water only. We also buy it by the 25 lb. box at a local restaurant supply store. Erica in OR
  17. Went with a private driving school that operates through our community college. The quality of this particular instructor's course was well worth the several hundred dollar cost. 12 hours on the road (six behind the wheel, six observing a fellow student with specific activities to do as you ride), 36 hours in the classroom. This takes off 50 hours from the 100 hour drive time requirement, plus they don't have to do the road test, only the written. I went on the first drive with my dd (partner had a family emergency) and learned things that were helpful for my own driving as well. I'll sign up another child next year when she gets her permit. Pretty much 1000% better than my driver ed experience in high school. I'm wondering if my instructor eventually got fired. Erica in OR ETA: Oldest now has her license. Total game changer. Such a blessing to have her able to drive her and a sibling to their various commitments in town.
  18. Another question is how old is "old"? I just brought back a month old post in the hopes of a positive update from the OP. Elsewhere the OP resurrected one to give an update a year or two later. Erica in OR
  19. I'll put in another vote for Sushi Go. My kids and I did several board game afternoons at a local game shop to try out stuff from their wall of games, and this is the one my older kids (11 and up) decided to buy. Erica in OR
  20. Depends on the type of seed. Some are recommended for purchasing new every year for better germination (corn and leeks, that I've heard). Others get still good germination after even lengthy storage. I have seeds several years old. We have them in zip-seal bags in the refrigerator, with a couple of silica packets to help remove moisture. I've never frozen them though. I agree with others—put them up on freecycle or somewhere. They're probably good seed, but if you don't want to mess with them, don't. Erica in OR
  21. Just wondering how this all turned out. Hoping it got resolved for the OP and her daughter. Erica in OR
  22. My local restaurant supply sells "Dawn Pot & Pan Detergent Liquid." It comes in gallon containers, but it lasts forever. Erica in OR
  23. I also use Dawn, but have been transitioning into using Zote laundry soap, the pink bar. Erica in OR
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