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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. I doubt it. Kids will be kids. Most likely next time he'll just pay more attention to the state of his pockets lol. Just sayin.' Glad he didn't end up losing it or totally destroying it! You could probably replace the screen at some point should you decide to (a 'natural consequence' might be having him earn the money to replace the screen or some such).
  2. We are stretching 6th grade out over two years (doing the first of those two years now). My daughter is a good student but was the youngest in her class when she first started school (she was in public school for K through most of third grade before we pulled her out to start homeschooling instead) and after a couple of years of homeschooling, I can't help thinking that: 1. She'd be more independent with and get more out of some of the research and reading and writing topics she's expected to do if she had that extra year of age and maturity. I feel this will be even more the case as we go further into "middle school" years and then high school years. 2. She'd be better off being a bit older and more mature when she graduates so that she'll be best prepared for whatever it is that will come next in her life. 3. Childhood doesn't need to be rushed. So, we made our decision and we're going with it.
  3. I thought it was meant to be a cutesy sort of thing. I didn't know people pronounced it like that for REAL. lol.
  4. Er...why is it that those people are your Facebook "friends"...? They don't sound like friends. Delete!
  5. Not creepy at all to me. They are trying to make what money they can before summer's long gone. They probably hit different blocks/neighborhoods at different times. They can't be EVERYWHERE at 6:30 on the dot. Ours comes only sporadically and at odd times. Sometimes afternoon, sometimes night. Sometimes right smack before dinner time and I'd find myself wishing she'd come a bit later so it could be dessert time and not dinner time!
  6. I'm early into Book 5 now. Never seen the series (will have to check if Netflix has it)!
  7. I haven't read the Fallen Angels series- I think I will check it out soon! J.R. Ward is a female btw! :)
  8. Hmm. I guess the Girl Scouts leader, Judo Sensei, children's librarian who runs the book club, guitar teacher, other Homeschool families, friends, relatives, neighbors, soccer coaches, swim instructors, art camp teachers, field trip and educational tour guides, employees of the various establishments we frequent, and so on and so forth aren't part of "the village" in her little shoebox world. Such a shame I isolate my children from the 29 other kids their exact age and the few adults they might interact with on a daily basis in a public school classroom and expose them to the real world instead. We all know it's much better to spend 12 years preparing for the real world while shut away in one room than actually, you know, living it. And how some overworked and underpaid teacher has more of a vested interest in our children than we do. And I'm sorry she is so lacking in confidence and perceived intelligence that she can't even comprehend being able to teach a preschooler, for crying out loud (perhaps she has public school to thank for that)! But is she really unaware of the dismal failing states of our public schools, the graduates who can't put together a coherent written sentence, the way even the best public school teachers are forced to forgo a well rounded education in order to teach to the test? It's ok. Kids like hers will work for kids like mine some day. She can put that arrogance in her pipe and smoke it!
  9. Firefox on my computer (used to use IE but switched to Firefox and now have far fewer problems!) and Safari on my iPhone.
  10. American Idol, Biggest Loser, Hell's Kitchen, and Survivor. My husband watches those plus a handful of tattoo ones (he's a tattoo artist) and The Ultimate Fighter.
  11. I'd just be like dh, he's six years old. Of course he doesn't want to think yet of leaving his parents, nor should he have to. When he's old enough, he will decide what sort of college he will go to, but what's the point of making him cry about it now?! I'd also tell my kid that regardless of what his father said, there are lots of options for college, including ones close to home, and that HE will decide which one he wants to go with when he's old enough, so he doesn't have to worry about it now.
  12. That was a great book! As a follow up, I highly recommend reading the following book to/WITH your kids: http://www.amazon.com/Safe-Zone-Guide-Personal-Safety/dp/0688153089/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1316554862&sr=8-1
  13. I liked that series, too! When you're done with Laurel K. Hamilton, I highly recommend J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series!!! OMG I know. That stuff was sooooooooooooooooooooo good (and I would not have minded an alcoholic version at all haha). I think I need to look up a recipe online and try to make it, you've got me drooling over the memory of the stuff hehe. Anyway, I am reading A Dance With Dragons (I think that's it), the 5th in the Game of Thrones series by George R.R. Martin. I'm also reading The Inheritors by William Golding as a read aloud with my almost 11 y/o daughter. (And A Treasury For Five Year Olds with my almost 6 y/o son). :)
  14. When they ask, we have conversations about it and read age-appropriate books. This usually happens around age 4-5 with my kids, and then comes up again periodically from time to time.
  15. Nobody in my house gets flu shots even though we stay up to date with most vaccinations. I just don't see it as a benefit that outweighs the risk.
  16. You could have the little ones make cards and pictures while the parents write thank you letters, then mail to the closest veteran's hospital to cheer up the veterans there. If you have older kids in the group who might like a veteran pen pal, you can include their names and addresses when you send your letters. Maybe include some stationery and stamps and such to help make that feasible?
  17. Poor kiddo. My oldest had chicken pox as a toddler and just as a tip, I put socks on her hands safety pinned to the insides of her sleeves so she couldn't get them off (gloves or mittens would work too) to prevent her from scratching too badly and causing scarring or something. Oatmeal baths are said to help. Hope she recovers quickly! And hope you don't get it!
  18. No problem, so glad it helped! And I do want to also stress that using the humidifier is a VERY important step! It helps immensely!
  19. Hi, Not sure where it can be found on the website, but looking at the unscented stick o butter that I have, it says: Active ingredient: Colloidal Oatmeal 0.007 percent Inactive Ingredients: Shea butter, olive oil, coconut oil, beeswax, cocoa butter, vitamin E Hope this helps!
  20. http://nancextoo.livejournal.com/160161.html Post of how I got my daughter's eczema under control with before and after pics, etc.
  21. Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series. Love, love, love. Fantastic story. Huge crush on Jamie! :D
  22. Yep, it was me! Me, who really, really needs to start logging some minutes...we've only logged 30 minutes this whole time, I'm ashamed to say. I think I will put board games to my mental list of things to accomplish today! :)
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